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LinkedList implementation with C++ as a library.

Building Repository

To build the repository you need CMake. You can download from here. You can create a shortcut cmake command for macOS as below

sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/bin
sudo /Applications/ --install=/usr/local/bin

After cloning repository to your own local machine go to project root folder and run

cmake .

and then

cmake --build .

to run unit tests for UNIX machines

cd test
./tests --gtest_color=yes

and for Windows machines

cd test/Debug/
tests.exe --gtest_color=yes

Sample Usage

Initiate linkedlist as below

LinkedList<std::string> *linkedList = new LinkedList<std::string>();

Initiation of Node

std::string strNext("next");
std::string strNode("node");

Node<std::string> *next = new Node<std::string>(strNext, nullptr);
Node<std::string> *node = new Node<std::string>(strNode, next);

Adding first node

std::string strFirst("first");
Node<std::string> *first = new Node<std::string>(strFirst, nullptr);

Getting first node's data

std::string data = linkedList->getFirst();

Removing head from LinkedList

std::string headData = linkedList->removeFirst()

Adding last node

std::string strLast("last");
Node<std::string> *last = new Node<std::string>(strLast, nullptr);

Adding data as node

std::string last("last");
std::string head("head");
linkedList->add(nullptr, head);
linkedList->add(linkedList->getHead(), last);

Clear LinkedList


Searching for node data

std::string mid("mid");
Node<std::string> *foundNode = linkedList->searchNode(mid);

Delete node

std::string mid("mid");
Node<std::string> *node = linkedList->searchNode(mid);
bool isDeleted = linkedList->deleteNode(node);