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Stop Negative Thoughts in Their Tracks

💫 See InterMention in Action

InterMention is a an application that utilizes Psychology's Repetition & Reminding technique (Cognitive Restructuring) to Reinforce & Redirect the user's thought process. Users can use affirmations (Mentions) to counteract the effects of negative thoughts throughout their day by viewing their Mentions, adding new ones, and even having them sent to their phone as an SMS.

In addition, InterMention has a Quote of the Day to inspire the user with insightful and uplifting quotes.

✨ See Zelma's Other Projects Here!

Test User Login

Here is a designated test user whose credentials you can use to login:

Stuart Smalley


Password: Celery123!!

Bio: Stuart is a someone who occassionally struggles with negative thoughts and he's been looking for something to help. He's a trained Psychologist, so he knows that counteracting these thoughts when they occur can be very beneficial, so he uses InterMention to keep a list of his favorite affirmations ("Mentions") to use.

Stuart can view his Mentions at any time, add new ones, and even have them texted to his phone. Let's hope that slowly over time Stuart starts to believe these positive alternatives, because he's a great guy who is "entitled to his share of happines".

Running Locally

  1. Install & run Docker
  2. Fork & clone this repo
  3. Create a .env file in the source directory & add these lines:
AUTH0_DOMAIN=<copy/paste your domain here>
AUTH0_AUDIENCE=<copy/paste your audience here>
TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID=<copy/paste your sid here>
TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN=<copy/paste your token here>
  1. In your CLI, from the root directory, run npm install
  2. While still in root directory, run npm run db:init
  3. Run npm start
  4. InterMention will be running on localhost:3000

Receiving A Mention as SMS Text

If you would like to receive a Mention via text:

  1. Add a new Mention to your table
  2. Select that Mention with its Radio Button
  3. Enter your phone number (click 'Enter Phone')
  4. Click 'Get SMS' button - et voila!


InterMention utilizes the MVC Model, View, Control design pattern using 3 main technologies: Model = PostgreSQL, View = React.js, Control = Express.js

  • PostgreSQL
  • React.js
  • Express.js
  • Raw CSS ('cuz I ❤️ CSS)
  • Auth0 API
  • Twilio SMS API
  • They Said So API

MVP (Minimal Viable Product)

  • The user can login using Auth0 (additions: Google Login Feature)
  • The user can add affirmations to their list and view them at any given time
  • User can delete affirmations from table
  • Consumes a Quote of the Day API

Stretch Goals

  • Send their favorite Mention/Affirmation to the user via text (Twilio SMS API) - ACHIEVED!
  • Send the user's SMS on a schedule (added as an OpenSource Issue)


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.


Zelma Sedano - @TSockk -

✨ Contributors

Special thanks to these folks (emoji key):

George Song


Brent Haas

Margaret Geary

Nate Mooney

Tabitha O'Melay

Jen Huynh

Natalie Monique

Xiao Zhong


Web Application to help improve user's mental health







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