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Kafka-Storm-Conscomp Topology

A kafka event producer, and a storm topology to process events from kafka and store data to MongoDB.

  • The kafka producer reads a csv file and sends US consumer complaints events to a local kafka broker.
  • The storm topology sources the events from kafka broker, transforms the events for processing, counts events per compliant type-subtype, then calculates rolling statistics per complaint type-subtype, and finally persists the stats to a local MongoDB instance.

For each project, please download latest version of maven to run mvn commands from command-line, or import it as a maven project in your IDE (provided maven plug-in is present). Please run mvn clean install and mvn eclipse:eclipse if you're running from a command line, and then import the project in your IDE.

Following setup will need to be done on local machine to run these projects:

  • Install Zookeeper - Visit zookeeper (For mac users, it's also available via brew)

  • Install Python - Visit Python. Python is required to run the storm daemon processes.

  • Install Kafka - Visit kafka (For mac users, it's also available via brew)

  • Install Storm - Visit storm setup (For mac users, it's also available via brew)

  • Install MongoDB - Visit mongodb (For mac users, it's also available via brew)

  • Zookeeper config - In zookeeper's conf/zoo.cfg, change the dataDir to a directory of your choice. Rest can be left as is (leave clientPort to be 2181).

  • Kafka config - In kafka's config/, keep broker_id=0, port=9092, log.dirs=directory of your choice, num.partitions=1 and zookeeper.connect=localhost:2181. Rest can be left as is.

  • Storm config - In storm's conf/storm.yaml, following configuration is required (port numbers can be of choice, though should be open for use - You may also refer

    • storm.zookeeper.servers: ""
    • storm.zookeeper.port: 2181
    • ""
    • storm.local.dir: "directory of your choice"
    • storm.messaging.transport: backtype.storm.messaging.netty.Context
    • supervisor.slots.ports: 7400 7401 7402 7403
  • Storm lib add-ons - Following jars need to be in storm's classpath to run this topology (these can be copied from your maven repository to storm's lib directory - provided you've already done the mvn clean install for the topology and event producer programs):

storm-kafka-version-incubating.jar, commons-math3-version.jar, kafka_version.jar, scala-library-version.jar, mongo-java-driver-version.jar, metrics-core-version.jar

  • MongoDB startup - Start Mongo DB instance from command line by running mongod. Then from another command-line instance, login to the database using Mongo shell by running mongo.
  • MongoDB config - From Mongo shell, create the database storm-meetup with command use storm-meetup. The topology would log records to a collection conscompstats (you don't need to create it). Once the topology has finished processing all events (after all steps below), the collection can be queries by command db.conscompstats.count() or db.conscompstats.find().
  • Zookeeper startup - From a command line, try starting zookeeper by running (Zookeeper home directory)/bin/ start. Check if it's running with a Java process name of QuorumPeerMain.
  • Kafka startup - From a command line, try starting the Kafka instance by running (kafka home/directory)/bin/ (kafka home directory)/config/ Check if it's running with a Java process name of kafka.
  • Kafka topic creation - From a command line, create a topic by running (kafka home directory)/bin/ --zookeeper localhost:2181 --create --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1 --topic test-conscomp-event-topic. You can test if it's created by running (kafka home directory)/bin/ --zookeeper localhost:2181 --list.
  • Event submission to Kafka - From your IDE in project kafkaeventproducer, run the main class EventSenderMain by passing arguments cons_comp_data.csv and test-conscomp-event-topic. It'll submit all records in the CSV file as events to kafka broker.
  • Storm startup - From a command line, start the Nimbus master dameon by running (storm home directory)/bin/storm nimbus. Check if it's running with a Java process name of nimbus. Then from another command line instance, start the Supervisor slave dameon by running (storm home directory)/bin/storm supervisor. Check if it's running with a Java process name of supervisor. Then from another command line instance, start the Storm UI server by running (storm home directory)/bin/storm ui. Check if it's running with a Java process name of core.
  • Storm topology submission - Once you've done mvn clean install and generated the project JAR, submit the topology from command line by running (storm home directory)/bin/storm jar (project directory)/target/singlenodestormtopology-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar com.sapient.storm_meetup.singlenodestormtopology.ConsCompTopology cons-comp-topology. Check if any java processes with name worker have been started, which would mean that topology has started processing kafka events.
  • Storm topology monitoring - In your browser, go to http//localhost:8080/index.html. It should show the topology, and different components in it. Now you can play around with it.