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GUI instruction

Yue Pan edited this page Dec 6, 2020 · 1 revision
Button Function
Space pause/resume
F1 switch to single color map visualization
F2 switch to frame-wise random color map visualization
F3 switch to elevation based map visualization
F4 switch to intensity based map visualization [gray colormap]
F5 switch to intensity based map visualization [jet colormap]
F6 turn on/off the visualization of current scan in scan window
F7 turn on/off the visualization of the pose graph (nodes)
F8 turn on/off the visualization of local feature map in map window
F9 turn on/off the visualization of dense point cloud in map window
F10 turn on/off the visualization of registration feature points in feature window
F11 turn on/off the visualization of pairwise registration in registration window
F12 turn on/off the visualization of the pose graph (edges)
T turn on/off the visualization of ground truth trajectory (if available)
N turn on/off the visualization of normal/primary vectors in feature window
S turn on/off the visualization of distance (30,60,90,120m) circles in scan, feature windows
U turn on/off the visualization of color bar
J take screenshoot
R reset window scale
Y reset window persepective
K enable jump to X frame mode (only available in slam replay procedure)
L enable pausing at the found loop closure
F fly to point
G turn on/off the plotting scale
V turn on/off the visualization of vertex keypoints in map and feature windows
O switch between persepective/orthogonal projection
M refreshing (to make the visualization more fluent)
Up decrease the downsampling ratio (display denser points)
Down increase the downsampling ratio (display sparser points)
Left decrease the brightness of the window background
Right increase the brightness of the window background
+ increase point size
- decrease point size
H pause and show the help (instructions) in the terminal
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