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This is a simple rank plugin for PocketMine 4.X.X, one of the best!

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AdvancedRank is a plugin that allows you to add ranks to your server, it is quite simple to use, easy to handle... Creation of rank in json or yaml config, lang system in INI and others, if we summarize, it is perfect for you!


Command Name Command Description Permission
/rank Rank help command. advancedrank.rank
/rank create Create a new Rank. advancedrank.rank.create
/rank delete Delete a existed rank. advancedrank.rank.delete
/rank set Define player rank. advancedrank.rank.set
/rank give Give a rank to player & broadcast advancedrank.rank.give
/rank info Info of a rank.
/rank addpermission Add a rank permission in game advancedrank.rank.addpermission
/rank removepermission Remove a rank permission in game advancedrank.rank.removepermission
/rank list List of rank advancedrank.rank.list
/rank user Information of player advancedrank.rank.user
/rank manage Use all commands advancedrank.rank.manage


Feature AdvancedRank PurePerms RankSystem
MySQL Support
Easy to use
Easy Rank Creation / Edit System
Multi-language support
Permissions per User
Extension for developer
Choice to format rank (json/yml)
Priority rank
Command auto-complete

Future additions

Name Description Type
Full customise Customise ui, command description & others system
Others langs Add an others lang lang

Additional plugins

Name Usage Download
EconomyAPI Bank system Download
FactionMaster Faction system Download
PiggyFactions Faction system Download
SimpleFaction Faction system Download
InfoTag Nametag integration Download



Exemple of config.yml

#               _                               _ _____             _
#     /\      | |                             | |  __ \           | |
#    /  \   __| |_   ____ _ _ __   ___ ___  __| | |__) |__ _ _ __ | | __
#   / /\ \ / _` \ \ / / _` | '_ \ / __/ _ \/ _` |  _  // _` | '_ \| |/ /
#  / ____ \ (_| |\ V / (_| | | | | (_|  __/ (_| | | \ \ (_| | | | |   <
# /_/    \_\__,_| \_/ \__,_|_| |_|\___\___|\__,_|_|  \_\__,_|_| |_|_|\_\

default-rank-type: "json"
default-rank: "Player"

# Activate or deactivate the forms,
# if they are activated you just have to make the command without the arguments,
# a **CustomForm** is created automatically!
form: "true"

# You can add your own language, you just have to create an archive in .ini and respect the name in the lang folder!
langage: "fr"

# Enables or disables the use of the prefix!
use-prefix: "true"

# This allows you to use the {DAYS}-{MINUTE}-{SECOND}
timezone: "Europe/Paris"

EconomyAPI: "false"
PiggyFactions: "false"
SimpleFaction: "false"
FactionMaster: "false"
InfoTag: "false"

Rank exemple (json)

  "name": "Player",
  "priority": 0,
  "permissions": [],
  "chat-format": "§7{RANK} {PLAYER}§f: §7{MSG}",
  "nametag-format": "§7{RANK} {PLAYER}"

Rank exemple (yml)

name: "Player"
priority: 0
permissions: []
chat-format: "{RANK} {PLAYER}: {MSG}"
nametag-format: "{RANK} {PLAYER}"

Lang file exemple (French)

prefix="{GOLD}Rank {WHITE}>> "

please-ingame="{RED}Désolée, vous devez être connecter en jeux pour faire cela!"
not-connected="{RED}Désolée, ce joueur n'est pas connecté!"
rank-not-exist="{RED}Désolée, le grade n'existe pas!"

form-not-enabled="{RED}Désolée, les form ne sont pas activer!"

set="{GREEN}Vous avez défini le rank {YELLOW}{RANK}{GREEN} a {YELLOW}{PLAYER}{GREEN} avec succès!"
give="{GREEN}Vous avez donner le rank {YELLOW}{RANK}{GREEN} a {YELLOW}{PLAYER}{GREEN} avec succès!"
broadcast-give="{YELLOW}{PLAYER}{WHITE} vien d'obtenir le grade {YELLOW}{RANK}{WHITE}!"

create="{GREEN}Le grade {YELLOW}{ARGS} {GREEN}a été crée avec succès!"
delete="{GREEN}Le grade {YELLOW}{ARGS} {GREEN}a été supprimé avec succès!"

addpermission="{GREEN}Vous avez ajouté la permission {YELLOW}{ARGS} {GREEN}avec succès!"
removepermission="{GREEN}Vous avez retiré la permission {YELLOW}{ARGS} {GREEN}avec succès!"
exist-permission="{RED}Désolée, la permission {YELLOW}{ARGS}{RED} existe déjà!"
not-exist-permission="{RED}Désolée, la permission {YELLOW}{ARGS}{RED} n'existe pas!"

list="{GREEN}Voici la liste des ranks: {YELLOW}{RANKS_LIST}"

info="{GREEN}Voici les informations concernant le rank {YELLOW}{RANK_NAME}{WHITE}:"
priority="Priorité: {LIGHT_PURPLE}{RANK_PRIORITY}"
permissions="Permissions: {BLUE}{RANK_PERMISSIONS}"
players="Players: {YELLOW}{RANK_PLAYERS}"

user-info="{WHITE}Le joueur {YELLOW}{PLAYER} {WHITE}possède le grade {YELLOW}{RANK}{WHITE}!"

adduserpermission="{GREEN}Vous avez ajouté la permission {YELLOW}{ARGS} {GREEN} à {YELLOW}{PLAYER}{GREEN} avec succès!"
removeuserpermission="{GREEN}Vous avez retiré la permission {YELLOW}{ARGS} {GREEN}à {YELLOW}{PLAYER}{GREEN} avec succès!"


use Zwuiix\AdvancedRank\extensions\AdvancedRankExtension;

# Update all nametag
/** @return void */

# Get specific rank (Rank::class)
/** @return \Zwuiix\AdvancedRank\rank\Rank $player */

# Get Player Rank Name
/** @param \pocketmine\player\Player $player */

# get ALl rank registered
/** @return array */

# get list of player have rank
/** @param \Zwuiix\AdvancedRank\rank\Rank $rank */