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openEHR ADL 1.5 in EBNF

Current progress (Last updated 22/05/2014):

  • Slight backtracking into reviewing the ADL ANTLR definitions. Plain transcription from the eifer yacc resources resulted in complex rule clashes. For this reason, each rule definition within adl_15_commonValuedefs.g4 was reviewed and modified so that it gets parsed properly by ANTLR.

  • The reviewing criteria were: Tokens should be unique in their definitions, rules should be composed of tokens, rules should be as less overlapping as it is possible in their definitions, rules cannot contain structural constraints (e.g. [0-9]{0-3}) and these should be taken care of at the semantic parsing level.

  • These simple guidelines lead to the revision of a few rules that were re-used in different places (v_identifier, v_dotted_numeric, v_value).

  • Please note: The project also includes a definition of AQL in EBNF which was used primarily to generate syntax diagrams for that DSL previously.


The openEHR foundation is producing a set of specifications towards defining an end-to-end platform that enables a meaningful and helpful integration of information communication technolologies with the healthcare domain.

The current set of specifications includes the openEHR data model, the Archetype Definition Language (ADL) and the Archetype Querying Language (AQL).

The ADL and AQL are context-free domain specific languages whose purpose is to describe the structure and content of data model entities and also query these structures.

The structure of context-free domain specific languages such as ADL and AQL can be described through a standardised notation called (Extended) Backus Naur Form (E?BNF one could say).

An EBNF description of a language is a very useful resource because it enables:

*) The development of software to parse ADL files and transform their content in to computable form (parsers)

*) The rendering of syntax diagrams which are an excellent way to quickly lookup the structure of a language.

*) Data validation

...and more.

What is this then?

The objective of this piece of work is to arrive at a generic expression of ADL 1.5 in E?BNF.

Currently, the structure of ADL is described in detail at:

These are files required by specific software (similar to yacc) that accept some form of language definition and produce code that implements a parser / compiler that can comprehend the language definition at its input. However, this is not in a standard BNF form (or wherver it is, it is not detailed enough) making its comprehension difficult.

How is it done?

Due to the way the grammar is defined in the yacc-type files, its transcription to EBNF and the derivation of the essential rules that define the language is difficult.

Therefore, instead of basing the derivation of the rules on that resource, the existing definition of a parser for ADL 1.4 ( , available from the OSHIP openEHR reference implementation in Python was used.

That project includes a(n almost) complete definition of ADL 1.4 expressed via pyparsing constructs which are very closely following the semantics of the operators and operands required for the language definition.

Therefore, the plan is to derive the ADL 1.4 EBNF from its pyparsing expression and then update that with the ADL 1.5 modifications.

What is the current status and where do i go from here?

This is still work in progress with the following rough TODO list:

*) Certain classes need careful revision of their definitions. This seems to be an ongoing effort but at the moment the focus is to express the regex parsing rule using modes to be able to report problems with their parsing.

*) ODIN is very early in its development...and very complex.


openEHR ADL 1.5 EBNF description







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