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Class notes 4 25

acavataio edited this page Apr 25, 2017 · 2 revisions
  • GIT install

  • SSHd (daemon) configuration SCP (secure copy) - Encrypted File Transfer

  • SSH - Login shell tcp: 22

  • Users Encrypted

                             Telnet/FTP - SFTP - Tunnel over SSH

Review of Ch4: Overview chapter

how to add/remove SW: apt-get install (apt get remove to remove), dpkg (debian) and rpm (redhat) packages


What ports do What:

File Systems:

mobile apps:





productivity software: GIMP - Graphics Software, Libre Office, Thunderbird email.

Orientation to different systems (gnome and kde): gnome: apt-get install ubuntu-gnome-desktop kde: apt-get install plasma-desktop xfce: apt-get install xfce4 lxde: apt-get install lxde matte: apt-get install mate-desktop-environment

Programming languages: Perl v. Python - Perl is interpretive and for scripts, Python is object oriented c v. c++ - compiled languages, c++ is object oriented, c is Low Level like assembly low level = drivers, closer to hardware, high level = closer to user Java - low level, OS independent, runs in Java virtual machine, not javascript!

Installing GIT- installed GIT as sudo Git tutorials read tutorial and watch Git for Noobs.

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