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Moonrope Swift Client

This is a simple client for communicating with a Moonrope API using Swift. Just include this library with CocoaPods and use it as shown below.

The client supports two methods of making requests. You can either use a delegate based approach or using anonymous functions approach. Both are described below.


Probably best to install this with Cocoapods.

Using with delegation

This is the preferred method of using the library. This example shows how to set it up to download some data which will be used in a UITableViewController. It will make the request when a button is pushed and reload the data view when we have received a result.

import MoonropeClient

class ExampleViewController : UITableViewController, MoonropeResponseDelegate {

  var widgets : [NSDictionary]?

  @IBAction func makeAPIRequest() {
    // Create a moonrope client instance
    let client = MoonropeClient(httpHost: "", withProtocol: "https")
    client.addHeader("X-Auth-Token", withValue: "SomeToken")
    client.addHeader("X-Auth-Secret", withValue: "SomeSecret")

    // Make a request, give it an identifier and set the delegate to the current
    // instance of the class
    let request = client.request("GetWidgets", delegate: self)

    // Kick off the request
    request.make("controller/action", withParams: ["page": 3])

  // This delegate method will be called when any request has completed successfully.
  func moonrope(request:MoonropeRequest, didSucceedWith responseData: Any, andFlags flags: [String:Any?]) {
    if moonropeRequest.identifier == "GetWidgets" {
      self.widgets = responseData as! [NSDictionary]

  // This delegate method will be called when Moonrope returns an error
  func moonrope(request:MoonropeRequest, didError errorCode: String?, andData errorData : [String:Any?]) {
    // Show an error or something. You can add your own logic for this.

  /// This delegate method will be called when a request fails for any reason.
  func moonrope(request:MoonropeRequest, didNotSucceed response: MoonropeResponse) {
    // Show an error or something. You can add your own logic for this.


There are a number of other delegate methods which you can implement. You can refer to the MoonropeResponseDelegate file to see the methods which can be implement.

You can also specify a global delegate on the MoonropeRequest class. This will allow you to execute methods on any request using the library. You could use this in the AppDelegate to show/hide the activity indicator.

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate, MoonropeRequestDelegate {

  func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {
    MoonropeRequest.delegate = self

  func moonrope(request: MoonropeRequest, willMakeRequest path: String, withParams params: [String : Any]) {
    UIApplication.sharedApplication().networkActivityIndicatorVisible = true

  func moonrope(request: MoonropeRequest, didMakeRequest response: MoonropeResponse) {
    UIApplication.sharedApplication().networkActivityIndicatorVisible = false


Using by passing anonymous functions

As an alternative to delegation, you can provide anonymous functions which will be executed as appropriate and provides a MoonropeResponse enum with the data and type of response.

import MoonropeClient

// Create a new client instance
let client = MoonropeClient(httpHost: "", withProtocol: "https")
client.addHeader("X-Auth-Token", withValue: "SomeToken")
client.addHeader("X-Auth-Secret", withValue: "SomeSecret")

// Make a request to the API
client.makeRequest("controller/action") {
  response in
  switch response {
    case .Success(data: let responseData, flags: let responseFlags):
      // The request has been completed successfully and the data is now
      // available for your use in responseData.

    case .Error(errorType: let typeOfError, data: let responseData):
      // The API returned an error. The type of the error and the data which
      // was provided is available.

    case .Failure(message: let errorMessage):
      // There was a serious error communicating with the API server. This is a
      // connection issue or a fatal error. The human readable error is provided.