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Hugo Alt Text Generator

This project integrates Azure Computer Vision into a Hugo framework to automatically generate alt text for images in markdown files hosted on GitHub Pages. The alt text generation is carried out through a GitHub Actions workflow which uses a Python script.

Getting Started

  1. Set up a Hugo website and host it on GitHub Pages.

  2. Obtain Azure Computer Vision API credentials and set them as secrets in your GitHub repository.

  3. Store the Python script in a directory named assets/scripts in your GitHub repository.

GitHub Actions Workflow

The workflow is defined in a YAML file with the following environment variables:

  • VISION_ENDPOINT: The endpoint for the Azure Computer Vision API.
  • ACCOUNT_REGION: The region of your Azure account.
  • ACCOUNT_KEY: Your Azure account key.

The workflow executes the following steps:

  1. Checkout Code: Checks out the code from the master branch using a personal access token.
  2. Setup Python: Sets up a Python 3.11 environment.
  3. Install Dependencies: Installs the necessary Python packages.
  4. Run Python Script: Executes the Python script to generate alt texts.
  5. Add changes to git: Adds the modified files to the git index.
  6. Commit changes: Commits the changes with a generic message, if there are any changes.
  7. Push changes: Pushes the changes back to the master branch, if there are any commits.

Python Script

The Python script, stored at ./assets/scripts/, performs the following actions:

  • Retrieves the necessary environment variables (ACCOUNT_REGION, ACCOUNT_KEY) and initializes the Computer Vision Client using the Azure SDK.
  • Defines a get_image_description function that gets the description of an image from the Azure Computer Vision API.
  • Defines an update_markdown_file function that updates the alt text of an image in a markdown file based on its description obtained from the API.
  • Iterates over all markdown files in the content/work/ directory, gets the description for each image, and updates the alt text accordingly.


Manually trigger the GitHub Actions workflow to generate alt texts for all images in the markdown files. By default, the script is set to check the content/work/ directory, but you can modify the SITE_PATH variable in the Python script to point to the directory where your files are located.


Feel free to fork the project and submit pull requests for any enhancements or fixes.


This project is open-source and available under the MIT License.
