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mode component

Zeioth edited this page Apr 3, 2024 · 7 revisions

You can add this component to the statusline section of heirline opts.


You can see how this component look on the extremes of the next image: It will show blue for normal mode, green for insert mode... etc. screenshot_2024-02-16_22-42-12_077498229

If you prefer the look of classic vim, you can add it like:

require("heirline-components.core").component.mode({ mode_text = {} }) -- on the left side
require("heirline-components.core").component.mode({ mode_text = {}, surround = { separator = "right" } }) -- on the right side


Available providers

These are the available providers for this component and its options.

mode_text =  { pad_text = "center" }                                     -- if set, displays text.
paste =  { str = "", icon = { kind = "Paste" }, show_empty = true }      -- if set, displays if paste is enabled.
spell = { str = "", icon = { kind = "Spellcheck" }, show_empty = true }  -- if set, displays if spellcheck is on.
surround = {
  separator = "left",                              -- where to add the separator.
  color = hl.mode_bg,                              -- you can set a custom background color, for example "#444444".
  update = {  "ModeChanged", pattern = "*:*" } },  -- events that make the surround provider refresh.
hl = hl.get_attributes "mode",                     -- you can specify your own highlight group here.
update = {
  "ModeChanged",                                   -- events that make this component refresh.
  pattern = "*:*",
  callback = vim.schedule_wrap(function() vim.cmd.redrawstatus() end),

For example to use the component mode with the provider mode_text and its option pad_text you could do:

component.mode({ mode_text = { pad_text = "right" } })

To align the text displayed by the component mode to the right.

More info

We don't enable mode_text by default default because it fits better on smartphone devices.

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