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A program written in C for simplified manifold Metropolis adjusted Lengevin algorithm (SMMALA) sampling of the parameters of ordinary differential euqations. The main purpose is to fit models to data in systems biology.

This project is supported by the Human Brain Project (EU) and EBRAINS (EU), details in

The main program relies on the GNU Scientific Library, and the SUNDIALS solver cvodes for initial value problem integration with (forward) sensitiviy analysis.

Target Users

Researchers in the natural sciences studying ordinary differential equation models. This software can be used to obtain a parameter sample for the model.

We have been specifically motivated by examples in systems biology. But, the sampler is not specific to biological models.


Systems biology models are often quite large, so handling them should be automatic as much as possible. If a user already has a good way to do that and can create cvodes compatible C files and headers, then the tools mentioned in this section are not needed.

Internally, we have chosen an SBtab to vfgen workflow for autmoation of source creation. We rely on the vfgen tool to create C code for the model, including a Jacobian and sensitivity equations. VFGEN depends CLN, Ginac, and mini-xml (

SBtab is a format in systems biology and is suited for writing/drafting biological models. It is an external project and not covered by documentation here and is not mandatory. However, our SBtabVFGEN repository has some documentation on how to write SBtab files.

Functions in the SBtabVFGEN package print vfgen files from source files written using the SBtab format.

We don't recommend that you start by writing the model in some other environment and then export it. SBtab's role here is only to write the model from scratch. It's a spreadsheet format and allows fairly easy model editing.

If you already have a model, e.g. as a COPASI project, then it may be more convenient to create .vf files or C code directly from COPASI's export functions.

The workflow could be:

  User written:                           generated          MCMC Sampling
  +-----------+      +---(use)---+      +------------+      +==============+
  | SBtab (M) |      |           |      |  (CVODES)  |      I              I
  |           +--+-->+   VFGEN   +----->+  ODE code  +--+-->+ ./ode_smmala I
  |*.{tsv,ods}|  |   |           |      |  model.vf  |  |   I              I
  +----+------+  |   +-----------+      +------------+  |   +==========+===+
       |         |                                      |              ^
       |    +----+-----(use)----+                 +-----+-(create)-+   |
       |    | sbtab_to_vfgen()  |                 |[gcc -shared]   |   |
       |    +-------------------+                 |                |   |
       |                                          |    |   |
       |                                          +----------------+   |
       |        +-----(use)------+         +-(created)-+               |
       |        |                |         |           |               |
       +------->+ ./sbtab_import +-------->+  data.h5  +---------------+
                |                |         |           |
                +----------------+         +-----------+

But, this is also possible:

  User written:          generated          MCMC Sampling
  +-----------+       +-------------+      +==============+
  |           |       |[gcc -shared]|      I              I
  | model.vf  +---+-->+  ODE code   +----->+ ./ode_smmala I
  |           |   |   |   |      I              I
  +-----------+   |   +-------------+      +========+=====+
                  |                                 ^
            +-----+-(create)------------------+     |
            | vfgen cvodes:func=yes model.vf  |     | 
            +---------------------------------+     |
                +----(use any)---+         +--------+--+
                | R (hdf5r),     |         |           |
                | MATLAB,        +-------->+  data.h5  |
                | h5import       |         |           |
                +----------------+         +-----------+

where h5import is one of the many command line tools from the HDF5 project.

Slightly more Detailed Installation Guide

This project has a gh page:, with more detailed instructions.

Quick Installation Instructions

Dependencies (libraries)

Component library version
data storage hdf5
Parallelization OpenMPI
ODEs Sundials CVODES =2.7.0
MCMC GSL >=2.3
VFGEN CLN >=1.3.2
GiNaC >=1.6.2
mini XML >=2.6

for example, on ubuntu, you can install the following packages, or similar:


to satisfy these dependencies.

There is no build system yet. To compile the code you will need to edit the Makefile. Makefile.ubuntu is agood place to start. Once you are satisfied:



mpirun -N 12 ./ode_smmala -l ./ -d ./data.h5 -s ${sample_size} 

			Target acceptance value (all markov chains will be 
			tuned for this acceptance).

-d, --hdf5 ./data.h5
			data.h5 is a file that contains the data points and 
			the conditions of measurement in hdf5 format. A suitable 
			h5 file is produced by the hdf5_import program 
			bundled with ode_smmala.

-g $G
			This will define how the inverse MCMC temperatures β are chosen: 
			β = (1-rank/R)^G, 
			where R is MPI_Comm_Size.

			The initial step size of each markov chain, this will 
			usually be tuned later to get the desired acceptance rate, 
			see $A (-a $A).

-l ./ is a shared library containing the 
			CVODE functions of the model.

-m $M
			If this number is larger than 1.0, each MPI rank will get 
			a different initial step size s: step_size(rank)=STEP_SIZE*M^(rank).

-o ./output_file.h5
			Filename for hdf5 output. This file will contain the 
			log-parameter sample and log-posterior values. The samples 
			will have attributes that reflect the markov chain setup.

-p, --prior-start
			Start the markov chain at the center of the prior. Otherwise 
			it will be started from the DefaultParameters in the vfgen file.
-r, --resume
			Resume from last sampled MCMC point. Only the last MCMC position 
			is read from the resume file. Everything else about the problem 
			can be changed.
-s $N
			$N sample size. default N=10.

-t,--init-at-t $T_INITIAL
			Specifies the initial time «t0» of the model integration 

--seed $SEED
		Set the gsl pseudo random number generator seed to $SEED. 
		(e.g. --seed $RANDOM)

The allowed contents of the data file are described in documentation.pdf

The software is parallelized, see


If the run is successful, the result is an hdf5 file (see -o option) containing the MCMC sample in log-space (natural logarithm), log-posterior probability values with some annotation saved as hdf5 attributes.

In GNU Octave the file can be loaded as is via load sample.h5. The load() function reads everything and disregards all attributes.

In R, the file can be loaded using the hdf5r package, which on ubuntu systems is also available in the package manager as r-bioc-rhdf5 (e.g. r-bioc-rhdf5/focal,focal 2.30.1+dfsg-1build1). The hdf5r package allows fine grained control and can import attributes.

MATLAB has import functions for hdf5 natively, e.g.: data = h5read(filename,ds).


c program for simplified manifold MALA sampling of ODE model parameters






No releases published
