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Watched Channel Title Regex

Isaac edited this page Apr 25, 2024 · 3 revisions

Available in v2.3.0 is the ability to filter if a channel's live stream or videos are downloaded, using regex. User supplied regex is tested against the stream or video title and determines if the stream or video is is archived.


  1. Navigate to or create a watched channel at Admin > Watched Channels
  2. Edit the entry and click the plus button next to "Title Regex" under "Advanced"
  3. Enter your regex (see examples below). Optionally check the settings:
    1. negative - invert the match, meaning you do not want the regex
    2. apply to video downloads - Apply the regex to video downloads. By default the regex is only applied to live streams. If this is checked then it will not be used for live streams. You need to make two regexes if you want to apply to both live stream and videos.
  4. Click "update watched channel"


  • Test your regex with
  • The regexes are testing in order with the first in the list being tested first
  • IMPORTANT If a regex does not return any matches (reversed for negative) then no other regexes are tested!
    • Put your most aggressive/important regex first. For example if you really do not want any reruns put that regex first. If it does not return any matches (reversed for negative) then no other regexes are tested and the live stream or video is not archived.
  • Enable debug logging in /data/config.json to see if your regex is working properly

Example Regex

Do not archive reruns

Regex: (?i:rerun)

Options: negative: enabled


The regex can be more strict, ensuring the text is enclosed in brackets like "[RERUN]"

Regex: (?i:\[ ?rerun ?\])

Archive only videos that are have a World of Warcraft related title (match by string)

Regex: (?i:WoW|Warcraft|World of Warcraft)

Options: apply to video downloads: enabled
