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Image Plugin

Jon Gunderson edited this page Mar 14, 2018 · 4 revisions

This plug-in used the afterInsertHTML event to detect where an image element has been inserted into the document. This plug-in then checks for the following conditions:

  1. Missing ALT attribute (Warning)
  2. ALT attribute is an empty string (Warning)
  3. ALT attribute length is over 100 characters (Warning)
  4. ALT attribute contains a file name (at least Warning, maybe force them to edit??)
  5. if no warnings, then verify ALT attribute properly describes the inserted image

Warning Dialog Box

  • 2 radio buttons
    • Label 1: Image is decorative and does not need a text description
    • Label 2: Image is informative and needs a text description
  • Input Box for text description
  • Cancel Button (no modifications to the IMG element)
  • OK Button (makes changes to the IMG element ALT text)

Condition: Missing ALT attribute

  • Message: The ALT text is missing from this image, determine if the image is decorative or informative. I it is an informative image add a text description to the image
  • No radio buttons selected

Condition: ALT text is an empty string

  • Message: Verify that this image is used purely for decorative purposes. If the image does convey information to the user, select the informative image option and add a text description
  • Radio button 1 selected

Condition: ALT text is longer than 100 characters

  • Message: Typically an image should be described in less than 100 characters, but there are some cases where 100 characters may not be enough to describe the image. Choose between these options:
    • The image does not need more than 100 characters for the text description and edit the text description to be less than 100 characters.
    • Include the longer text description in the content of the page to make it available to all users and edit the text description to provide orientation to the content the image contains and reference the relative location of where the longer text description can be found (e.g longer description after the image).
    • Verify that this image needs a text description longer than 100 characters
  • Radio button 2 selected

Condition: ALT text contains file name

  • Message: The ALT text of an image should not contain a filename, edit the ALT text to provide a text describe of the image
  • Option 2 is selected

Verification dialog Box

  • Message: Verify that the ALT text accurately describes the image
  • 2 radio buttons
    • Label 1: Image is decorative and does not need a text description
    • Label 2 (checked): Image is informative and needs a text description
  • Input Box
  • Cancel Button (no modifications to the IMG element)
  • OK Button (makes changes to the IMG element ALT text)

Options for a11yimage2 plugin

Image Type Alt Text Description Caption Caption is Alt or Desc Usage Freq
Simple Yes no no - high
Simple Yes no Yes - high
Simple no no Yes Alt high
Complex Yes Yes no - medium
Complex Yes Yes Yes - medium
Complex no Yes Yes Alt medium
Complex Yes Yes Yes Description medium
Decorative no no no - low