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Barracuda Message Service Build Status

A simple messaging service tool with written .NET Core

A barracuda is a large, predatory, ray-finned fish known for its fearsome appearance and ferocious behaviour. ~Wiki

I was looking for a new hdd for myself, so i was impressed the Segate Barracuda version name and named this project as Barracuda. I know its not similar with the service tool what i made but its kinda cool name i think. :)



git clone
cd barracuda
dotnet build
dotnet test

Db Migration

You can run the migration by running these commands from the root folder (where the .sln file is located):

  • Adding migration
dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate --project src/Barracuda.Application/Barracuda.Application.csproj --startup-project src/Barracuda.WebApi/Barracuda.WebApi.csproj
  • Applying migration
dotnet ef database update --project src/Barracuda.Application/Barracuda.Application.csproj --startup-project src/Barracuda.WebApi/Barracuda.WebApi.csproj

Running the app using Docker

You can run the Barracuda service by running these commands from the root folder (where the .sln file is located):

docker-compose build
docker-compose up

Api Documentation

Account Management

POST: api/account/register

Request Body:

    "firstName": "Abdurrahman",
    "lastName": "Işık",
    "userName": "xJason21",
    "email": "",
    "password": "123456"

POST: api/account/login

Request Body:

    "userName": "xJason21",
    "password": "123456",
    "rememberMe": false

Message management

Retrieving messages

GET: api/messages Response Body:

        "text": "Merhaba",
        "recipientId": "recipientId",
        "senderId": "userId"
        "text": "Merhaba, nasılsın ?",
        "recipientId": "userId",
        "senderId": "recipientId"

GET: api/messages/1

    "text": "Merhaba",
    "recipientId": "recipientId",
    "senderId": "userId"

Send new message

POST api/messages

Request Body:

    "text": "Merhaba",
    "recipientId": "recipientId",
    "senderId": "userId"


  • Add user block feature
  • Exception handling
  • Group or private chat feature
  • Unit tests (% 30)

Built with

  • C#, .NET Core
  • Posgresql
  • EntityFramework Core
  • FluentValidation
  • Mapster
  • Swagger
  • Docker, Docker Compose
