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Using a Dialog Box

Samuel Gomes edited this page Nov 8, 2022 · 1 revision

QB64 displays dialog boxes when you choose commands that have options.

Select a text box for input.

With a mouse...

Move the mouse pointer to the text box, then press and release ("click") the mouse button.

With a keyboard...

Press Tab until the cursor is in the text box.

Choose an item from a list box.

With a mouse...

Double-click the item.

With a keyboard...

Highlight the item by pressing the direction keys, then press Enter.

Choose an option.

With a mouse...

Click the option.

With a keyboard...

Move to an option with the direction keys.

Turn a check box on or off.

With a mouse...

Click the check box.

With a keyboard...

Use Tab to move the cursor to the check box, then press the Spacebar.

Choose a command button.

With a mouse...

Click the command button.

With a keyboard...

Use Tab to move the cursor to the command button, then press Enter.

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