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This repository has been archived by the owner on Apr 8, 2023. It is now read-only.


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@jlongster jlongster released this 09 Mar 21:23
· 1 commit to master since this release

See this twitter thread for videos of all the new features and polish!


  • The sidebar can be hidden to give more room for content. When content becomes fullscreen, you can access the sidebar by hovering over the left edge of the app. (video)

  • The account page has been redesigned, and it now includes a "cleared" flag for all transactions. You can view the cleared/uncleared totals by clicking on the account balance. This expanded view will persist in the future. (video)

  • A workflow for reconciling accounts. You can now enter a number and using the cleared flags, figure out why your account doesn't match your bank's. (video)

  • The control for the month picker in the top left of the budget page has been updated

  • All numbers now are fixed width. This makes them easier to scan vertically and compare them

  • When importing files, it will now show a matched icon on transactions that it matched and changed something. If it updates the date, or clears it, etc it will show a matched icon on the left.


  • Fixed an important bug where sometimes logging in would create an addition file instead of show your existing files

  • The autocomplete control stays anchored to the input if it shows above it

  • Payee rule changes are always saved, regardless of how you close it (like if you clicked outside to close the popup, now it will save!)

  • (Mobile) The budget screen on mobile has been tweaked to give more room for data. The font size has been decreased along with a few other things.