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Mattermost Gmail Plugin

A Gmail plugin for Mattermost - Brings your gmail conversations within Mattermost

Developer: Abdul Sattar Mapara


(The name(s) used are ficticious and for demonstration purpose)

Table of content

About the plugin

The plugin connects your Gmail with Mattermost, that enables you to import Gmail messages and threads (along with attachments) to any Mattermost channel. Also, you can subscribe to get notifications on new emails. Explore the plugin and report issues, if any, to Issues-Section.


  1. Download the latest version of the release directory. Go to System Console and upload the latest release in the Plugin Management section. For help on how to install a custom plugin, please refer installing custom plugin docs.

  2. Next, you will need to enter Client Secret, Client ID, Topic Name and generate Encryption Key to enable the plugin successfully. You will also need to create a Pub/Sub Subscription for the plugin to function properly -

    1. To obtain Client Secret & Client ID -

      • Go to Google Cloud Dashboard and create a new project.
      • After creating a project click on Go to APIs overview on APIs card from the dashboard which will take you to the API dashboard.
      • From the left menu, select OAuth consent screen (This page configures the consent screen for all applications in the created project)
      • Select Internal (In this mode, the app is limited to G Suite users within a organization) or External (In this mode, the app is available to any user with a Google account)
      • Type the Application Name (eg. Mattermost Gmail Plugin), upload the Application logo, select a support mail.
      • Next, Click on Add Scope and add the scope If you cannot view this scope, click on enabled APIs link in the header (opens in new tab), select Enable APIs and Services, search for (and select) Gmail API and then click Enable API. Now, you should see the required scope.
      • Click on Save and select Credentials from the left menu
      • Click on Create Credentials and select OAuth client ID from the dropdown
      • Select the Application type as Web Application
      • Enter the name of the OAuth 2.0 client (not shown to end users)
      • Enter the values of Authorized Javascript Origins as <Mattermost server URL> and the value of Authorised redirect URIs as <Mattermost server URL>/plugins/mattermost-plugin-gmail/oauth/complete and then click on Create.
      • Copy the Client ID and Client Secret and enter these in the Plugin Configuration Settings.
    2. To obtain the topic name -

      • Open the navigation menu (by clicking on Hamburger icon), scroll down and find Pub/Sub in the Big Data section. Select Topics from the menu obtained on hovering over the Pub/Sub title.
      • Create a Topic by entering a Topic ID (eg. mattermost-gmail-plugin-topic) and selecting a suitable option for Encryption (If you select, Customer-managed key, you may need to configure a little to proceed).
      • Select Add Member from the Permissions Section present on the right.
      • Enter in the New members field.
      • Select the role as Pub/Sub Publisher from Pub/Sub in the dropdown and click on Save.
      • You can now copy the displayed Topic Name and enter in the Plugin Configuration Settings (eg. projects/mattermost-project-111111/topics/mattermost-gmail-plugin-topic).
    3. Create a subscription -

      • Select Subscriptions from the left menu and click on Create Subscription
      • Provide a Subscription ID (eg. mattermost-plugin-gmail-subscription)
      • Select the Topic just created by following the above steps
      • Select the Delivery Type as Push
      • Enter the Endpoint URL as <Mattermost-Server-URL>/plugins/mattermost-plugin-gmail/webhook/gmail (Currently, do not check the Enable Authentication option.)
      • Choose Never Expire for Subscription expiration
      • Set Acknowledgement deadline to anything between 10 seconds to 600 seconds
      • You can let other fields being set to default values or configure them if you wish
      • Click on Create to complete creation of subscription.
    4. Generate the Encryption Key -

      • In the Plugin Configuration Settings, if Encryption Key is empty, simply click on Regenerate button just below the field for it.
  3. You are now set to use the Plugin.

Connecting with Gmail

  1. Head over to any Mattermost channel, and type the slash command - /gmail connect. The Gmail Bot will post a link, through which you can connect your Gmail Account.

  2. Click on the link, and select the Gmail Account that you wish to connect.

  3. You then need to grant certain permissions to proceed.

  4. Once you grant the permissions, you will be redirected to a Successfully authenticated page, which you can close and head back to the Mattermost Application.

  5. A new direct message from the Gmail Bot is also posted stating the same. With this your Gmail account is successfully connected to Mattermost.


Slash Commands


/gmail connect

  • Posts a link to connect Gmail with your Mattermost account

  • Demonstration: gmail-connect-demo

(Note that the prompt asking for permissions to access Gmail is not shown in the demonstration)

Import Mail

/gmail import mail <Message-ID>

  • This command lets you import a Gmail message in any Mattermost channel using its ID (along with its attachments, if any).

  • To obtain the message ID, click on the three dots present in the Gmail message and select Show Original. Message ID will be displayed at the start of the new page.

  • Demonstration: gmail-import-mail-demo

Import Thread

/gmail import thread <Message-ID>

  • This command lets you import a complete Gmail conversation in any Mattermost channel using ID of any message in the thread.

  • Demonstration: gmail-import-thread-demo


/gmail subscribe <Optional-Label-IDs>

  • This command lets you subscribe to notifications on recieving a mail corresponding to the Label IDs provided (should be comma-separated).

  • The Label IDs supported are: INBOX, CATEGORY_PROMOTIONS, CATEGORY_SOCIAL, CATEGORY_PERSONAL, CATEGORY_UPDATES, CATEGORY_FORUMS. To learn more about what these label IDs mean, read here.

  • If no label ID is provided with this command, the subscription is made on the ID - INBOX.

  • Demonstration: gmail-subscribe-demo


/gmail unsubscribe <Optional-Label-IDs>

  • This command lets you unsubscribe from notifications on recieving mails corressponding to the label IDs provided (should be comma-separated).

  • If no label ID is provided, unsubscription from all labels already subscribed.

  • Demonstration: gmail-unsubscribe-demo


/gmail disconnect

  • This command deletes the information required to access your Gmail account from Mattermost.

  • Additionally, you may head over to Manage your Google Account, select Security Issues and remove access to the project corresponding to this plugin.

  • Demonstration: gmail-disconnect-demo


/gmail help

  • Displays help on using the plugin

  • Demonstration: gmail-help-demo


  1. This plugin contains only the server.

  2. Use make check-style to check the style.

  3. Use make test to test the plugin.

  4. Use make dist to build distributions of the plugin that can be uploaded to a Mattermost server

  5. Alternatively, use make to check the style, test and build distributions of the plugin that you can upload to a Mattermost server (all at once).

  6. Use make deploy to deploy the plugin to your local server. Before running make deploy, you need to set a few environment variables:

    	export MM_SERVICESETTINGS_SITEURL=http://localhost:8065
    	export MM_ADMIN_USERNAME=admin
    	export MM_ADMIN_PASSWORD=password
  7. If you want to deploy the plugin by using System Console:

    1. On the server, in the file config/config.json, change EnableUploads in the Plugin Settings to true

    2. Login to Mattermost server with admin privileges.

    3. Headover to System Console and upload the tar.gz file created in dist/ directory to the plugins section. For help on how to install a custom plugin, please refer installing custom plugin docs.

    4. Follow instructions (2. onwards) at Installation-Guide

    5. Enable the plugin in the section Installed Plugins on the same page.

Todos and Possible Improvements

  • User subscription information should not be stored only in memory and should persist on plugin restarts
  • Log errors that are ignored and are important
  • While connecting with Gmail, only ask users for the permissions required for using the plugin and not any additional permissions
  • Authenticate incoming webhook from Gmail that is used to send mail notifications to users on subscription (Enforce JWT authentication for incoming webhooks)
  • Add the ability to send mails from Mattermost to a desired Gmail account
