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Exploring 'KeyBy'

This is a different take on, looking at the same problem of "richer keys". It also includes an alternative to

The issue

Right now Map and Set always use SameValueZero for their internal equality predicate answering "Is this value in this collection?".

new Set([42, 42]).size; // 1
new Set([{}, {}]).size; // 2;

const m = new Map();

m.set("hello", "world");
m.set({}, "object");

m.get("hello"); // "world";
m.has({});      // false

As shown above, this means that when it comes to objects, all objects are only equal to themselves. There is no capability to override this behavior and allow two different objects to be treated equal within the collection.

const position1 = Object.freeze({ x: 0, y: 0 });
const position2 = Object.freeze({ x: 0, y: 0 });

const positions = new Set([position1, position2]);
positions.size; // 2

Whereas in Python:

position1 = (0, 0)
position2 = (0, 0)

positions = set()

print(len(positions)) # 1

or Clojure:

(def position1 '(0 0))
(def position2 '(0 0))
(count (set [position1 position2])) ; 1

Current workaround

One way to work around this limitation in JavaScript is to construct a string representation of the value.

const positions = new Set([JSON.stringify(position1), JSON.stringify(position2)]);
positions.size; // 1

The downsides of this are:

  • It can be easy to construct incorrect strings, for example JSON.stringify will produce a different string if the object keys are enumerated in a different order or throw if the value does not have a built-in JSON representation.
  • The collection now contains strings and not structured objects. To read the values back out they would need to be parsed.

Alternatively two collections can be used, one to track uniqueness and another to track values:

const positions = [];
const positionKeys = new Set();
function add(position) {
    const asString = JSON.stringify(position);
    if (positionKeys.has(asString)) return;

The downsides of this are:

  • Code needs to ensure the two collections are kept in-sync with each other.
  • Extra noise/boilerplate to follow this pattern
  • Same risk as above of flattening a value to a string

Proposal Ideas:

There are a collection of ideas here. These can be broken down into separate but composable proposals; or delivered all together as one proposal. Listing all of them here is to set out a vision of where we could end up in the future, to check how everything fits together.

Map and Set config (phase 1)

Allow Map and Set instances to be customized with a lookup function that will produce the value that will internally represent the key's uniqueness for that collection.

const keyBySet = new Set([], { keyBy: (v) => v.uuid });
keyBySet.add({ uuid: "ABCDE", id: 1 });
keyBySet.add({ uuid: "ABCDE", id: 2 });

keyBySet.has({ uuid: "ABCDE", id: 3 }); // true
[...keyBySet];                          // [{ uuid: "ABCDE", id: 1 }]

This addresses the issue of using two separate collections to achieve these semantics.

CompositeKey (phase 1)

Introduce a CompositeKey type. This type can represent the compound equality of a sequence of values.

const key1 = new CompositeKey(0, 0);
const key2 = new CompositeKey(0, 0);
const key3 = new CompositeKey(0, 1);

key1 !== key2;                       // true (separate objects)
CompositeKey.equal(key1, key2);      // true
CompositeKey.equal(key1, key3);      // false
Reflect.ownKeys(key1);               // []   (opaque empty object from the outside)
key1 instanceof CompositeKey;        // true
Object.isFrozen(key1);               // false (the key's value is internal+private)

This pairs nicely with the Map/Set config, allowing for more interesting keys. When the keyBy function returns a CompositeKey it is not compared with other values using SameValueZero but by the equality of two CompositeKeys.

const positions = new Set([], { keyBy: ({x, y}) => new CompositeKey(x, y) });

const position1 = Object.freeze({ x: 0, y: 0 });
const position2 = Object.freeze({ x: 0, y: 0 });

positions.size;                     // 1
[...positions].at(0) === position1; // true

CompositeKey can be nested recursively with the resulting 'structure' participating in the equality. A CompositeTree if you will.

const key1 = new CompositeKey(1, new CompositeKey(2, 3));
const key2 = new CompositeKey(1, new CompositeKey(2, 3));

CompositeKey.equal(key1, key2); // true

const key3 = new CompositeKey(1, 2, 3);
CompositeKey.equal(key1, key3); // false (nesting keys does not flatten them)

Symbol.keyBy (follow on?)

While being able to customize the keyBy function when constructing the collection provides flexibility, it may be common that the values themselves are best placed to define how their CompositeKey should be constructed to help ensure correctness.

const positions = new Set([], { keyBy: ({x, y}) => new CompositeKey(x, y) });

positions.add({ x: 0, y: 0, z: 1 });
positions.add({ x: 0, y: 0, z: 99 }); // 'z' prop is not inspected by the keyBy function
positions.add({ x: 0, y: 1 });

positions.values().toArray(); // [{ x: 0, y: 0, z: 1 }, { x:0, y: 1 }]

Introduce a new well-known Symbol to act as a co-ordination point:

class Position {

    constructor(x, y) {
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;

    [Symbol.keyBy]() {
        return new CompositeKey(Position, this.x, this.y);

const positions = Set.usingKeys(); // name to be bike-shedded
// ~sugar for:
const positions = new Set([], { keyBy: (v) => v[Symbol.keyBy](), });

positions.add(new Position(0, 1));
positions.add(new Position(0, 1));
positions.add(new Position(0, 2));
positions.size; // 2

There can be a CompositeKey static factory that looks up the this symbol on the arguments keeping the constructor the minimal required functionality.

CompositeKey.of(position1, position2); // name tbc

// ~sugar for:
function lookupKey(v) {
    if (Object(v) === v) {
        let keyBy = v[Symbol.keyBy];
        return typeof keyBy === "function"
            ? Reflect.apply(keyBy, v, [])
            : v; // or throw if no keyBy protocol ?
    } else {
        return v;
new CompositeKey(lookupKey(position1), lookupKey(position2));

There could potentially be a built-in decorator to aid classes in keeping their Symbol.keyBy protocol up-to-date as new fields are added.

class Position {

    constructor(x, y, z) {
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
        this.z = z;

    [Symbol.keyBy]() {
        return CompositeKey.keyFor(this); // no need to update as new fields are added

Records and Tuples (follow on?)

We can also have built in immutable values that take this further by implicitly implementing the Symbol.keyBy protocol to further reduce common boilerplate and help ensure correctness.

let r1 =       #{ x: 0, y: 0, offset: #[0, 0] };
let r2 = Record({ x: 0, y: 0, offset: Tuple(0, 0) });

typeof r1;           // "object"
Object.isFrozen(r1); // true
r1.x;                // 0
r1 === r2;           // false

r1[Symbol.keyBy]() instanceof CompositeKey; // true

let s = Set.usingKeys([r1]);
s.has(r2);           // true

The built-in keyBy implementation of these types will also look up Symbol.keyBy on the values within the Record/Tuple. i.e. it is deep equality, not shallow.

Existing Types (follow on?)

Immutable values types such as those in Temporal could implement Symbol.keyBy, without requiring users to work out the best way to represent these types using a CompositeKey.


  • Why does new CompositeKey always return a fresh object
    • This allows any hashing and equality operations to be done lazily on API access. Compared to CompositeKey(0) === CompositeKey(0), which would require either an eager global intern-table or for === to be have a special overload for these objects.
  • Why are the Map and Set changes opt-in, and do not work with existing default constructors new Map() and new Set()?
    • Adding Symbol.keyBy to an object could invalidate existing code that assumes existing Map and Set will use object identity.
    • The opt-in mode can be strict, and throw an Error if a value does not implement Symbol.keyBy rather than silently falling back to object identity.
  • Why not have a more traditional API where values implement a hash() and equals(other) methods?
    • A risk in implementing these methods separately is that they can be mis-aligned if one method is updated/refactored and the other isn't. Resulting in values that are equal but don't have match hash values.
      • A CompositeKey can be thought of as a type that implements these on behalf of the user, ensuring that the two methods are aligned and equality follows the rules of reflectivity, symmetry, transitivity and consistency.
      • The downside to this is that when comparing if two values are equal by comparing their CompositeKeys, both values need to produce a full CompositeKey rather than doing this gradually and exiting early as soon as one part does not match. A separate API for this use case could avoid this issue.
    • ECMA262 aims to be as deterministic as possible ( and Math.random() being examples of the few exceptions) and backwards-compatible with previous versions; this would mean that built-in hash functions would most likely need to be fully specified and limited ability to evolve the hashing algorithm. Exposing these low level details may also pose a security risk.
    • It may be possible for Record and Tuple's keys to still use a hash+equals approach under the hood. Even if the observable behavior is that they are producing CompositeKey.
  • How does this compare to the original Record&Tuple proposal?
    • Here R&T are just plain objects and arrays, not primitives
    • They do not enforce deeply immutable structures
    • They can contain any value, including functions
      • However if the values do not implement Symbol.keyBy then Symbol.keyBy on the R/T will throw, rather than silently/implicitly fallback to object identity.
    • They do not compare using ===, likely making them simpler for engines to implement
  • What about mutability?
    • It is only strongly encouraged that Symbol.keyBy is implemented on values that are not mutated so that it behaves consistency. There is no protection against a badly behaving Symbol.keyBy method.
    • This is like most other languages that come with similar warnings when manually implementing methods like hashcode, equals, compare etc.
  • What about membranes?
    • More investigation required.
    • Out of the box CompositeKey won't work across membranes because their uniqueness is encoded within an internal slot. Membranes would need to add explicit support for re-constructing CompositeKeys when used across a membrane.
  • What about WeakMap and WeakSet?
    • More investigation required.
    • Not all CompositeKeys would carry object information. So it it might be that only CompositeKeys that were created from at least one value that itself is allowed as a WeakMap key would be permissable as a WeakMap key.


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