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This Python package has been specifically designed to streamline communication between commonly used computational tools in chemistry and materials research. The package is aptly named Hotpot, after the popular dish from Sichuan, China. The defining feature of Hotpot is its ease of preparation and deliciousness, regardless of the ingredients used. Similarly, this Hotpot package brings together a variety of computational tools (i.e. ingredients) to simplify research related to chemical materials. This allows chemists and materials scientists to create delectable scientific cuisine with ease.

The following jobs are supported by Hotpot:

- Molecular Simulation, link to LAMMPS and RASPA
- Quantum or Ab-initio Calculation, link to Gaussian and ABACUS
- Feature Extraction and Machine learnig, link to openbabel, Zeo++, RdKit et al.



python >= 3.9
openbabel >= 3.1.1

Install requirement

Before installing the Hotpot, you should install the requirements at the first. It is recommended to create a new conda environment to run the package.

conda create -n hp python==3.9 openbabel cclib lammps -c conda-forge


After the requirements are installed, now the ''Hotpot'' could be installed by pip

conda activate hp

pip install hotpot-zzy

or you can install from this github repository:

git clone
pip install build  # install `build` package
python -m build
pip install dist/hotpot_zzy-`VERSION`-py3-none-any.whl


The Hotpot is very easy to use, the core class of Hotpot is the Molecule, which is designed as the general interface for all functions across the entire the package. In the following example, we first load a Molecule object by SMILES string, and then the build their 3D conformer:

import hotpot as hp
mol = hp.Molecule.read_from('c1c(O)ccc(C(=O)O)c1', 'smi')  # Load a 4-hydroxybenzoic acid molecule
print(mol.has_3d)  # the molcule is a 2D molcule now, whose all coordinates are (0, 0, 0)

mol.build_3d(force_field='UFF')  # build the molecule to 3D, by univeral force field
print(m.has_3d)  # Now, the molecule is a 3D molecule, all of atoms have their coordinate

# check the atoms coordinates:
mol.normalize_labels()  # reorder the atom's labels
for atom in mol.atoms:
    print(atom.label, atom.symbol, atom.coordinates)  # get the label, symbol, coordinates of the atom

In general, a Molecule is consist of many Atom and Bond objects. One can get the attributes from the Molecule, Atoms or Bonds.

print(mol.atoms)  # get all atoms in the molecule
print(mol.bonds)  # get all bonds in the molecule

atom = mol.atoms[0]
bond = mol.bonds[0]

print(atom.neighbours)  # get all neigh atoms of this atoms
print(bond.atom1, bond.atom2)  # get the begin and end atom of this bond
print(bond.type)  # get the bond type

Molecule Read and Write

The Hotpot read and write the molecule from string or files by calling the openbabel and cclib packages, most formats supported by the two packages are support by Hotpot too. the Main method to read and parse to Molecule object is read_from():

mol = hp.Molecule.read_from('/path/to/file', fmt='cif') # read a cif file from disk

Or, read a SMILES, inchikey or other string like the example above.

The arg fmt is optional when to read Molecule from file, if the suffix of the file are correct:

mol = hp.Molecule.read_from('/path/to/file.cif')

One also could write the molecule object to formatted file by the writefile() method, where the fmt is the first arg and required. the actual format of the output is specified by the fmt arg:

mol.writefile('cif', 'path/to/cif/file')

One could retrieve the formatted string by dump() method, where only the fmt pass into:

cif_script = mol.dump('cif')


It is easy to get the SMILES or Inchi key of the Molecule object



The Molecule object could convert to certain fingerprint object, like FP2, FP3, FP4 or MACCS

fp = mol.fingerprint(fptype='FP2')

The Molecule objects could calculate the similarity between each other based on specified fingerprint

mol.similarity(other_mol, fptype='FP3') # calculate the similarity by 'FP3' fingerprint

The 'Molecule' object could retrieve its link_matrix as the input of graph learning

print(mol.link_matrix) # get a [2, Nb] matrix, where Nb is the number of bonds

Submit the Molecule to Gaussian16 software

One can directly submit the Molecule object to Gaussian16 software. Assuming you want to optimize the conformer of the molecule by Gaussian16

    link0='the link0 string',
    route='opt B3LYP/6-311++G**',
    inplace_attrs=True  # whether to inplace the attribute of the molecule according to the last status of the molecule in the log file
    debugger='auto'  # Handle the Gaussian Error by the default method
print(  # get the SCF energy in the last optimized status
print(mol.coordinates)  # get the coordinates matrix after optimizing by gaussian 16

The Gaussian program will run and handle some common error report automatically. To handle errors with more elaborate methods, user can custom a new debugger by inherit from the hotpot.tanks.quantum.GaussErrorHandle, seeing documentation for more details.

Submit the Molecule(Framework) to LAMMPS to perform grand canonical Monte-Carlo simulation

Suppose that you want to determine the Uptake of carbon dioxide in a metal-organic framework at 298.15 K and 0.5 bar

work_dir = 'work/dir'  # specify a dir to save the results and log for the GCMC simulation

co2 = hp.Molecule.read_from('O=C=O', 'smi')  # load a carbon dioxide by SMILES
frame = hp.Molecule.read_from('path/to/mof/file.cif')  # load a mof file as the framework

# Run GCMC simulation
    force_field='path/to/force/field',  # by default, the force field is the LJ potential from UFF 
    T=298.15, P=0.5  # specify the external environment

When perform the GCMC, the chemical potential mu or fugacity coefficient phi should be given. Fortunately, in the mu or phi could be estimated by state of equation. For some common substance gcmc() method can calculate the mu and phi automatically, by Peng-Robinson equation by default.

Access the property of substance for common substance

For certain common substance, we can access its thermodynamical property, like critical temperature Tc and saturation vapor pressure Psat by thermo package:

mol = hp.Molecule.read_from('c1ccc(O)cc1', 'smi')  # read a phenol by SMILES
mol.thermo_init()  # some kwargs could pass into, see documentation
print(mol.thermo.Tc)  # the critical temperature
print(mol.thermo.Psat)  # the saturation vapor pressure

Handle molecules in large scale

In the era of artificial intelligence, chemical information needs to be processed and utilized on a large scale. Hotpot provides an interface called MolBundle for processing data on a large scale. For instance, if there is a large number of single-point energy results computed using Gaussian stored somewhere on a disk, and we want to create a dataset to train a deep potential model using this data, we can utilize "MolBundle" to efficiently read all the Gaussian computation data on a large scale and convert it into the required dataset System format for training the model:

import hotpot as hp
from hotpot.bundle import DeepModelBundle

path_raw_data = 'path/to/gaussian/log'
path_system = 'path/to/system'

bundle = hp.MolBundle.read_from(
    'g16log', path_raw_data, '*/*.log', nproc=32

# Convert to DeepModelBundle object with method to organize the molecular structures to System dataset
bundle: DeepModelBundle ='DeepModelBundle')
bundle.to_dpmd_sys(path_system, validate_ratio=0.1)

# Or, the user could get the System object export from the Molecule directly

hotpot is currently making every effort to support the use of various computational tools from the Deep Modeling community. In addition to organize the quantum calculation data and save them to disk directly, the hotpot now allowed build Molecule object from dpdata [System] and [LabeledSystem] object.

from pathlib import Path

import hotpot as hp
from hotpot.tasks.deepmd import read_system

data_root_dir = "path/to/data"

# Read MultiSystem object
ms = read_system(data_root_dir, file_pattern='**/*.log', fmt="gaussian/md")

mols = []
for ls in ms:
    mol = hp.Molecule.build_from_dpdata_system(ls)

# Supposed that I want to know the process of breaking and generating of bonds of the first Molecule
struct_dir = Path('path/to/struct/save')
img_dir = Path('path/to/img/save')
mol = mols[0]
# Iterating each conformer in the quantum chemistry calculation
for i in range(mol.conformer_counts):
    mol.remove_bonds(*mol.bonds)  # Clear all pre-build bonds
    mol.build_bonds()  # rebuild bonds according to the point cloud of atoms

    mol.writefile(struct_dir.joinpath(f"{i}.mol2"))  # Save the 3D mol structure with built bonds to mol2 file
    mol.save_2d_img(img_dir.joinpath(f'{i}.png'))  # Save the 2d img structure to png file


1) Missing dependent dynamic libs

When installing the package, you might meet some errors from missing dependent libs, like the message: ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory. This trouble is caused by the lacking of the libxrender1 lib and could be solved by run the following command (supposing an Ubuntu system):

sudo apt-get install libxrender1

The similar trouble should be solved like the above.


A python package designed to communicate among various chemical and materials calculational tools








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