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Web_ICP_01 Tools (GitHub and WebStorm)

acikgozmehmet edited this page Feb 4, 2021 · 1 revision

Name: Mehmet Acikgoz

Student Id: 01

In Class Programming (ICP): Web_ICP1 - Tools (GitHub and WebStorm)

Lesson Overview:

  • We are going to learn about the tools GitHub desktop and WebStorm IDE.
  • Installation of WebStorm, GitHub and discussion about GitHub

1. Show that you have WebStorm installed on your machine

2. Create a GitHub account. Create a repository in remote GitHub. Clone it to the local machine. Create 2 (Source and Documentation) directories in local GitHub

3. Take screenshots of a repository creation and put them in the documentation folder in the local repository and sync it to the remote repository

4. Create an HTML document named "index.html" and place it in the source folder

WebStorm installation

5. Write about your repository in README.MD file

6. Create a wiki page for your first ICP(Web_ICP1) and explain what you did in your first ICP (use the screenshots took in step3)

7. Fork any existing repository

8. Create a branch for your repo and make a pull request

9. Create an issue and describe your pull request

10. Sync both local repositories with the source and documentation folders with the remote repository

Clone this wiki locally