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Search your git history by commit message, content and author in Neovim


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🍃 Advanced Git Search

An advanced git search extension for Telescope and fzf-lua.

Search your git history by commit message, content and author in Neovim

🚀 Usage


  • 📖 Open a picker

    :AdvancedGitSearch or :AdvancedGitSearch {command}

  • 🔎 Enter a query

    Your usual search experience. See the individual commands for the grep behaviour.

  • ✏️ Further search on commit author with @

    The prompt is split on @. Everything following the @ is the pattern for the author name.

⚡️ Commands

1. search_log_content -- Search in repo log content

Opens a window with a list of all previous commit.

Grep behaviour: filter on added, updated or removed code (log content: -G option in git).


  • <CR> Opens a diff of the current file with the selected commit
  • <C-e> show the entire commit for all files in neovim with diff plugin
  • <C-o> Open the selected commit in the browser
  • <C-y> copy the commit hash to clipboard
  • <C-w> toggle date and author in entry

2. search_log_content_file -- Search in file log content

Opens a window with a list of git commits that changed the current file (renames included).

Grep behaviour: filter on added, updated or removed code (log content: -G option in git).


  • <CR> Opens a diff of the current file with the selected commit
  • <C-e> show the entire commit for all files in neovim with diff plugin
  • <C-o> Open the selected commit in the browser
  • <C-y> copy the commit hash to clipboard
  • <C-w> toggle date and author in entry

3. diff_commit_file -- Diff current file with commit

Opens a window with a list of git commits that changed the current file (renames included).

Grep behaviour: filter on commit message.


  • <CR> Opens a diff of the current file with the selected commit
  • <C-e> show the entire commit for all files in neovim with diff plugin
  • <C-o> Open the selected commit in the browser
  • <C-y> copy the commit hash to clipboard
  • <C-w> toggle date and author in entry

4. diff_commit_line -- Diff current file with selected line history

Opens a window with a list of previous commit logs with respect to selected lines

Grep behaviour: filter on commit message.

Use :'<,'>AdvancedGitSearch diff_commit_line (with a visual range).


  • <CR> opens a diff for the current file with the corresponding file on the selected commit
  • <C-e> show the entire commit for all files in neovim with diff plugin
  • <C-o> opens a the selected commit in the browser
  • <C-y> copy the commit hash to clipboard
  • <C-w> toggle date and author in entry

5. diff_branch_file -- Diff file with branch

Opens a window with a list of local branches

Grep behaviour: filter on branch name.


  • <CR> opens a diff for the current file with the selected branch

6. changed_on_branch -- Changed on current branch (experimental)

Opens a window with a list of changed files on the current branch (including staged files). The fork point of the current branch is determined with the following command:

git show-branch | \
    sed "s/].*//" | \
    grep "*" | \
    grep -v "$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)" | \
    head -n1 | \
    sed "s/^.*\\[//"

Note: this only works if there is already a commit on the current branch, otherwise the base branch can not be detected.

Grep behaviour: filter on filename.


  • <CR> opens the selected file.

7. checkout_reflog -- Checkout from reflog

Opens a window with all reflog entries


  • <CR> checkout the reflog entry

8. show_custom_functions

A telescope picker for all functions above. Enable show_builtin_git_pickers to additionally show builtin git pickers.

⚙️ Installation


    -- Browse command to open commits in browser. Default fugitive GBrowse.
    -- {commit_hash} is the placeholder for the commit hash.
    browse_command = "GBrowse {commit_hash}",
    -- when {commit_hash} is not provided, the commit will be appended to the specified command seperated by a space
    -- browse_command = "GBrowse",
    -- => both will result in calling `:GBrowse commit`

    -- fugitive or diffview
    diff_plugin = "fugitive",
    -- customize git in previewer
    -- e.g. flags such as { "--no-pager" }, or { "-c", "delta.side-by-side=false" }
    git_flags = {},
    -- customize git diff in previewer
    -- e.g. flags such as { "--raw" }
    git_diff_flags = {},
    -- Show builtin git pickers when executing "show_custom_functions" or :AdvancedGitSearch
    show_builtin_git_pickers = false,
    entry_default_author_or_date = "author", -- one of "author" or "date"
    keymaps = {
        -- following keymaps can be overridden
        toggle_date_author = "<C-w>",
        open_commit_in_browser = "<C-o>",
        copy_commit_hash = "<C-y>",
        show_entire_commit = "<C-e>",

    -- Telescope layout setup
    telescope_theme = {
        function_name_1 = {
            -- Theme options
        function_name_2 = "dropdown"
        -- e.g. realistic example
        show_custom_functions = {
            layout_config = { width = 0.4, height = 0.4 },



    -- to show diff splits and open commits in browser
    -- to open commits in browser with fugitive
    -- optional: to replace the diff from fugitive with diffview.nvim
    -- (fugitive is still needed to open in browser)
    -- "sindrets/diffview.nvim",


Lazy To complete this snippet, see [Config](#Config) and [Dependencies](#Dependencies).
    cmd = { "AdvancedGitSearch" },
    config = function()
        -- optional: setup telescope before loading the extension
            -- move this to the place where you call the telescope setup function
            extensions = {
                advanced_git_search = {
                        -- See Config

    dependencies = {
        --- See dependencies

To complete this snippet, see Config and Dependencies.

    config = function()
        -- optional: setup telescope before loading the extension
            -- move this to the place where you call the telescope setup function
            extensions = {
                advanced_git_search = {
                    -- Insert Config here

    requires = {
        -- Insert Dependencies here


Lazy To complete this snippet, see [Config](#Config) and [Dependencies](#Dependencies).
    cmd = { "AdvancedGitSearch" },
    config = function()
            -- Insert Config here
    dependencies = {
        -- Insert Dependencies here

To complete this snippet, see Config and Dependencies.

    config = function()
                -- Insert Config here
    requires = {
        -- Insert Dependencies here


  • git
  • vim-fugitive
  • sindrets/diffview.nvim
  • telescope.nvim