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Setup for a deep learning server.

Boot with legacy mode

Press E with boot ubuntu live CD, you will see the options.

Disable nouveau when boot if you are seeing nouveau errors.

  • Press 'e'
  • Add nouveau.modeset=0 to the end of the linux line, before ----
  • Press F10 to boot.

Fix system lead.

(Using boot-repair in UEFI boot mode)[]

Before start

I was planning to write a script for install all the depandences. But I found that I can not keep up with the updates of all the depandences. However, their official sites updates regularly and are getting better and better for researchers. Thus, I am writing this to give some basic procedures I would follow. If you have anything that will facilitates researchers, please feel free to open up a pull request!

First, you should be aware that after you have installed the system and installed the SSH service with

sudo apt-get install openssh-server

You can login remotely and do following steps all from a remote command line (including driver installation). And this is clearly a better choice since you have every access to your daily staff and can drink a cup of caffe while do following steps. And note that using wget to download things you need from a command line would be a good chioce.

Driver and Cuda installation

  • Personally, install cude.deb directly is the best choice and it install drivers automatically. CUDA official download site.
  • If above fails, install nvidia driver from the ubuntu 'additional drivers' (type win and search 'additional drivers', you will see it).
  • If still fails, install driver with a run file from official Nvidia Driver site.
  • Note that block third-party drivers should not be a hard request from above procedure.
  • For cudnn, I prefer follow the official site to install the three deb files.

apt-get install

I tried to list every thing we need, but that is hard and it is better we just install things when we need it.

Anacoda installation

  • It should not require a root permission, these I would not install it on a server. Indivitual user should install it theirselves with wget and bash. Click to official download site.

Tensorflow installation

I have no commants on this, since I have been away from this platform for long. See Tensorflow offcial site.

Pytorch installation

  • It should not require a root permission, these I would not install it on a server. Indivitual user should install it theirselves. See Pytorch offcial site.

OpenCV installation

There is a very cool script to install it, see here. OpenCV with FFMPEG is supported from above script. However, it seems to be a common case when opencv with FFMPEG fails. Thus, I highly recommand reading your video files with imageio or some other easy-installed packages, and processing pictures with the opencv installed with conda or pip:

pip install opencv-python


There is a very cool scrip to install a vim with many useful plugins, here.

Some default confit for Git

git config --global ""
git config --global "YuhangSong"
git config --global push.default "current"
git config --global pull.default "current" 
git config --global credential.helper "cache --timeout=36000000000000000"

git config --local ""
git config --local "YuhangSong"
git config --local push.default "current"
git config --local pull.default "current" 
git config --local credential.helper "cache --timeout=36000000000000000"
git config --global ""
git config --global "anonymous-due-to-review-policy"
git config --global push.default "current"
git config --global pull.default "current" 
git config --global credential.helper "cache --timeout=36000000000000000"

SSH personal config

Add ssh config files from here (This is private, you wounldn't need it).

Atom Settings

Async atom settings from here (This is private, you wounldn't need it).

If you are using your personal computer, you may want to make it beautiful.

Backup and Restore


Use following command from a liveCD to backup the system.

sudo su
tar --warning='no-file-ignored' --warning='no-file-changed' -cvpzf $SYS_ROOT/backup.tgz --exclude=$SYS_ROOT/backup.tgz --exclude=$SYS_ROOT/proc --exclude=$SYS_ROOT/lost+found --exclude=$SYS_ROOT/mnt --exclude=$SYS_ROOT/sys $SYS_ROOT/

xxxx should replaced.


Use following command from a liveCD to restore the system.

tar xvpfz $SYS_ROOT/backup.tgz -C $SYS_ROOT/
mkdir $SYS_ROOT/proc
mkdir $SYS_ROOT/lost+found 
mkdir $SYS_ROOT/mnt 
mkdir $SYS_ROOT/sys

xxxx should replaced.

Forward across a firewall

Natapp is a good choice.

Auto login a BUAA account

Thank to Daqian Cheng, we have a auto login script.

Boot service

You may need a boot service for above two service. Try use tmux like following: sudo vim /etc/rc.local add before exit 0

tmux new-session -s boot_service_buaa_login -d
tmux send-keys -t boot_service_buaa_login '/home/yuhangsong/BUAA_Login/' Enter
tmux new-session -s boot_service_ssh_forwarding -d
tmux send-keys -t boot_service_ssh_forwarding '/home/yuhangsong/natapp -authtoken=xxxxx' Enter

Add personal boot settings (This is private, you wounldn't need it).


Guidelines for setting up a deep learning server.






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