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Tools for java


License as GPL v2 with classpath exception.


  1. binary: a simple byte[] reader writer. removed in 0.1.x .
  2. classes: units method for class.
  3. codec: netty-buffer codec. new in 0.1.x .
  4. conf: com.typesafe:config wrapper. new in 0.1.x .
  5. reflect: units of enhance reflection.
  6. error: Domain error type and Result type.
  7. codegen: Basic components for compile time code generate or class enhance.
  8. processor: A framework for write CodeGenerator with APT process. JavaPoet required at classpath to enable processors.
  9. enhancer: A framework for bytecode enhance on compile time. ByteBuddy required, and also compile time plugin.
  10. bom: bill of materials , use units (the parent pom) instead, from 0.1.1+.


  1. Requires JavaPoet to run;
  2. Requires slf4j-api to run;
  3. Property debug to enable Locator debug print;
  4. HOCON codegen.conf to config processors;


  1. Requires ByteBuddy to run;
  2. Requires slf4j-api to run;
  3. Requires ByteBuddy Plugin for build tool maven or gradle. Eg:
            <!-- this will autoload enhancers -->
  4. Property debug to enable Locator debug print;
  5. HOCON codegen.conf to config processors;


  1. Requires Caffeine to run.


  1. main branch had dump to support java 17+, versions start with 0.1.x. older version remains under 0.x branch and versions are limit to 0.0.x.
  2. Start with version 0.1.1 BOM module removed, use io.github.zenliucn:units:0.1.x instead.