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class notes 6 6

acavataio edited this page Jun 8, 2017 · 2 revisions

Deadlines - all in by June 16 Group work - Working on the utilities we have selected
Final - Thursday - come in on 20 minute review, get paper and VM, work through paper packet.

--File Systems:
(win v. linux)

c:\program files\appfolder\files
-/etc/ <- system files (ssh files,skel,passwd,shadow,bashrc) configuration
-/home/username/ <- user files (desktop, videos, documents, pictures, music)
-/bin/ <- user binaries
-/sbin/ <- system binaries
-/lib/ <- libraries
-/share/ <- fonts and pics
for security, portability, held in NFS with ldap and ssh keys
-users can write to their user folder and temp without elevated permissions

lvl1 (base functionality)
/bin (binaries)
/opt (optional, used by solaris)
/mnt (mount fileshares or media)
/home (user directory)
/media (usb or cdrom)
/sbin (system binaries)
/lib (libraries)
/boot (bootstrap)
/cdrom (mount)
/dev (devices)
/proc (files about devices from other programs)
/run (active user processes - currently running)
/usr (components needed to run multi-user)

2nd lvl (functioning for user)
/usr/bin (user)
/sbin (system)

Opt lvl (solaris)
/opt (optional)

3rd lvl (locally compiled programs)

whereis can be used to find files in filesystem
so can locate
which will give you 1 output, whereis will give you a few but not complete, locate will give rigorous output but not current.
mlocate is the script run by the chron that updates the entire index.

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