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Purge files from a CloudFlare zone cache


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A lightweight and hyper-focused node.js library and CLI utility for purging some (or all) files from a CloudFlare zone cache.


To use the cfcc command, install the module globally:

npm install -g cfcc

To use the exposed API, install the module as a project dependency:

npm install --save cfcc

Compatible with node 6 and later.


Usage: cfcc [options] [URL...]

--email         account auth email
--token         account auth token
--zone          zone id
--config        load options from JSON file
--if-present    suppress error if config file is not found
--version       show cfcc version and exit

If no URLs are specified all files are purged.

Some options may also be specified as environment variables:


Environment variables take precedence over values loaded from a config file.

Command line arguments take precedence over environment variables and values loaded from a config file.

A config property may be defined in a config file to extend the specified file and provide overrides. See the purgeCacheOptions.fromFile example below.

Option keys can optionally be prefixed with cloudflare_ which can be useful when loading a config file that is shared with other utilities. Prefixed keys are preferred when present (ex. if both cloudflare_token and token keys are present, the value from cloudflare_token is used).


# Provide options as command line arguments (purge all)
cfcc --token AUTH_TOKEN --email AUTH_EMAIL --zone ZONE_ID

# Provide options as command line arguments (purge specified URLs)
cfcc --token AUTH_TOKEN --email AUTH_EMAIL --zone ZONE_ID "" ""

# Load options from config file
cfcc --config path/to/config.json

# Load options and override zone with argument
cfcc --config path/to/config.json --zone ZONE_ID


purgeCache(options, callback)

Send an HTTPS request to the purge_cache endpoint of the CloudFlare API.

See Purge All Files and Purge Files by URL in CloudFlare API Documentation for request details.


options is an object with the following keys:

  • token — (string) account auth token [required]
  • email — (string) account auth email [required]
  • zone — (string) zone id [required]
  • files — (array of strings) URLs to purge [optional]
    • If files is not provided or is an empty array, all files are purged.

callback is a function with the signature (error, responseResult)

  • responseResult is an object parsed from the API response (or undefined if an error occurred). See Responses in CloudFlare API Documentation for more information.
  • error is an Error object or null.
    • If the error occurred when parsing the response body, the error will have a responseBody property that contains the string that failed to be parsed.
    • If the error was indicated by a falsy success value in the response, the error will have a responseResult property that contains the object parsed from the API response.


const {purgeCache} = require('cfcc');

const options = {
    token: 'AUTH_TOKEN',
    email: 'AUTH_EMAIL',
    zone: 'ZONE_ID',
    files: [
        // If files is undefined or an empty array, all files are purged

purgeCache(options, (error, responseResult) => {
    // responseResult is an object (parsed from JSON response)


Load options from a JSON file. JSON files may specify a file path as the config property to recursively load related configurations.


filePath is a string containing a file path.



    "email": ACCOUNT_EMAIL,
    "token": ACCOUNT_TOKEN


    "config": "credentials.json",
    "zone": ZONE_ID


const {purgeCache, purgeCacheOptions: {fromFile}} = require('cfcc');

const options = fromFile('./config.json');

purgeCache(options, (error, responseResult) => {
    // responseResult is an object (parsed from JSON response)


Load options from an argv array. Used by CLI to parse arguments.


argv is an array of strings.


const {purgeCache, purgeCacheOptions: {fromArgv}} = require('cfcc');

const options = fromArgv(process.argv.slice(2));

purgeCache(options, (error, responseResult) => {
    // responseResult is an object (parsed from JSON response)


Clone the repository and run npm install in the project root.

Optional: Run npm install -g cspell nyc to install optional development dependencies (used for spell-check and unit test coverage reporting).

Run Tests

npm test


Fork the repo and submit a pull request. Contributions must adhere to the code style enforced by prettier.


SemVer is used for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


Adam Jarret


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE.txt file for details.