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How to Survive Eating Out in Chicago

All progress up to milestone 2 is in the DataCleaningAndExploratoryAnalysis.ipynb notebook.
Research question 1 is done in FeatureEffect.ipynb
Research question 2 is done in Food Deserts.ipynb
Research question 3 is done in FeaturesforSafetyScore.ipynb and then Final Score Calculation.ipynb
Various maps and graphs for the data story were generated in Maps and graphs - data story.ipynb
The merging of the Yelp data set and our main data set is done in YelpCFIchain.ipynb


"Foodborne diseases are a major cause of illness and death in the United States." The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that each year, there are 9.4 million reported cases of foodborne illness, resulting in 55,961 hospitalizations and 1,351 deaths. 1

In this project we use data from the Chicago Department of Public Health breaking down inspections of restaurants and other food establishments, with the goal of trying to better understand which factors are most at stake when talking about food safety.

In the process, we will also use socio-economic indicators of Chicago community areas in order to see if eating safely is equally accessible to every class and if our dataset supports the existence of "food deserts". 4

Our ultimate aim will be to promote public health by providing a reliable recommendation system for eating out in Chicago, based on a "safety score" that we will compute using the information from inspections as well as other metrics that will prove useful during analysis. All of this is will showcase an example of the use of "data science for social good”.

Research questions

I. Do facility attributes influence food inspection outcomes for establishments in Chicago?

Our main dataset as well as our secondary datasets give us many attributes for each establishment such as facility type, risk, location and whether it is a chain or not 1. Which of these attributes contributes the most to food inspection outcomes in Chicago?

II. Chicago Food Deserts: an indicator of social segreggation?

Many articles seem to point to the fact that different areas in Chicago do not have equal access to healthy food 3 4. These articles claim that this is due to the persistence of racial segreggation. Our aim is to inspect this further and see whether our dataset could help in seeing if this is true.

III. The survival guide: a personalized guide for eating out safely

This represent the conclusion to our findings. The aim is to display an interactive map with widgets where the user can choose parameters as: "Allergies friendly restaurants", "No food chains" and get restaurants displayed along with their safety scores.


Chicago Food Inspections Dataset

We chose the Chicago Food Inspections dataset from the given datasets. It contains information about food inspections of different establishments in Chicago from January 1, 2010 to the present. We will use it as our main dataset for the project and it can be downloaded either as a JSON file socrata_metadata.json (9.14 KB) or a CSV file food-inspections.csv (219.71 MB) from 5 (In addition to that source, you can check for the main source dataset on Chicago Data Portal 6). More information about the attributes in the Chicago Food Inspections' dataset can be found on 7.

Socioeconomic & Health related datasets

In order to answer our second research question, we need a socioeconomic as well as health related indicator datasets.To that end, we will be using selected public health indicators for the different community areas. The dataset is available under this link and contains measures related to infectious disease, lead poisoning, and economic status.

We will also need the total population by community area which we will merge with the latter. source

Community Areas boundaries

We need the community areas boundaries dataset for visualization purposes as well as to fill in missing values in our main dataset. The dataset is provided by the City of Chicago under this link and is provided under different extensions. We will be using the .geojson file.

Fast Food Restaurants Across America

In order to work on chains specifically, we use this dataset to get a list of chains that we join with our inspections dataset.

Ethnicities by community area

The count of people by different ethnicities present in the city of Chicago is available under this link.

For each ethnicity, we download the corresponding excel file and then merge those in a Pandas dataframe.


Yelp Fusion

Yelp is a business directory service and crowd-sourced review forum. Alongside our main dataset, we will be using the Yelp Fusion API, 8. This is a collection of endpoints developers can reach to get information on establishment. It has been made available to use for personal, educational, and academic purposes. To support our research questions, we will be using:

  • Business Match Endpoint: Lets us match business data from other sources against businesses on Yelp, based on provided business information.
  • Business Details: Given the id of any establishment obtained from the Business Match Endpoint, this returns details like price range, rating, and cuisine.

A list of internal milestones up until project milestone 2

Clean primary dataset (November 10th)

  • Explore features
  • Drop features which are irrelevant to our research questions
  • Clean each column in the dataset
    • Try to reduce the number of unique values for each column through clustering
    • Find ways to fill missing values

Come up with a data story (November 20th)

  • Plot different features and examine their distribution and correlations
  • Cluster thematically close questions together and modify README to reflect evolution of ideas
  • Finalize list of secondary datasets to use to answer research questions
  • Divide secondary dataset management among group members
  • Conduct cleaning process on secondary datasets

A list of internal milestones up until project milestone 3

Answer research questions on primary dataset (December 3rd)

  • Divide questions among group members
  • Answer the research questions using all resulting datasets and analysis from milestone 2
  • Come up with insightful responses to questions
  • Peer review after all the group members have finished writing their responses

Putting it all together (December 13th)

  • Finalize structure of data story after gathering all responses found
  • Divide tasks for data story construction among group members
  • Put together data story
  • Final peer review regarding the different parts each group member was responsible for
  • Test data story to detect bugs and errors
  • Fix errors and bugs
  • Test and finalize data story


The data story we made can be found here. The corresponding repository is

Task Split

  • Lilia Ellouz: Web Scraping Yelp, Yelp Dataset Cleaning, Data Story, Safety Score Calculation for Research Question 3, final presentation
  • Zeineb Sahnoun: Data Cleaning, Exploratory Data Analysis, Research Question 2, final presentation
  • André Adel Alphonse Ghattas: Data Cleaning, Exploratory Data Analysis, Data Story, Research Question 1, Safety Score Calculation for Research Question 3, final presentation
  • Asli Yörüsün: Data Cleaning, Exploratory Data Analysis, Preparing a Merged dataset of Chicago Food Inspections (CFI) and Yelp, Preparing Features for Research Question 3, final presentation




A repository for our project in Applied Data Analysis.






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Contributors 4
