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Rapport de mon Stage d'été de l'année 2021.

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Internship report

This project representes my 2021 summer intership report. I wrote it in french using Latex. In this file I am going to highlight the commands and packages used to write this wonderful document. If you would like to take a sight on the final result of this code you can avail yourself of this wonderful website: overleaf.


First of all, this is a report a4paper type document. It has 13pt headhieght, 3cm top margin and 2cm bottom and 1cm on left and right. The packages used in this project are:

  • fontenc: encoding package. I used T1 standard text encoding, which encodes fonts that can render most European languages.
  • biolinum: in this project I used biolinum font package. You can find more infos about it here.
  • babel: this package manages culturally-determined typographical (and other) rules for a wide range of languages. I used french in my document.
  • setspace: this package containes many spacing commands which were required inn my document.
  • tabularx: I used tabularx to create tables and mange them easily.
  • graphicx: the use of graphicx allowed me to include images in my document.
  • wrapfig: I used wrapfig to wrap the used images into rectangle.
  • float: It is used with the graphicx package to decclare floating space for my images.
  • geometry: I used this package to define the margins of pages.
  • fancyhdr: It allowed me to make fancy style for my headers and footers.
  • hyperref: I used this package to create links and also to style my table of contents.
  • subfile: I used this package to divide the report into multipl subfiles.

Along side the previous packages I renewed the command of \headrulewidth and \footrulewidth, to set them to 1pt. As well as I included ENSIAS, number of page, and Année universitaire: 2020/2021 in my footer.


\usepackage[headheight=13pt,top=3cm, bottom=2cm, left=1cm, right=1cm]{geometry}
\fancyfoot[R]{Année universitaire: 2020/2021}
\author{Kotbi Abderrahamane}
\date{Thursday, July 1st 2021}

Keep-in-mind commands

  • To declare the start and the end of the document:
  • To declare new subfile:
  • To declare root images directory:
  • To declare the start and the end of the title page:
  • To declare the start and the end of the centered element:
  • To declare the type of the page numbering:
\pagenumbering{roman} \setcounter{page}{1}  % i ii iii iv ...
\pagenumbering{arabic} \setcounter{page}{1} % 1 2 3 4 5 ...
\pagenumbering{alph} \setcounter{page}{1}   % a b c d f e ...
  • To declare the start and the end of the double space text form:
  • To declare the start and the end of italic text:
  • To add this chapter to content table and give it the title "Title":
  • To declare the table of content, figures, and tables:

\fancyhead[R]{\textbf{Table des matières}}


\renewcommand{\listtablename}{Table des tableaux} % I renamed liste of tables because it is a french document and table des tableaux is better.

  • To declare the start and the end of list of items:
  • To declare chapter, section, subsection, subsubsection with the title Title:
  • To declare a centered figure, wraped in a box, with the scale 0.5, and the title Title:
\begin{figure}[H] % declare figure
	\begin{center} % center it
		\fbox{\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{image.png}} % wrap it and display it
		\caption{Title} % give it a beautiful meaningful title
  • To declare a table with title Title, the width 17.5cm:
			\begin{tabularx}{17.5cm}{|p{3cm}|p{3cm}|X|} % p{3cm}means that the with of that column is 3cm, X takes automaticly the remaining space
				\textbf{title1} & \textbf{title2} & \textbf{title3} \\
				row2column1 data      & row2column2 data       & row2column3 data \\
  • To declare the appendix section:


In this project I used Setzer Latex editor with the following settings:


As I mentioned in the introduction, you can just use overleaf.