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Waste an Hour Having Fun

a rock paper scisossros game for lazy people wanting to waste time.

User story

As a bored lazy person I would like to:

Play rock paper scisossros vs my device.

Track my score and the possiblilty to reset it in case I'm losing.

Keep the score even if I closed the browser.

Play with both mouse and keyboard.

I might be too lazy to think so I want to watch my device play against himself.

When I open the game I want it to be in the same mode it was when I closed it the last time.

Able to play using my smartphone or tablet.

Able to play on diffrent browsers.

Running Instructions.

  1. Clone this repo.
  2. Install depndancies npm install
  3. Build the app npm run build
  4. Start the app npm start
  5. browse to: http://localhost:4000
  6. Waste Time


  • If you want to extend the game:
    • Go to src/config.json
    • Add a new key for the new item with an object as value, the object will contain keys of other items that has 0 or 1 as a value. 0 if the new item is weaker and 1 if srtoneger and make sure the new image in the html file has an attribute data-choice with the same name as the key. you don't need to change anything else. e.g.
spock: {
"rock": 1,
"paper": 0,
"scissors": 1
 <li data-choice='spock'>
    <img src="./assets/spock.png" alt="spock">
  • write tests for the new cases. I will appreciate it if you also wrote more UI autmoated tests.

  • Run npm run watch for watching changes and auto-build.

  • You could use the latest es6 syntax. as it's all transformed while building.

  • Becareful there is a precommit hook for code format, linter, copy paste detection and tests.

  • check code quality after at:


  • Browserify and Babel: for bundling and to transform es6 syntax to es5 for cross borwser support.
  • Mocha, Chai and Puppeteer: for end-to-end testing.
  • Prettier and Eslint: for code formatting and linting.
  • jscpd: for copy paste detection.
  • nyc: for code coverage.

Developed for Chrome Version 68.0.3440.84

Tested on:

  • Desktop: Chrome Version 68.0.3440.84 and Firefox Quantom Version 61.0.1
  • Smartphone: One plus 6 running android 8.1.0


waste time playing rock paper scissors






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