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Need to add authorization and remove a long deprecated data header se… #31

Need to add authorization and remove a long deprecated data header se…

Need to add authorization and remove a long deprecated data header se… #31

Workflow file for this run

name: workflows starter
# env: is empty, see setup-env and the outputs there
- "main"
- "devel"
- "instrumented-for-profiling"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Optionally specify the environment that should be used on this branch
# environment: production
# It seems you have to specify the environment twice (passed to reusable workflow)
# as there is no way yet to get the active environment
# environment: production
# or see the switch on ref_name script below
environment: ${{ steps.get_environment_from_git_ref.outputs.environment }}
image_tagged: vleserver_basex
default_port: "5000"
herokuish_base_image: gliderlabs/herokuish:latest-22
APP_NAME: vleserver_basex
# This together with the branch name is also used as the namespace to deploy to
APP_ROOT: "/restvle"
# SERVICE_ID: "99999" # Better use GtiHub environment variables for this
# PUBLIC_URL: "" # Better use GitHub environment variables for this
# POSTGRES_ENABLED: "false" # needs to be set to true to enable a postgres db installed next to the deployed app
- name: Get environment from git ref
id: get_environment_from_git_ref
run: |
echo "Running on branch ${{ github.ref_name }}"
if [ "${{ github.ref }}" = "refs/heads/main" ]; then
echo "environment=production"
echo "environment=production" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
echo "environment=review-${{ github.ref_name }}"
echo "environment=review-${{ github.ref_name }}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
needs: [setup_workflow_env]
uses: acdh-oeaw/gl-autodevops-minimal-port/.github/workflows/build-herokuish-and-push-to-registry.yaml@main
secrets: inherit
# if you run this outside of acdh-oeaw yo uneed to specify every secret you want to pass by name
environment: ${{ needs.setup_workflow_env.outputs.environment}}
BUILDPACK_URL: ${{ needs.setup_workflow_env.outputs.BUILDPACK_URL }}
registry_root: ${{ needs.setup_workflow_env.outputs.registry_root }}
image_tagged: ${{ needs.setup_workflow_env.outputs.image_tagged }}
source_image: ${{ needs.setup_workflow_env.outputs.source_image }}

Check failure on line 53 in .github/workflows/starter.yaml

View workflow run for this annotation

GitHub Actions / workflows starter

Invalid workflow file

The workflow is not valid. .github/workflows/starter.yaml (Line: 53, Col: 21): Invalid input, source_image is not defined in the referenced workflow.
default_port: ${{ needs.setup_workflow_env.outputs.default_port }}
needs: [setup_workflow_env]
uses: acdh-oeaw/gl-autodevops-minimal-port/.github/workflows/herokuish-tests-db-url.yaml@main
secrets: inherit
# if you run this outside of acdh-oeaw yo uneed to specify every secret you want to pass by name
environment: ${{ needs.setup_workflow_env.outputs.environment}}
BUILDPACK_URL: ${{ needs.setup_workflow_env.outputs.BUILDPACK_URL }}
registry_root: ${{ needs.setup_workflow_env.outputs.registry_root }}
image_tagged: ${{ needs.setup_workflow_env.outputs.image_tagged }}
source_image: ${{ needs.setup_workflow_env.outputs.source_image }}
default_port: ${{ needs.setup_workflow_env.outputs.default_port }}
herokuish_base_image: ${{ needs.setup_workflow_env.outputs.herokuish_base_image }}
POSTGRES_ENABLED: ${{ needs.setup_workflow_env.outputs.POSTGRES_ENABLED }}
# _3:
# needs: [setup_workflow_env, _1, _2]
# uses: acdh-oeaw/gl-autodevops-minimal-port/.github/workflows/deploy-cluster-2.yml@main
# secrets: inherit
# with:
# environment: ${{ needs.setup_workflow_env.outputs.environment}}
# DOCKER_TAG: ${{ needs.setup_workflow_env.outputs.registry_root }}${{ needs.setup_workflow_env.outputs.image_tagged }}
# APP_NAME: ${{ needs.setup_workflow_env.outputs.APP_NAME }}
# APP_ROOT: ${{ needs.setup_workflow_env.outputs.APP_ROOT }}
# SERVICE_ID: ${{ needs.setup_workflow_env.outputs.SERVICE_ID }}
# PUBLIC_URL: ${{ needs.setup_workflow_env.outputs.PUBLIC_URL }}
# POSTGRES_ENABLED: ${{ needs.setup_workflow_env.outputs.POSTGRES_ENABLED == 'true'}}