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The repository documents how to perform entropic path sampling method to evaluate the entropic path along a reaction path. The model reaction is cyclopentadiene dimerization.


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The repository documents how to perform entropic path sampling method to evaluate the entropic path along a reaction path. The model reaction is cyclopentadiene dimerization.

Entropic Path Sampling Tutorial

We will use the program PARENT (GitHub Repo: to compute entropy from molecular dynamics trajectories. Since PARENT only takes in GROMACS input files (“.top” for topology file and “.xtc” for coordinate files), we will have to find way to convert xyz files to PARENT-readable files before doing the entropy analysis. The following instructions will help you

  1. Convert xyz files to GROMACS topology files
  2. Convert xyz files to GROMACS coordinate files
  3. Perform entropy computations using PARENT.

Section 1 - .top File Preparation

  1. Use openbabel to convert optimized .xyz file to .mol2 and to .pdb

     obabel -O dimerization-low-hp-C2-opt.mol2
     obabel -O dimerization-low-hp-C2-opt.pdb
  2. Replace openbabel's default AMBER99 labels with GAFF labels using sed

     sed -i -e "s/C.3     1  LIG1/c3      1  LIG1/g" -e "s/H       1/hc      1/g" -e "s/S.O2    1  LIG1/s2      1  LIG1/g" -e "s/C.2     1  LIG1/c2      1  LIG1/g" dimerization-low-hp-C2-opt.mol2 
  3. Rename .frcmod (force field) file

     mv ANTECHAMBER.frcmod dimerization-low-hp-C2-opt.frcmod 
  4. Generate tleap (AMBER input) file

     echo "source leaprc.gaff" >>tleap 
     echo "dimerization-low-hp-C2-opt= loadmol2 dimerization-low-hp-C2-opt.mol2">>tleap 
     echo "loadamberparams dimerization-low-hp-C2-opt.frcmod">>tleap 
     echo "saveamberparm dimerization-low-hp-C2-opt dimerization-low-hp-C2-opt.prmtop dimerization-low-hp-C2-opt.inpcrd">>tleap 
     echo "quit">>tleap 
  5. Run tleap - This generates prmtop and inpcrd files, which are input files for molecular simulations in AMBER

     $AMBERHOME/bin/tleap -f tleap
  6. Install acpype-master from here and run

     python3 /INSTALLATION_PATH/acpype-master/acpype/scripts/ -p dimerization-low-hp-C2-opt.prmtop -x dimerization-low-hp-C2-opt.inpcrd 
  7. Rename the resulting .gro and .top files. These will be used for analysis with PARENT. Note that the numbers preceding "_GMX" may differ.

     mv 885_GMX.gro dimerization-low-hp-C2-opt.gro 

Section 2 - .xtc File Preparation

  1. Processing - run
    • Make sure all trajectories (.xyz files) are inside Processing/ntraj/ first
    • The 6 indices should be 6 13 4 14 10 12
    • Either use interactive input or traj.conf (1st line: reset? y/n 2nd line: bifurcation mode (1 or 2) 3rd line: indices of forming bonds)
    • The function of processing trajectories including obtaining TS sampling ensembles, rearrangement, classification can be implemnted via this script. (e.g.If trajectories have been rearranged , comment line 306.)
    • It may be necessary to change the RUNPOINT_IDX on line 19 to ensure that the runpoint is found in the trajectories properly
  2. Truncation - run
    • Cut off the trajectory starting from the position where bond(4,14) length is 5.00Å and stopping when the bond(4,14) length is 1.58Å for the first time
  3. Slicing - run
    • Combination all the trajectories that form product A(i.e., formation of bond(4,14))
    • The bond(4,14) length range is 2.90Å to 1.58Å, refer to cycloaddition_TS_irc_rev.log for the intrinsic reaction coordinate (IRC) calculation that bridges cycloaddtion TS1 to Cope TS2, and to cope_TS_irc_rev.log for the IRC that bridges Cope TS2 to the product with formation of bond (4,14).
    • Divide the bond length range into N(ten here) equal parts and adjust the bond lengths on lines 31-32 to select the subsection in question.
    • Count the number of points falling into the range for convergence analysis

Section 3 - Analysis with PARENT (Code adopted from

  1. Convert the subsectioned .xyz files to .xtc

    • Be sure to adjust the file names inside to get all trajectories from the Subsection folder
    • The mdtraj module may need to be installed if not already present
  2. Move all .xtc files and the .top file from Section 2 and 1 to test_system inside PARENT-master

  3. Revise the path TRJ and TOP inside PARENT-master/parameters-xin

  4. Run PARENT

    1. Make sure you have the latest versions of GCC and OpenMPI

    2. make clean in PARENT-master

    3. Export MPI environment variables

       export MPI_NUM_PROCS=1; export OMP_NUM_THREADS=4;
    4. Run with the parameters file

       ./ parameter-xin
  5. Obtain the total configuration entropy from PARENT-master_MIST.txt in each output file.(the units of numbers in output files are kb, unit conversion method from kb to kcal/mol is in the output analysis file)


The repository documents how to perform entropic path sampling method to evaluate the entropic path along a reaction path. The model reaction is cyclopentadiene dimerization.







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