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A stand-alone tool for decrypting files uploaded using OMEMO


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An AES-256-GCM de-/encryption utility specializing on aesgcm-scheme URLs as described in the OMEMO media sharing XMPP extension (XEP-0454) and as implemented in modern XMPP clients. The latter meaning, in particular, that the initialization vector size is not restricted to 96 bits.

The utility consists of:

  • unaesgcm command for decrypting local files;
  • aesgcm-open command for fetching URLs, decrypting and opening files with associated applications;
  • a desktop entry handling aesgcm URLs using a GUI-friendly flavor of the above command;
  • aesgcm command for encrypting local files that exists mostly for symmetry.

The utility is intended mainly for development/debugging, as the URLs with this scheme are supposed to be invisible to XMPP users, in ideal.

Some alternatives

In Rust, C, C, Go, Java. Except, notably, omemo-utils, they seem to be more bare-bones, but may be preferred for their respective implementation languages and, therefore, the required tools and libraries.


  • A C++20-ish compiler. g++ 8 or clang++ 9 will do.
  • GNU Make (not strictly necessary – unaesgcm is not terribly hard to build and install manually – but the instructions below rely on it).

For Debian 10, the package names are g++, clang-9 and make, respectively.

Build-time dependencies

  • libcrypto

For Debian(-derived) systems: # apt install libssl-dev.

Install-time dependencies

  • desktop-file-utils

For Debian(-derived) systems: # apt install desktop-file-utils

Run-time dependencies

  • libcrypto, for de-/encryption;
  • curl, for URL fetching;
  • xdg-utils, for opening decrypted files;
  • optionally, gtk-launch, for opening decrypted files using, specifically, the content type reported by the server;
  • optionally, zenity, for interactive prompt of decryption key and IV when a URL doesn't contain them (i. e. lacks the #fragment part).

For Debian(-derived) systems: # apt install libssl1.1 curl xdg-utils libgtk-3-bin zenity


$ make test && (./test && echo "ok!" || echo "fail!")
$ make
# make install

The latter places the files under /usr/local (use prefix and DESTDIR variables to override) and updates media type mappings cache. You, as a user, may additionaly need to do

$ xdg-mime default unaesgcm.desktop x-scheme-handler/aesgcm

to make the provided desktop entry the default aesgcm handler (for example, if you happen to have some other handler(s) already installed). To uninstall:

# make uninstall


xdg-open AESGCM-URL


xdg-open aesgcm://\ d248899598589954c8ebfe1444ec1b2d503c6986659af2c94fafe945f72c1e8486a5acfedb8a0f8

xdg-open aesgcm://
*graphical key entry dialog pops up*

aesgcm-open aesgcm://\ d248899598589954c8ebfe1444ec1b2d503c6986659af2c94fafe945f72c1e8486a5acfedb8a0f8

aesgcm-open\ d248899598589954c8ebfe1444ec1b2d503c6986659af2c94fafe945f72c1e8486a5acfedb8a0f8

$ cd ~/Downloads
$ wget -q
$ aesgcm-open file://$HOME/Downloads/7rEFTd6cxUI image/jpeg
Enter IV and key, concatenated, in hex (won't be echoed): 
overriding content type '' with 'image/jpeg'
IV size: 12 bytes
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100   42k  100   42k    0     0  42.0M      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 42.0M
plaintext size: 43008 bytes
tag: 01-23-45-67-89-ab-cd-ef-01-23-45-67-89-ab-cd-ef

*decrypted file is opened with the preferred application*

$ curl -sS | \
head -c 64K | \
unaesgcm /dev/stdin /dev/stdout 0e396446655582838f27f72f\
4433db5fe066960bdd4e1d4d418b641c14bfcef9d574e29dcd0995352850f1eb | \
ffprobe -i - |& \
grep Duration
IV size: 12 bytes
plaintext size: 65520 bytes
tag: fe-dc-ba-98-76-54-32-10-fe-dc-ba-98-76-54-32-10
authentication failed (input may have been tampered with, output is untrustworthy)
  Duration: 02:48:27.77, start: 0.000000, bitrate: N/A

Note: the authentication failed line is due to the incomplet input that causes unaesgcm to bogusly interpret the trailing 16 bytes as the authentication tag. This UX admittedly needs polish, as it is only possible to authenticate complete input.

Security & privacy considerations

Currently no effort has been made at keeping the cryptographic keys or decrypted data secure, except for not sending them away from the local machine.

Note also that the aesgcm command currently relies on externally-provided encryption key and IV, making the user responsible for making sure those were generated correctly (using a cryptographically-secure RNG, etc.).


3‐clause BSD


A stand-alone tool for decrypting files uploaded using OMEMO







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