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Blueprints for web development stacks.

How it works

Puppet prepares Debian Wheezy server for web applications based on some frameworks. Vagrant gives you access to the servers in a virtual machine. And, finally, fabric helps you bootstrapping the frameworks in your workspace. Cool.

How to use

Clone this repo in a directory of your choosing. Initialize and clone dependencies.

$ git clone <repo>
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update

Decide which framework you want to use - it's Drupal, Symfony, and Django for now (more to come) - and modify puppet/manifests/default.pp. Find the declaration of class frameworks and switch the parameter framework to one of drupal, symfony, or django.

class { 'frameworks':
    name => 'symfony',

Then run

$ vagrant up

This should set up a virtual machine for the desired framework, e.g. a basic LAMP stack with default virtual host and databases plus a set of dev tools.

Per default Vagrant will try to mount your project folder in the virtual machine via NFS. This requires that you've got a NFS server running on the host machine. I've only tested this under Arch Linux where I only needed to install the package nfs-utils and start the servers with:

# systemctl restart rpc-idmapd
# systemctl restart rpc-mountd

on ubuntu:

# sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server
# sudo service nfs-kernel-server restart
# sudo service idmapd restart

Make sure your host network adapter is properly configured for host only communication (again, under Arch Linux):

# ip link set vboxnet0 up
# ip addr add dev vboxnet0

For more information on nfs, see for Fedora and Ubuntu.

Puppet will install a in your project folder with some tasks ready to bootstrap your framework. It should also contain task which do the host configuration above.

If you don't want NFS, just comment out the following line in the Vagrantfile:

config.vm.synced_folder(".", "/vagrant", :nfs => true, :nfs_version => 4)

You will then need to sync your folders manually over SSH.

The virtual machine has the IP Add comfort by defining some addresses in your host's /etc/hosts:   www.vbox.local   phpmyadmin.vbox.local   webgrind.vbox.local

Webgrind is an Xdebug profiler web front-end which is only added for PHP projects.


Puppet configures default databases, which can be used by your projects:

Db name: <framework>
Db username: <framework>
Db password: <framework>

E.g. for Drupal you'll find a MySQL database of the name "drupal" accessible for a user "drupal" authenticated with password "drupal". You can manage MySQL databases with PhpMyAdmin with:

User: root
Password: password


While Vagrant manages the VM and Puppet sets up tools, web and database servers as required, it's fabric which bootstraps the actual source code of the framework. If you want to do this by hand, you can stop here and are ready to go.

All source code goes in a directory www/ under your project root. If fabric finds such a directory while bootstrapping, it will back it up.

See what your shining new has to offer by running fab -l in the directory where is; this file is only created if it doesn't exist. So you can later safely modify and extend it as part of your project.

Install the framework of your choice with:

$ fab bootstrap

This downloads and installs the necessary code into www/. You can specify certain versions of Drupal or Symfony by adding a parameter, like so:

$ fab bootstrap:version=7.22
$ fab bootstrap:version=2.2.0

You will hit the wall, if fabric can't find that version.

What now?

Symfony does not allow remote access to the development dispatcher by default. Modify www/web/app_dev.php to change this.

Install Drupal online by visiting <http://www.vbox.local/install.php> or <>.