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One tool to test all your APIs


Zelig provides a possibility to test your local and remote APIs. It could work in 4 modes:

  • record
  • serve
  • playback
  • observe


In record mode Zelig propagates all incoming requests to the specified server. Also it logs all request-response pairs.


In serve mode Zelig do not propagates incoming requests. Instead it returns previously recorded responses. Also it closes the connection on unknown requests.


In playback mode Zelig reads all recorded request-response pairs and send all requests again. Then it compares old and new responses and logs mismatches


In observe mode Zelig works like in record mode, but it also logs all unknown incoming requests and all mismatched responses.

Test summary

Zelig stores some basic test info when running in playback and observe modes. It is stored in .meta file in the report's directory. You can see human readable tests summary by running following command

docker run -v <files_directory>:/files zelig summary <report_folder>

How to use

Run docker run -v <files_directory>:/files -p <host_port>:<container_port> --env-file ./env zelig

  • <files_direcotry> is a directory that is required by Zelig to store data/reports,
  • <host_port> is a port on the host machine that will be used to communicate with Zelig.
  • <container_port> is a port inside the container. It should be equal to the ZELIG_PORT env variable if it specified (default is 8081).
  • env is a name of file that contains environment variables which Zelig use.

Zelig can be configured using environment variables:

  • ZELIG_MODE - name of the current Zelig mode. Should be one of record, playback, serve, observe
  • TARGET_SERVER_BASE_URL - url of a real server that is hidden behind zelig (
  • ZELIG_DATA_DIRECTORY - name of directory where to store data(request-response files). Autogenerated if absent. Generation template is data_%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S. Optional in record mode.
  • [optional] ZELIG_PLAYBACK_REPORT_DIRECTORY - name of directory to which we save logs in playback mode. Default is playback_report_%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S
  • [optional] ZELIG_OBSERVE_REPORT_DIRECTORY - name of directory to which we save logs in observe mode. Default is observe_report_%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S
  • [optional] ZELIG_HOST - host of the server. Default is
  • [optional] ZELIG_PORT - port of the server. Default is 8081
  • [optional] REQUEST_MATCH_ON - space separated list of request properties, that are used to compare requests. Default is method scheme host port path query body
  • [optional] RESPONSE_MATCH_ON - space separated list of response properties, that are used to compare responses. Default is body status
  • [optional] DEBUG - enables debug level console logs. Set to 1 or true

Also you should map your local directory to /files directory inside container. This directory will contain all logs writen by Zelig.

Example docker-compose.yml file

version: "3"
        image: zelig:latest
        ports: ["8081:8081"]
            - ~/tmp/zelig-test/test_files:/files
            - ZELIG_MODE=record


  1. Zelig will interrupt connection in serve mode if incoming request is unknown so you need to handle connection errors. It also will save log as for the usual request but will use 490 response code to signal that request was not recognized.
  2. Zelig always force error responses to not match each other. So if we recorded error in record mode and then encountered the same error in playback or observe modes report will be generated.

How to build container from sources

  1. Install Docker
  2. Clone project from Github: git clone <directory> or git clone <directory>. Project will be cloned to the specified <directory>
  3. Run docker build -t zelig --no-cache <directory>. This will build a docker image with a name zelig from sources.


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