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Zeioth edited this page Mar 2, 2024 · 4 revisions

You can add this component to the tabline section of heirline opts.


It displays a indicator per opened buffer in the current tab. screenshot_2024-02-23_21-51-02_066527120

Clicking x, will close the specified buffer.


If you have the plugin mini.bufremove installed, it will be used to decide what buffer will get the focus when you close a buffer. Otherwise, the behavior will be the default of Neovim.

Available providers

These are the available providers for this component and its options.

file_icon = {
  condition = function(self) return not self._show_picker end,
  hl = hl.file_icon "tabline",
filename = {},
filetype = false,
file_modified = {
  padding = { left = 1, right = 1 },
  condition = condition.is_file
unique_path = {
  hl = function(self) return hl.get_attributes(self.tab_type .. "_path") end,
close_button = {
  hl = function(self) return hl.get_attributes(self.tab_type .. "_close") end,
  padding = { left = 1, right = 1 },
  on_click = {
    callback = function(_, minwid) utils.close_buf(minwid) end,
    minwid = function(self) return self.bufnr end,
    name = "heirline_tabline_close_buffer_callback",
padding = { left = 1, right = 1 },
hl = function(self)
  local tab_type = self.tab_type
  if self._show_picker and self.tab_type ~= "buffer_active" then
    tab_type = "buffer_visible"
  return hl.get_attributes(tab_type)
surround = false,


In this example we use the provider file_icon to disable the icon.

component.tabline_conditional_padding(file_icon = false)
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