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Mobile_ICP_10: Earthquake Information App

Mehmet Acikgoz edited this page Apr 7, 2021 · 3 revisions

Name: Mehmet Acikgoz

Student Id: 01

Lesson Overview:

This lesson helps understand some crucial aspects of Android, such as fetching JSON data from APIs, parsing the JSON data, handling errors, using the Async Task Class, and some Java elements and usage of ListView

Earthquake Info App: Displaying the recent earthquake information

Programming elements: RESTful Services, ListView, Adapter, Recycling, Multi-Threading, and Async Task

More info

Task : Earthquake information application

The earthquake information application which lists the earthquakes that have occurred at present and time (the most recent) and shows it's magnitude. Once clicked on it, it redirects us to the USGS page which shows more details along with interactive maps.

Please feel free to click the link to see the source code

TODO 1,2,3

In the following class, the connection has been established with the USGS website and response is stored in JSON format. From the JSON file, the required results/attributes are extracted and used for showing the results in the application.


A new intent created to follow the URI of an earthquake selected by the user.


The lines to make internet permissions available are added.

Below is the main page of the application. It shows the list of locations of the quake.

When clicked on any of the list items, the details about the earthquake are given in the USGS website

When we scroll down the website we can see the location on a map.