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actsasgeek edited this page Jul 20, 2012 · 2 revisions

About the Project

I'm a developer, researcher and all around geek. Although I've used Mathematica/Matlab only sparingly, I really like Python's iPython interface, especially the newer notebook interface. There's a YouTube video about iPython from PyCon 2012, it's well worth hunting down and watching.

When I looked at how Try Clojure worked, I discovered that it may very well be feasible to create something like iPython notebook for I started hacking away.

The most important features, to me, to take from iPython are:

  1. A record (notebook) of a REPL session that can be re-loaded, edited and shared.
  2. Different kinds of input cells (mostly code and text).
  3. Text cells that support LaTeX mathematical markup.
  4. In-page rendering of output (text, images and video).
  5. The ability to embed assets in the page (images, video, etc).

Hopefully, I can make some progress on these. I think my first order of business will be to move from JavaScript to ClojureScript.

Slan, Steve

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