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OrientDB Scala DSL

It's a Scala DSL for OrientDb...

Build Status MIT licensed Scala 2.11 Scala 2.12

Disclaimer: Neiher this code, documentation nor any part of this repository is officially connected/related to or one of their services. This is an open source project wrapping the OrientDb Java driver to provide better compatibility to Scala. For any questions regarding the underlying Java driver or professional services, please refer to OrientDB Offical


SBT dependency:

libraryDependencies += "ch.acmesoftware" %% "orientdb-scala-dsl" % "VERSION"

The library provides a .dsl() method on different Orient-Objects. Just import the wrappers:

import ch.acmesoftware.orientDbScalaDsl._

For now, the lib is unpublished, so you have to check it out localy using git and run:

sbt publishLocal


Vertex Type

// things needed from java driver
import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.impls.orient.OrientGraphFactory
import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.metadata.schema.OType._

// scala dsl import
import ch.acmesoftware.orientDbScalaDsl._

val g = new OrientGraphFactory("memory:orientDbScalaDslTest").getNoTx

// create new vertex type
g.dsl createVertexType "SomeLabel"

// ...with properties
g.dsl createVertexType "Person" withProperty "name" -> STRING
g.dsl createVertexType "User" withProperty "name" -> STRING and "active" -> BOOLEAN

// ...and indexes
g.dsl createVertexType "City" withProperty "name" -> STRING and "zip" -> INTEGER unique "name" unique "zip"

// edit existing vertex type
g.getVertexType("Person").dsl withProperty "age" -> INTEGER


// things needed from java driver
import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.impls.orient.OrientGraphFactory

// scala dsl import
import ch.acmesoftware.orientDbScalaDsl._

val g = new OrientGraphFactory("memory:orientDbScalaDslTest").getTx

// add vertex
g.dsl addVertex "Person" withProperty "name" -> "Frank"
g.dsl addVertex "Customer" withProperty "name" -> "ACME" and "active" -> true
g.dsl addVertex "Customer" withProperty "name" -> Some("ACME") and "active" -> None // only "name" is persisted
g.dsl addVertex "Customer" withProperty "name" -> null // ugly, but no exception - don't work with null in Scala ;)

// find & filter
g.dsl findVertices "City" single()
g.dsl findVertices "City" filter "name" -> "Zurich" filter  "zip" -> 8000 single() // Option[VertexDsl]
g.dsl findVertices "City" filter "name" -> "Zurich" list() // Iterable[VertexDsl]
g.dsl findVertices "City" filter "name" -> "Zurich" list() take 3 // Iterable[VertexDsl] (first 3)

// edit existing
val existing = g.dsl findVertices "Customer" single()
existing foreach(_ withProperty "name" -> "ACME Software Solutions" and "year" -> 2017)

// get property
val name: Option[String] = existing.flatMap(v =>[String]("name"))

// get mandatory property (nullable) - only use this with schema
val name2: String = => v.mandatoryProperty[String]("name")).orNull

Edge Type



// things needed from java driver
import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.impls.orient.OrientGraphFactory

// scala dsl import
import ch.acmesoftware.orientDbScalaDsl._

val g = new OrientGraphFactory("memory:orientDbScalaDslTest").getTx

val company = g.dsl addVertex "Company"
val employee = g.dsl addVertex "Employee"

// create edge: Employee --(WorksFor)--> Company
val e1 = g.dsl addEdge "WorksFor" -> (employee -> company)

// add properties...
e1 withProperty "sinde" -> 2011 and "position" -> "Manager"

Get Involved

Please use the GitHub issue tracker to file bugs or place pull-requests. Any commitment is highly appreciated.


This project is licensed under MIT. Please refere to LICENSE file...


Supported by ACME Software Solutions GmbH