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Luke Palmer authored and Luke Palmer committed Apr 9, 2010
1 parent b8fb71c commit ccbd7d0
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Showing 3 changed files with 98 additions and 36 deletions.
22 changes: 14 additions & 8 deletions Graphics/Formats/Collada/Objects.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ data InputSemantic
| SemNormal
| SemVertex
| SemTexCoord
deriving Show
deriving (Eq,Show)

data Primitive
= PrimTriangles String [Input] [Int] -- material inputs indices
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -116,10 +116,16 @@ mainA = mainScene &&& (Map.unions .< X.multi objects) <<< X.hasName "COLLADA"
infixr 1 .<
(.<) = flip (X.>.)

refAttr :: String -> LA.LA X.XmlTree ID
refAttr name = stripHash ^<< X.getAttrValue0 name
stripHash ('#':x) = x
stripHash x = x

objects = asum [ float_array, source, vertices, geometry, image, newparam, effect, material, node, visual_scene ]

mainScene :: LA.LA X.XmlTree ID
mainScene = X.getAttrValue0 "url" <<< child (X.hasName "instance_visual_scene") <<< child (X.hasName "scene")
mainScene = refAttr "url" <<< child (X.hasName "instance_visual_scene") <<< child (X.hasName "scene")

asum = foldr1 (X.<+>)

Expand All @@ -135,7 +141,7 @@ float_array = object "float_array" $ toArray ^<< X.getText . X.getChildren
toArray = OFloatArray . map read . words

accessor :: LA.LA X.XmlTree Accessor
accessor = massage ^<< X.getAttrValue0 "source" &&& X.getAttrValue0 "count" &&& X.getAttrValue "stride" &&& X.getAttrValue "offset" <<< X.hasName "accessor"
accessor = massage ^<< refAttr "source" &&& X.getAttrValue0 "count" &&& X.getAttrValue "stride" &&& X.getAttrValue "offset" <<< X.hasName "accessor"
massage (source, (count, (stride, offset))) = Accessor source (read count) (readDef 1 stride) (readDef 0 offset)

Expand All @@ -148,7 +154,7 @@ source :: LA.LA X.XmlTree Dict
source = object "source" $ OSource ^<< accessor <<< X.getChildren <<< child (X.hasName "technique_common")

input :: LA.LA X.XmlTree Input
input = massage ^<< X.getAttrValue "offset" &&& X.getAttrValue0 "semantic" &&& X.getAttrValue0 "source" <<< X.hasName "input"
input = massage ^<< X.getAttrValue "offset" &&& X.getAttrValue0 "semantic" &&& refAttr "source" <<< X.hasName "input"
massage (offset, (semantic, source)) = Input (readDef (-1) offset) (massageSemantic semantic) source -- -1 hax!! See vertices where this is fixedup.
massageSemantic "POSITION" = SemPosition
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -206,7 +212,7 @@ effect :: LA.LA X.XmlTree Dict
effect = object "effect" $ OEffect ^<< child technique <<< child (X.hasName "profile_COMMON")

material :: LA.LA X.XmlTree Dict
material = object "material" $ OMaterial ^<< X.getAttrValue0 "url" <<< child (X.hasName "instance_effect")
material = object "material" $ OMaterial ^<< refAttr "url" <<< child (X.hasName "instance_effect")

nodeRef :: LA.LA X.XmlTree NodeRef
nodeRef = asum [inline, instance_node]
Expand All @@ -217,13 +223,13 @@ nodeRef = asum [inline, instance_node]
convid (x, _) = Left x

instance_node :: LA.LA X.XmlTree NodeRef
instance_node = NRInstance ^<< X.getAttrValue0 "url" <<< X.hasName "instance_node"
instance_node = NRInstance ^<< refAttr "url" <<< X.hasName "instance_node"

nodeInstance :: LA.LA X.XmlTree NodeInstance
nodeInstance = asum [NINode ^<< nodeRef, instance_geometry]

instance_geometry :: LA.LA X.XmlTree NodeInstance
instance_geometry = uncurry NIGeometry ^<< X.getAttrValue0 "url" &&& bindings <<< X.hasName "instance_geometry"
instance_geometry = uncurry NIGeometry ^<< refAttr "url" &&& bindings <<< X.hasName "instance_geometry"
bindings = id .< (child instance_material <<< child (X.hasName "technique_common") <<< child (X.hasName "bind_material"))

Expand All @@ -240,7 +246,7 @@ instance_material :: LA.LA X.XmlTree MaterialBinding
instance_material = conv ^<< myAttrs &&& bindAttrs <<< X.hasName "instance_material"
conv ((symbol, target), (semantic, input_semantic)) = MaterialBinding symbol target semantic input_semantic
myAttrs = X.getAttrValue0 "symbol" &&& X.getAttrValue0 "target"
myAttrs = X.getAttrValue0 "symbol" &&& refAttr "target"
bindAttrs = X.getAttrValue0 "semantic" &&& X.getAttrValue0 "input_semantic" <<< child (X.hasName "bind_vertex_input")

visual_scene :: LA.LA X.XmlTree Dict
Expand Down
81 changes: 53 additions & 28 deletions Graphics/Formats/Collada/Render.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, ScopedTypeVariables, PatternGuards #-}

module Graphics.Formats.Collada.Render where
module Graphics.Formats.Collada.Render
( compile )

import qualified Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL as GL
import qualified Graphics.Formats.Collada.Objects as O
Expand All @@ -10,82 +12,105 @@ import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad (when)

newtype DrawM a = DrawM (IO a)
newtype DrawM a = DrawM { runDrawM :: IO a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO)

preservingMatrix :: DrawM a -> DrawM a
preservingMatrix (DrawM io) = DrawM (GL.preservingMatrix io)

newtype CompileM a = CompileM (ReaderT O.Dict IO a)
preservingClientState :: DrawM a -> DrawM a
preservingClientState (DrawM io) = DrawM (GL.preservingClientAttrib [GL.AllClientAttributes] io)

newtype CompileM a = CompileM { runCompileM :: ReaderT O.Dict IO a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO)

lookup' :: (Ord k, Show k) => k -> Map.Map k a -> a
lookup' k mp | Just x <- Map.lookup k mp = x
| otherwise = error $ "Couldn't find object: " ++ show k

findSymbol :: O.ID -> CompileM O.Object
findSymbol ident = CompileM $ asks (Map.! ident)
findSymbol = CompileM . asks . lookup'

compile :: (O.ID, O.Dict) -> IO (IO ())
compile (mainid, dict) = runDrawM <$> runReaderT (runCompileM (compileVisualScene (lookup' mainid dict))) dict

compileArray :: O.Object -> CompileM (Ptr GL.GLfloat)
compileArray (O.OFloatArray xs) = liftIO $ Array.newArray xs
compileArray arr@(O.OFloatArray xs) = debug arr >> (liftIO $ Array.newArray xs)
compileArray _ = error "Not an array"

compileSource :: O.Object -> CompileM (GL.VertexArrayDescriptor GL.GLfloat)
compileSource (O.OSource (O.Accessor arrayid count stride offset)) = do
debug x = liftIO $ putStrLn ("\nCompiling: " ++ show x)

compileAccessor :: O.Accessor -> CompileM (GL.VertexArrayDescriptor GL.GLfloat)
compileAccessor acc@(O.Accessor arrayid count stride offset) = do
debug acc
ptr <- compileArray =<< findSymbol arrayid
let ptr' = Array.advancePtr ptr offset
-- XXX stride is wrong for NumComponents!
return $ GL.VertexArrayDescriptor (fromIntegral stride) GL.Float (fromIntegral stride) ptr'
compileSource _ = error "Not a source"
-- XXX Sooo wrong
return $ GL.VertexArrayDescriptor 3 GL.Float 0 ptr'

compileInput :: O.Input -> CompileM (DrawM ())
compileInput (O.Input _ semantic source) = do
descriptor <- compileSource =<< findSymbol source
let sem = convertSem semantic
return . liftIO $ do
GL.arrayPointer sem GL.$= descriptor
GL.clientState sem GL.$= GL.Enabled
compileInput inp@(O.Input _ semantic source) = do
debug inp
sym <- findSymbol source
case sym of
O.OVertices inputs -> sequence_ <$> mapM compileInput inputs
O.OSource acc -> do
descriptor <- compileAccessor acc
let sem = convertSem semantic
return . liftIO $ do
GL.arrayPointer sem GL.$= descriptor
GL.clientState sem GL.$= GL.Enabled
x -> error $ "Input can't use " ++ show x ++ " as a source"
convertSem O.SemPosition = GL.VertexArray
convertSem O.SemNormal = GL.NormalArray
convertSem O.SemVertex = GL.VertexArray -- hmmm
convertSem O.SemTexCoord = GL.TextureCoordArray

compilePrimitive :: O.Primitive -> CompileM (DrawM ())
compilePrimitive (O.PrimTriangles _material inputs indices) = do
compilePrimitive prim@(O.PrimTriangles _material inputs indices) = do
debug prim
case inputs of
[inp] -> do
inpinit <- compileInput inp
liftIO $ do
let numindices = fromIntegral (length indices)
ixarray :: Ptr GL.GLfloat <- liftIO . Array.newArray $ map fromIntegral indices
return $ do
ixarray :: Ptr GL.GLuint <- liftIO . Array.newArray $ map fromIntegral indices
return . preservingClientState $ do
liftIO $ GL.drawElements GL.Triangles numindices GL.Float ixarray
liftIO $ GL.drawElements GL.Triangles numindices GL.UnsignedInt ixarray

_ -> return (return ()) -- only handling one input for now
-- more requires copying because OpenGL is not cool enough

compileGeometry :: O.Object -> CompileM (DrawM ())
compileGeometry (O.OGeometry (O.Mesh prims)) = do
compileGeometry geom@(O.OGeometry (O.Mesh prims)) = do
debug geom
cprims <- mapM compilePrimitive prims
return $ sequence_ cprims

compileNode :: O.Node -> CompileM (DrawM ())
compileNode (O.Node (O.Matrix matrix) instances) = do
compileNode node@(O.Node (O.Matrix matrix) instances) = do
debug node
mat :: GL.GLmatrix GL.GLfloat <- liftIO $ GL.newMatrix GL.RowMajor matrix
instances' <- mapM compileNodeInstance instances
return . preservingMatrix $ liftIO (GL.multMatrix mat) >> sequence_ instances'

compileNodeInstance :: O.NodeInstance -> CompileM (DrawM ())
compileNodeInstance (O.NINode ref) = compileNodeRef ref
compileNodeInstance (O.NIGeometry geom _materials) = compileGeometry =<< findSymbol geom
compileNodeInstance ni@(O.NINode ref) = debug ni >> compileNodeRef ref
compileNodeInstance ni@(O.NIGeometry geom _materials) = debug ni >> (compileGeometry =<< findSymbol geom)

compileNodeRef :: O.NodeRef -> CompileM (DrawM ())
compileNodeRef (O.NRNode node) = compileNode node
compileNodeRef (O.NRInstance nodeid) = compileNodeObject =<< findSymbol nodeid
compileNodeRef nr@(O.NRNode node) = debug nr >> compileNode node
compileNodeRef nr@(O.NRInstance nodeid) = debug nr >> (compileNodeObject =<< findSymbol nodeid)

compileNodeObject :: O.Object -> CompileM (DrawM ())
compileNodeObject (O.ONode node) = compileNode node
compileNodeObject _ = error "Not a node"

compileVisualScene :: O.Object -> CompileM (DrawM ())
compileVisualScene (O.OVisualScene noderefs) = return . sequence_ =<< mapM compileNodeRef noderefs
compileVisualScene scene@(O.OVisualScene noderefs) = do
debug scene
sequence_ <$> mapM compileNodeRef noderefs
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions sample.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
import qualified Graphics.Formats.Collada.Render as Collada
import qualified Graphics.Formats.Collada.Objects as Collada
import qualified Graphics.UI.GLUT as GLUT
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL as GL
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GLU as GLU
import Control.Applicative

main = do
GLUT.createWindow "Hello!"

Just model <- Collada.parseCollada <$> getContents
action <- Collada.compile model GL.$= GL.Enabled
GL.light (GL.Light 0) GL.$= GL.Enabled
GL.position (GL.Light 0) GL.$= GL.Vertex4 0 0 0 1

GLUT.displayCallback GLUT.$= (do
GL.clearColor GL.$= GL.Color4 0.2 0 0 0
GL.clear [GL.ColorBuffer, GL.DepthBuffer]
GL.preservingMatrix $ do
GL.matrixMode GL.$= GL.Projection
GLU.perspective 45 1 1 10000
GL.matrixMode GL.$= GL.Modelview 0
GLU.lookAt (GL.Vertex3 0 200 0) (GL.Vertex3 120 0 0) (GL.Vector3 1 0 0)

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