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Docker Release CIBuild Statuscodecov

Fun Apps

For future developers who found this interesting.

Please add environment variables to have this repo run properly.

"env": {
  "DEBUG": "1",
  "HOST": "localhsot",
  "JWT_KEY": "aLNDHKx6NftYrKsPs4GAdQc3ugCjrLbh",
  "GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID": "not empty sample string",
  "GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET": "not empty sample string",
  "REDIS_ADDR": "ip:port",
  "CONNECTION_STRING": "./db.db",
  "DB_DRIVER": "sqlite3",
  "SITEMAP_HTTPS": false

Some variables cannot be empty but set a random string would help you start faster. Also, JWT_KEY can be random string for you to start. And I hope you change it.