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Warning: method status already defined #5316

louffoster opened this issue Jan 12, 2018 · 26 comments

Warning: method status already defined #5316

louffoster opened this issue Jan 12, 2018 · 26 comments


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Just upgraded to version 1.2.1 and now constantly get this warning message:

Warning: method status already defined

No idea what is causing it.

Running rails 5.1.4, Ruby 2.4.1

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joshmn commented Jan 20, 2018

Can you provide a stacktrace?

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I am seeing the same warning, but for a different method. This also happened when I upgraded to v1.2.1. It looks like this commit was added to warn about redefining a controller method.

In my instance, we added the method to override the default controller's method. Maybe we could add a way to silence the message?

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Sorry for the delay; I was pulled to other projects. Back to this now.

There are no stack traces to show as it doesn't generate an exception. Simply a warning in the logs. Since version 1.3.0, when this shows up, the performance of the site is so slow such that it is unusable. Any suggestions would be great.

An example from the dev logs; note the long delay in response and the warning interspersed in the logs. This type of request should be a few seconds. I killed the server after 30 or so. Side note; the config as asset logs OFF, yet they show up anyway. I've raised a separate bug for this

Completed 200 OK in 891ms (Views: 413.8ms | ActiveRecord: 464.7ms)

::1 - - [14/Jun/2018:11:24:24 EDT] "GET /admin/sirsi_metadata?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q%5Buse_right_id_eq%5D=1&commit=Filter&order=id_desc HTTP/1.1" 200 84928
http://localhost:3000/ -> /admin/sirsi_metadata?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q%5Buse_right_id_eq%5D=1&commit=Filter&order=id_desc
Warning: method `status` already defined
::1 - - [14/Jun/2018:11:24:30 EDT] "GET /assets/active_admin-b62bb5ce009bced6cc48e6139ea1a4a27345b3fb442e0b7b8e3748985b8d0d6c.css HTTP/1.1" 200 291474
http://localhost:3000/admin/sirsi_metadata?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q%5Buse_right_id_eq%5D=1&commit=Filter&order=id_desc -> /assets/active_admin-b62bb5ce009bced6cc48e6139ea1a4a27345b3fb442e0b7b8e3748985b8d0d6c.css
Warning: method `status` already defined
::1 - - [14/Jun/2018:11:24:30 EDT] "GET /assets/active_admin/print-5dc667ee34a14c8bc2c0062f508a9d58055e32b7878fba9b761bb1ceebda06cb.css HTTP/1.1" 200 31065
http://localhost:3000/admin/sirsi_metadata?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q%5Buse_right_id_eq%5D=1&commit=Filter&order=id_desc -> /assets/active_admin/print-5dc667ee34a14c8bc2c0062f508a9d58055e32b7878fba9b761bb1ceebda06cb.css
Warning: method `status` already defined
::1 - - [14/Jun/2018:11:24:30 EDT] "GET /assets/active_admin-d748dbd582d1b80294b87659aa2eb1e85c47c42e902e89711524040e49d98c4a.js HTTP/1.1" 200 1276012
http://localhost:3000/admin/sirsi_metadata?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q%5Buse_right_id_eq%5D=1&commit=Filter&order=id_desc -> /assets/active_admin-d748dbd582d1b80294b87659aa2eb1e85c47c42e902e89711524040e49d98c4a.js
Warning: method `status` already defined
::1 - - [14/Jun/2018:11:24:45 EDT] "GET /assets/active_admin/orderable-29374dbb55b0012d78a37c614d573bb3474f0779849b478a147d0f1845ca6617.png HTTP/1.1" 200 220
http://localhost:3000/assets/active_admin-b62bb5ce009bced6cc48e6139ea1a4a27345b3fb442e0b7b8e3748985b8d0d6c.css -> /assets/active_admin/orderable-29374dbb55b0012d78a37c614d573bb3474f0779849b478a147d0f1845ca6617.png
::1 - - [14/Jun/2018:11:24:45 EDT] "GET /assets/active_admin/nested_menu_arrow_dark-7c43b8e0a5f8823875f49a093c9d7a6b374f885b6f9cc248ae9cd7e6e9b29034.gif HTTP/1.1" 200 0
http://localhost:3000/assets/active_admin-b62bb5ce009bced6cc48e6139ea1a4a27345b3fb442e0b7b8e3748985b8d0d6c.css -> /assets/active_admin/nested_menu_arrow_dark-7c43b8e0a5f8823875f49a093c9d7a6b374f885b6f9cc248ae9cd7e6e9b29034.gif
::1 - - [14/Jun/2018:11:24:45 EDT] "GET /assets/active_admin/nested_menu_arrow-15084d93c65c1964d7077700ea748bd2d70cfa2d4c19707c58a9c64e232dd442.gif HTTP/1.1" 200 0
http://localhost:3000/assets/active_admin-b62bb5ce009bced6cc48e6139ea1a4a27345b3fb442e0b7b8e3748985b8d0d6c.css -> /assets/active_admin/nested_menu_arrow-15084d93c65c1964d7077700ea748bd2d70cfa2d4c19707c58a9c64e232dd442.gif
::1 - - [14/Jun/2018:11:24:45 EDT] "GET /assets/message-8ad7ed94a6d63b35ed75318f9b1344646a97be1335d004354546d56f2541a139.png HTTP/1.1" 200 0

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Another note; this message shows up when I start a console and initially start up the server. It almost seems like the server is being restarted over and over again when the performance goes bad.

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MikeRogers0 commented Jun 16, 2018

I've noticed the warning Warning: method restore_resource already defined also (only in my production environment, not local).

My app/admin/account.rb looks like:

ActiveAdmin.register Account do
  actions :show, :index

  action_item :restore_link, only: [:show] do
    if resource.deleted?
      link_to 'Restore account', restore_resource_admin_account_path(resource), method: :patch, 'data-confirm': 'Are you sure?'

  member_action :restore_resource, method: :patch do
    redirect_to resource_path, notice: 'Account restored!'

However, I also see two "Restore Account" buttons in on my show page. I'll try to setup an environment recreating this issue to help debug :)


I was able to remove this warning & fix my duplicate button problem by changing my production configuration to be :

Rails.application.configure do
  # Don't eager load code, it's loading ActiveAdmin twice.
  config.eager_load = false

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varyonic commented Jun 18, 2018

A useful tool for finding prior method definitions is pry, eg.

[1] pry(main)> cd UsersController
[2] pry(UsersController):1> show-source status

From: /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.5/gems/actionpack-5.2.0/lib/action_controller/metal.rb @ line 150:
Owner: ActionController::Metal
Visibility: public
Number of lines: 2

delegate :headers, :status=, :location=, :content_type=,
         :status, :location, :content_type, to: "@_response"

Overriding ActionController::Metal seems unwise. This warning was introduced exactly because users were confused by the results when silently overwriting Rails controller methods.

If you are deliberately and knowingly overriding an existing method you can use undef first as discussed in #5347

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Here is what I get when I launch a console in my project:

lf6f$ rails c
Warning: method `status` already defined
Warning: method `status` already defined
Running via Spring preloader in process 64584
Loading development environment (Rails 5.2.0)
[1] pry(main)> show-source status
Error: Couldn't locate a definition for status

Similar results if I break in a controller and try to find the definition.

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TL;DR rename your member_action away from status and see if that resolves some of your issues.

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I managed to recreated the same error in a blank rails project ( ) - @louffoster Would I be right to say you're using multiple engines in your app?

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Sorry, no. It is a very old project, and I think it had some before I inherited it a few years ago, but not now. It is in a public repo here:

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jeffblake commented Sep 25, 2018

I am getting a lot of these as well, when starting the server and loading the console. For example this resource

ActiveAdmin.register User do

  includes :guest

  filter :id
  filter :name
  filter :email

  index do
    column :name
    column :email
    actions do |user|
      item t(:login), login_admin_user_path(user), class: 'member_link'

  member_action :login, method: :get do
    request.env['warden'].request.env['devise.skip_trackable'] = '1'
    sign_in_and_redirect :user, resource

  form do |f|
    inputs do
      input :email
      input :password
      input :time_zone



Warning: method `login` already defined

Using latest rails version, bootsnap, etc.

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I'm also getting this for several "login" actions. Changing to "log_in" gets rid of them when running the rails server, but when running my specs, I still get one instance of "method 'log_in' already defined". Also, I get the same message for three other member_actions, and they are definitely not colliding with anything defined somewhere else - the names are unique to the app and to one admin resource.

Latest rails (5.2.1) and bootsnap.

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Just something I noticed while trying to find a fix in

If I add puts "I'm being evaluated I think" into app/admin/projects.rb, then run RACK_ENV=production RAILS_ENV=production bx rails c, I get the output:

I'm being evaluated I think
I'm being evaluated I think
Warning: method `restore_resource` already defined
Loading production environment (Rails 5.2.0)

I think perhaps config.cache_classes = true in config/environments/production.rb is causing the app/admin/* folder to be loaded twice. @varyonic what's the best way to make it so it won't register a resource a second time?

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MikeRogers0 commented Nov 1, 2018

Good news, I found a way to fix this I think 😊

Move your folder app/admin to lib/admin, then in your config/initializers/active_admin.rb file add:

# == Load Paths
# If you're noticing a warning in your logs/console like:
# "Warning: method `restore_resource` already defined"
# Move your `app/admin` folder into `lib/admin`
# Then manually add the load path like:
config.load_paths += Dir[Rails.root.join('lib', 'admin')]

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bdezonia commented Nov 6, 2018


I get initialization errors during load if I do this. I am on rails 5.1.6.

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@bdezonia What initialization errors are you seeing?

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bdezonia commented Nov 7, 2018


Here is the beginning of a stack trace:

DOM10300:reggie_rails bdezonia$ rails s
=> Booting Puma
=> Rails 5.1.6 application starting in development
=> Run rails server -h for more startup options
/Users/bdezonia/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8@reggie_rails/gems/activesupport-5.1.6/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:512:in load_missing_constant': Unable to autoload constant Admin::Contact, expected /Users/bdezonia/workspaces/railsapps/reggie_rails/lib/admin/contact.rb to define it (LoadError) from /Users/bdezonia/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8@reggie_rails/gems/activesupport-5.1.6/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:202:in const_missing'

lib/admin/contact.rb exists and is organized like such:

ActiveAdmin.register Contact do

much much stuff


Let me know if you need more info. Thanks.

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@bdezonia What is defined in lib/admin/contact.rb?

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bdezonia commented Dec 4, 2018

Filters, batch actions, collection_actions, controller methods, and a form. Over 350 lines; I don't really want to post it.

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@bdezonia Is the register something like:

ActiveAdmin.register Admin::Contact do


ActiveAdmin.register Contact do

? Reason I ask is because the error message reads:
load_missing_constant': Unable to autoload constant Admin::Contact, expected /Users/bdezonia/workspaces/railsapps/reggie_rails/lib/admin/contact.rb to define it (LoadError) which looks to be putting a Contact object in the Admin namespace, which might help me debug what's up.

Also if you'd prefer to share privately, I'm super eager to help debug to confirm what's up with my fix :)

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bdezonia commented Dec 5, 2018

It's like this:

ActiveAdmin.register Contact do

I have shared the code with you privately.

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Thanks so much @MikeRogers0 for helping out here!

It'd be great if we could somehow get a platform independent reproduction via docker. I tried your reproduction application and I couldn't reproduce it... 😞.

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@deivid-rodriguez Did you checkout from MikeRogers0-YouTube/ActiveAdminDefinedMethodDemo@77cace4 - this commit?

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Not really 🤣, that explains everything. I'll have a look again!

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disambiguator commented Jul 24, 2019

Hi! Any update on this issue? I am also seeing this error whenever using member_action or collection_action on an AA model to override a default action, like :create, :read, :update, :destroy.

Edit: I solved this by replacing any

member_action :destroy, method: :delete do...end


controller do
    def destroy

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scarroll32 commented Dec 8, 2019

I can confirm that this causes a warning:

 member_action :reset_user_password do
    user = User.find(params[:id])
                notice: "Password reset email sent to #{}")

While this does not:

controller do
    def reset_user_password
      user = User.find(params[:id])
                  notice: "Password reset email sent to #{}")

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