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counsel.el: Fix and improve counsel-colors-* #1436

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368 changes: 99 additions & 269 deletions counsel.el
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:action #'ivy-completion-in-region-action)))

;;;** `counsel-colors'
(defun counsel-colors--best-contrast-color (color)
"Choose the best-contrast foreground color for a background color COLOR.

Use the relative luminance formula to improve the perceived contrast.
If the relative luminance is beyond a given threshold, in this case a
midpoint, then the chosen color is black, otherwise is white. This
helps to improve the contrast and readability of a text regardless of
the background color."
(let ((rgb (color-name-to-rgb color)))
(if rgb
(if (>
(+ (* (nth 0 rgb) 0.299)
(* (nth 1 rgb) 0.587)
(* (nth 2 rgb) 0.114))

(defun counsel-colors--update-highlight (cand)
"Update the highlight face for the current candidate CAND.

This is necessary because the default `ivy-current-match' face
background mask most of the colors and you can not see the current
candidate color when is selected, which is counter-intuitive and not
user friendly. The default Emacs command `list-colors-display' have
the same problem."
(when (> (length cand) 0)
(let ((color (substring-no-properties cand 26 33)))
:background color
;; Another alternatives like use the attribute
;; `distant-foreground' or the function `color-complement-hex'
;; do not work well here because they use the absolute
;; luminance difference between the colors, when the human eye
;; does not perceive all the colors with the same brightness.
:foreground (counsel-colors--best-contrast-color color)))))

(defun counsel-colors-action-insert-name (x)
"Insert the X color name."
(let ((color (car (split-string (substring x 0 25)))))
(insert color)))

(defun counsel-colors-action-insert-hex (x)
"Insert the X color hexadecimal rgb value."
(let ((rgb (substring x 26 33)))
(insert rgb)))

(defun counsel-colors-action-kill-name (x)
"Kill the X color name."
(let ((color (car (split-string (substring x 0 25)))))
(kill-new color)))

(defun counsel-colors-action-kill-hex (x)
"Kill the X color hexadecimal rgb value."
(let ((rgb (substring x 26 33)))
(kill-new rgb)))
(defun counsel-colors-action-insert-hex (color)
"Insert the hexadecimal RGB value of COLOR."
(insert (get-text-property 0 'hex color)))

;;** `counsel-colors-emacs'
'(("n" counsel-colors-action-insert-name "insert color name")
("h" counsel-colors-action-insert-hex "insert color hexadecimal value")
("N" counsel-colors-action-kill-name "kill color name")
("H" counsel-colors-action-kill-hex "kill color hexadecimal value")))
(defun counsel-colors-action-kill-hex (color)
"Kill the hexadecimal RGB value of COLOR."
(kill-new (get-text-property 0 'hex color)))

(defvar counsel-colors-emacs-history nil
;;** `counsel-colors-emacs'
(defvar counsel-colors-emacs-history ()
"History for `counsel-colors-emacs'.")

(defun counsel-colors--name-to-hex (color)
"Return hexadecimal rgb value of a color from his name COLOR."
(apply 'color-rgb-to-hex (color-name-to-rgb color)))
(defun counsel-colors--name-to-hex (name)
"Return hexadecimal RGB value of color with NAME."
(apply #'color-rgb-to-hex (color-name-to-rgb name)))

(defvar shr-color-visible-luminance-min)
(declare-function shr-color-visible "shr-color")

(defun counsel-colors--formatter (formatter)
"Turn FORMATTER into format function for `counsel-colors-*'.
Return closure suitable for `ivy-format-function'."
(require 'shr-color)
(lambda (colors)
(lambda (color)
(let* ((hex (get-text-property 0 'hex color))
(shr-color-visible-luminance-min 100)
(fg (cadr (shr-color-visible hex "black" t))))
(propertize (funcall formatter color)
'face (list :foreground fg :background hex))))
formatter colors "\n")))

(defun counsel-colors-emacs ()
"Show a list of all supported colors for a particular frame.

You can insert or kill the name or the hexadecimal rgb value of the
selected candidate."
You can insert or kill the name or hexadecimal RGB value of the
selected color."
(let ((minibuffer-allow-text-properties t))
(ivy-read "%d Emacs color: "
(mapcar (lambda (x)
(format "%-25s" (car x))
'result (car x))
(format "%8s "
(counsel-colors--name-to-hex (car x)))
'face (list :foreground (car x)))
(format "%10s" " ")
'face (list :background (car x)))
(format " %-s" (mapconcat #'identity (cdr x) ", "))
'face (list :foreground (car x)))))
(let* ((colors (mapcar (lambda (cell)
(let ((name (car cell)))
(propertize name
'hex (counsel-colors--name-to-hex name)
'dups (cdr cell))))
(fmt (format "%%-%ds %%s %%s%%s"
(apply #'max 0 (mapcar #'string-width colors))))
(blank (make-string 10 ?\s))
(lambda (color)
(let ((fg (list :foreground color)))
(format fmt color
(propertize (get-text-property 0 'hex color) 'face fg)
(propertize blank 'face (list :background color))
(propertize (mapconcat (lambda (dup)
(concat " " dup))
(get-text-property 0 'dups color)
'face fg)))))))
(ivy-read "Emacs color: " colors
:require-match t
:update-fn (lambda ()
(counsel-colors--update-highlight (ivy-state-current ivy-last)))
:action #'counsel-colors-action-insert-name
:history 'counsel-colors-emacs-history
:caller 'counsel-colors-emacs
:sort nil)))

;;** `counsel-colors-web'
(defvar counsel-colors--web-colors-alist
'(("aliceblue" . "#f0f8ff")
("antiquewhite" . "#faebd7")
("aqua" . "#00ffff")
("aquamarine" . "#7fffd4")
("azure" . "#f0ffff")
("beige" . "#f5f5dc")
("bisque" . "#ffe4c4")
("black" . "#000000")
("blanchedalmond" . "#ffebcd")
("blue" . "#0000ff")
("blueviolet" . "#8a2be2")
("brown" . "#a52a2a")
("burlywood" . "#deb887")
("cadetblue" . "#5f9ea0")
("chartreuse" . "#7fff00")
("chocolate" . "#d2691e")
("coral" . "#ff7f50")
("cornflowerblue" . "#6495ed")
("cornsilk" . "#fff8dc")
("crimson" . "#dc143c")
("cyan" . "#00ffff")
("darkblue" . "#00008b")
("darkcyan" . "#008b8b")
("darkgoldenrod" . "#b8860b")
("darkgray" . "#a9a9a9")
("darkgreen" . "#006400")
("darkkhaki" . "#bdb76b")
("darkmagenta" . "#8b008b")
("darkolivegreen" . "#556b2f")
("darkorange" . "#ff8c00")
("darkorchid" . "#9932cc")
("darkred" . "#8b0000")
("darksalmon" . "#e9967a")
("darkseagreen" . "#8fbc8f")
("darkslateblue" . "#483d8b")
("darkslategray" . "#2f4f4f")
("darkturquoise" . "#00ced1")
("darkviolet" . "#9400d3")
("deeppink" . "#ff1493")
("deepskyblue" . "#00bfff")
("dimgray" . "#696969")
("dodgerblue" . "#1e90ff")
("firebrick" . "#b22222")
("floralwhite" . "#fffaf0")
("forestgreen" . "#228b22")
("fuchsia" . "#ff00ff")
("gainsboro" . "#dcdcdc")
("ghostwhite" . "#f8f8ff")
("goldenrod" . "#daa520")
("gold" . "#ffd700")
("gray" . "#808080")
("green" . "#008000")
("greenyellow" . "#adff2f")
("honeydew" . "#f0fff0")
("hotpink" . "#ff69b4")
("indianred" . "#cd5c5c")
("indigo" . "#4b0082")
("ivory" . "#fffff0")
("khaki" . "#f0e68c")
("lavenderblush" . "#fff0f5")
("lavender" . "#e6e6fa")
("lawngreen" . "#7cfc00")
("lemonchiffon" . "#fffacd")
("lightblue" . "#add8e6")
("lightcoral" . "#f08080")
("lightcyan" . "#e0ffff")
("lightgoldenrodyellow" . "#fafad2")
("lightgreen" . "#90ee90")
("lightgrey" . "#d3d3d3")
("lightpink" . "#ffb6c1")
("lightsalmon" . "#ffa07a")
("lightseagreen" . "#20b2aa")
("lightskyblue" . "#87cefa")
("lightslategray" . "#778899")
("lightsteelblue" . "#b0c4de")
("lightyellow" . "#ffffe0")
("lime" . "#00ff00")
("limegreen" . "#32cd32")
("linen" . "#faf0e6")
("magenta" . "#ff00ff")
("maroon" . "#800000")
("mediumaquamarine" . "#66cdaa")
("mediumblue" . "#0000cd")
("mediumorchid" . "#ba55d3")
("mediumpurple" . "#9370d8")
("mediumseagreen" . "#3cb371")
("mediumslateblue" . "#7b68ee")
("mediumspringgreen" . "#00fa9a")
("mediumturquoise" . "#48d1cc")
("mediumvioletred" . "#c71585")
("midnightblue" . "#191970")
("mintcream" . "#f5fffa")
("mistyrose" . "#ffe4e1")
("moccasin" . "#ffe4b5")
("navajowhite" . "#ffdead")
("navy" . "#000080")
("oldlace" . "#fdf5e6")
("olive" . "#808000")
("olivedrab" . "#6b8e23")
("orange" . "#ffa500")
("orangered" . "#ff4500")
("orchid" . "#da70d6")
("palegoldenrod" . "#eee8aa")
("palegreen" . "#98fb98")
("paleturquoise" . "#afeeee")
("palevioletred" . "#d87093")
("papayawhip" . "#ffefd5")
("peachpuff" . "#ffdab9")
("peru" . "#cd853f")
("pink" . "#ffc0cb")
("plum" . "#dda0dd")
("powderblue" . "#b0e0e6")
("purple" . "#800080")
("rebeccapurple" . "#663399")
("red" . "#ff0000")
("rosybrown" . "#bc8f8f")
("royalblue" . "#4169e1")
("saddlebrown" . "#8b4513")
("salmon" . "#fa8072")
("sandybrown" . "#f4a460")
("seagreen" . "#2e8b57")
("seashell" . "#fff5ee")
("sienna" . "#a0522d")
("silver" . "#c0c0c0")
("skyblue" . "#87ceeb")
("slateblue" . "#6a5acd")
("slategray" . "#708090")
("snow" . "#fffafa")
("springgreen" . "#00ff7f")
("steelblue" . "#4682b4")
("tan" . "#d2b48c")
("teal" . "#008080")
("thistle" . "#d8bfd8")
("tomato" . "#ff6347")
("turquoise" . "#40e0d0")
("violet" . "#ee82ee")
("wheat" . "#f5deb3")
("white" . "#ffffff")
("whitesmoke" . "#f5f5f5")
("yellow" . "#ffff00")
("yellowgreen" . "#9acd32"))
"These are the colors defined by the W3C consortium to use in CSS sheets.

All of these colors are compatible with any common browser. The
colors gray, green, maroon and purple have alternative values as
defined by the X11 standard, here they follow the W3C one.")
:action #'insert
:caller 'counsel-colors-emacs)))

'(("n" counsel-colors-action-insert-name "insert name")
("h" counsel-colors-action-insert-hex "insert hex")
("N" counsel-colors-action-kill-name "kill rgb")
("H" counsel-colors-action-kill-hex "kill hex")))
'(("h" counsel-colors-action-insert-hex "insert hexadecimal value")
("H" counsel-colors-action-kill-hex "kill hexadecimal value")))

(defvar counsel-colors-web-history nil
;;** `counsel-colors-web'
(defvar shr-color-html-colors-alist)

(defun counsel-colors--web-alist ()
"Return list of CSS colours for `counsel-colors-web'."
(require 'shr-color)
(let* ((alist (copy-alist shr-color-html-colors-alist))
(mp (assoc "MediumPurple" alist))
(pvr (assoc "PaleVioletRed" alist))
(rp (assoc "RebeccaPurple" alist)))
;; Backport GNU Emacs bug#30377
(when mp (setcdr mp "#9370db"))
(when pvr (setcdr pvr "#db7093"))
(unless rp (push (cons "rebeccapurple" "#663399") alist))
(sort (mapcar (lambda (cell)
(propertize (downcase (car cell))
'hex (downcase (cdr cell))))

(defvar counsel-colors-web-history ()
"History for `counsel-colors-web'.")

(defun counsel-colors-web ()
"Show a list of all W3C web colors for use in CSS.

You can insert or kill the name or the hexadecimal rgb value of the
selected candidate."
You can insert or kill the name or hexadecimal RGB value of the
selected color."
(let ((minibuffer-allow-text-properties t))
(ivy-read "%d Web color: "
(mapcar (lambda (x)
(format "%-25s" (car x)))
(format "%8s " (cdr x))
'face (list :foreground (car x)))
(format "%10s" " ")
'face (list :background (cdr x)))))
(let* ((colors (counsel-colors--web-alist))
(blank (make-string 10 ?\s))
(fmt (format "%%-%ds %%s %%s"
(apply #'max 0 (mapcar #'string-width colors))))
(lambda (color)
(let ((hex (get-text-property 0 'hex color)))
(format fmt color
(propertize hex 'face (list :foreground hex))
(propertize blank 'face (list :background hex))))))))
(ivy-read "Web color: " colors
:require-match t
:action #'counsel-colors-action-insert-name
:update-fn (lambda ()
(counsel-colors--update-highlight (ivy-state-current ivy-last)))
:history 'counsel-colors-web-history
:caller 'counsel-colors-web
:sort t)))
:sort t
:action #'insert
:caller 'counsel-colors-web)))

'(("h" counsel-colors-action-insert-hex "insert hexadecimal value")
("H" counsel-colors-action-kill-hex "kill hexadecimal value")))

;;** `counsel-faces'
(defun counsel-faces-action-describe (x)
Expand Down