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willgates committed Jan 24, 2017
2 parents 693f427 + ce57d75 commit d9a69e7
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Showing 383 changed files with 4,748 additions and 79,470 deletions.
93 changes: 82 additions & 11 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,16 +2,16 @@ Use [Github issues]( for featu

## <a name="question"></a> Got a Question or Problem?

If you have questions about how to *use* react-data-grid, please direct them to [StackOverflow]( We are also available on our Slack channel
If you have questions about how to *use* react-data-grid, please direct them to [StackOverflow]( We are also available on our Slack channel

## <a name="issue"></a> Found an Issue?
If you find a bug in the source code or a mistake in the documentation, you can help us by
[submitting an issue](#submit-issue) to our [GitHub Repository][github]. Even better, you can
[submitting an issue](#submit-issue) to our [GitHub Repository]( Even better, you can
[submit a Pull Request](#submit-pr) with a fix.

## <a name="feature"></a> Want a Feature?
You can *request* a new feature by submitting an issue to our [GitHub
Repository][github]. If you would like to *implement* a new feature, please submit an issue with
Repository]( If you would like to *implement* a new feature, please submit an issue with
a proposal for your work first, to be sure that we can use it.
Please consider what kind of change it is:

Expand All @@ -20,14 +20,85 @@ discussed. This will also allow us to better coordinate our efforts, prevent dup
and help you to craft the change so that it is successfully accepted into the project.
* **Small Features** can be crafted and directly [submitted as a Pull Request](#submit-pr).

## Docs

Please update the docs with any API changes, the code and docs should
always be in sync.

## Development
We want anyone contributing to react-data-grid to have the best experience possible.

### tl;dr
You can start coding in 5 minutes.

git clone
cd react-data-grid
npm install
npm run dev-server

command | outcome |
npm test | runs tests in release mode |
npm run dev-test | runs tests in debug mode |
npm run dev-server | starts webpack dev server |
npm run eslint | runs the eslint task (runs automatically before npm test) |
npm run build | build the project in release mode |
npm run postinstall | boostraps the packages and fetches the individual dependencies (runs automatically after npm install) |

### Project structure
react-data-grid is a monorepo containing a total of three packages:
- **react-data-grid** the core package of the grid, contains all the core functionality of the project
- **react-data-grid-addons** a set of addons for the base grid, containing things like toolbars, custom editors...
- **react-data-grid-examples** a playground for the project, this is where you can check your changes for real, it's also what gets deployed to the public page.

To manage the multiple packages in the project we use [lerna](, It allows us to have an independent release process for each package,
individual and shared dependencies between packages and an automated bootstrap system to link packages together during development time.
This also means that you **must not add any path reference between packages**, when you need to use something in a different package you just need to import it as if
it was a standard npm package. (for example you if need something from react-data-grid package when developing in react-data-grid-addons you need to `import { something } from 'react-data-grid';`).

### Enviroment
We use webpack-dev-server for development. If you're fancy about knowing the tools you’re working with you can find the details about this awesome tool [in here](
To run webpack-dev-server all you need to do is to run the following command:
npm run dev-server
This will open your default browser at `http://localhost:8080/webpack-dev-server/` an you can navigate in our examples from there.
HMR is enabled, that means you won't need to reload the page wherever you make a change, webpack-dev-server will watch for any changes in the source code.

### Testing
We use [karma]( as our test runner combined with [Phantom JS]( and [jasmine]( You can run your test in debug or release mode.
To run tests in release and dev mode you just need to run:
`npm test` for release
`npm dev-test` for debug

When testing react components we encourage the use of [enzyme]( as it presents a clean and descriptive interface for component testing.

We want to keep our test coverage high, so when contributing you will need to test the changes you’re making and all the tests need to run successfully.

Any file inside a `__tests__` subfolder in the packages folder that looks like `*.spec.js` will be picked up an executed by the test runner.
When writing new tests you must follow the following guidelines:
- If it is a test for a functionality that is already tested you need to write your tests in the existing spec file for that component.
- If you’re adding a new functionality, or testing a untested one you will need to add a spec file (and maybe a `__tests__` folder if that directory level doesn’t have one),
that spec file must be in the same deep level as the file your testing and by standard it will need to have the same name.

### Code style
We use [eslint]( to enforce some code standards.
An npm script will run automatically before testing to check if there are any violations to the set of rules we defined, you can also run that same script independently by running `npm run eslint` on your console.
The easiest way to be aware of any violation on coding time is to have a plugin in you text editor that will be checking for any violation on the run.
Most modern text editor have their own plugins, you can find them in here for this popular editors:

- [VS Code eslint plugin](
- [Atom eslint plugin](
- [Sublime Text](

### Text Editor
Internally we use [VS Code]( as our main text editor, it is quite extensible and fully configurable.
It doesn’t mean you need to use it to contribute to our community.
You can use whatever is your personal preference, although it would be nice if it supports a eslint plugin as it would make your life a lot easier.

### Build
To build the project you will need to run `npm run build`.
It will create a dist folder for each package, that dist folder will be what is published to npm after your code being released.

- `npm test` will fire up a karma test runner and run tests in Phantom JS
- `npm run debug-test` will fire up a karma test runner and run tests in chrome. This can be used for debugging purposes
- `npm run examples` will load a webpack dev server that will watch
for changes and build the examples
### Review process
To be accepted your code needs to be mergeable with the master branch, and the CI builds needs to be passing. After a sign of from those requirements you code will be subject of a code review by one of the team members.
All contributions are encouraged and most of all we hope you will have some fun writing code for react-data-grid.
28 changes: 3 additions & 25 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
# React Data Grid
[![Build status](]([![Coverage Status](]( [![npm version](](
![npm dependencies](
[![React Data Grid chat](](

Excel-like grid component built with React, with editors, keyboard navigation, copy &amp; paste, and the like
Expand All @@ -22,32 +23,9 @@ Overview
ReactDataGrid is an advanced JavaScript spreadsheet-like grid component built using React

Exported Modules
ReactDataGrid exposes two possible modules, `react-data-grid` and `react-data-grid/addons`.
What's included in each module depends on ReactDataGrid's version you're using.
We have made a major change to this in v1, so please read below.

### 0.X.X

- You can import `react-data-grid` **or** `react-data-grid/addons` depending if you want to have access to the add-ons or not.
- `react-data-grid/addons` contains `react-data-grid` so in 0.X.X you *only* need to imort this module to get the addon extras *and* the grid itself.
- `react-data-grid/addons` points to `react-data-grid-with-addons.js` on dist folder.
- #### Known Issues:
- Some external dependencies in `react-data-grid/addons` don't offer support for older browsers like **IE8**, so you *cannot* use this on a page with IE* as babel generated script will break (using `default` and other issues that break in IE8)
- This also includes a much deeper set of dependencies that get bunlded, which in simple use cases, causes a lot of bloat

### 1.0.0
We have made a breaking change, so `react-data-grid/addons` will *not* include the grid itself, it is *only* for importing the addons and you need to also import `react-data-grid`
This solves for the issues above, as well as laying the groundwork for allowing more fine grained imports.
This will allow you to simply include `react-data-grid/addons` to get everything, but also to include single addons (a la lodash)
- If you just want the basic grid import `react-data-grid`
- If you want the addons (rich editors, etc) import `react-data-grid` **and** `react-data-grid/addons`
- Both modules are **completely independent and can be used separately**.
- `react-data-grid/addons` points to `react-data-grid.ui-plugins.js`` on dist folder.

#### Migration from 0.X to 1.X
If you previously had an import for `react-data-grid/addons` you will need to now add `react-data-grid` as well
If you intend to do a major release update for you react-data-grid check [the migration documents](migrations).

Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion addons.js

This file was deleted.

24 changes: 13 additions & 11 deletions appveyor.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,30 +18,31 @@ environment:
# Install scripts. (runs after repo cloning)
# Decrypt .npmrc.enc file for publishing purposes if not pull request build and not scheduled build
# Lerna needs to have a npmrc for each package folder as it does not use the root npmrc
- ps: >-
if($env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH -ne 'master'){
if(!$env:APPVEYOR_SCHEDULED_BUILD -and !$env:appveyor_pull_request_number -and $env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH -eq 'master') {
- ps: Install-Product node 4
- npm -g install npm@3
- set PATH=%APPDATA%\npm;%PATH%
- npm cache clean
- npm install -g gulp
- npm install
- gulp flow
- gulp dist
- gulp examples
- ps: ./ci/buildScripts/build.ps1

# Post-install test scripts.
# Output useful info for debugging.
- node --version
- npm --version
# run tests
- gulp test --release true
- npm test
- ps: ./test/uploadResults.ps1
- gulp coveralls

Expand All @@ -55,10 +56,11 @@ build: off
# If it is not a scheduled build/pr build and the current branch is master publish a new package.
# If it is not build on master publish npm tag.
- ps: >-
if(!$env:APPVEYOR_SCHEDULED_BUILD -and !$env:appveyor_pull_request_number -and $env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH -eq 'master') {
if ($env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH -ne 'master') {
- npm run beforepublish
- ps: >-
if(!$env:APPVEYOR_SCHEDULED_BUILD -and !$env:appveyor_pull_request_number -and $env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH -eq 'master') {
if ($env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH -ne 'master') {
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions ci/buildScripts/build.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
function Clear-Dist () {
$distFolders= dir packages/*/dist | ?{$_.PSISContainer}

foreach ($folder in $distFolders){
$path = Join-Path -Path $folder.FullName -ChildPath "*"
Remove-Item $path -recurse
Write-Host "Cleaned dist folder in $($path)"

function Build () {
npm run build

Write-Host "-- Cleaning files in dist folders --"
Write-Host "-- File cleanup finished --"
Write-Host "-- Build process --"
Write-Host "-- Build completed --"

exit $lastexitcode
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions ci/publish/copy-npmrc.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
$dir = dir packages | ?{$_.PSISContainer}

foreach ($d in $dir){
$path = Join-Path -Path $d.FullName -ChildPath ""
$name = $d.Name
$root = Get-Location
$fileToCopyPath = "$($root)\.npmrc"

Write-Host "Copy .npmrc to package $($name) from $($fileToCopyPath) to $($path)"

Copy-Item $fileToCopyPath $path
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions ci/publish/publishBranch.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,11 +5,10 @@ Add-Content "$env:USERPROFILE\.git-credentials" "https://$($env:access_token):x-
git config --global $env:APPVEYOR_REPO_COMMIT_AUTHOR
git config --global $env:APPVEYOR_REPO_COMMIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL
git checkout $env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH
npm version $nextVersion --message "Version Bump : $($nextVersion) [ci skip]"
Write-Host "Publishing $($nextVersion) to npm"
npm publish . --tag $env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH
./node_modules/.bin/lerna publish --repo-version $nextVersion --npm-tag=$env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH --yes --skip-git

exit $lastexitcode
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions ci/publish/publishExamples.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
const ghpages = require('gh-pages');
const path = require('path');

const publishToGhPages = () => {
path.join(__dirname, '../../packages/react-data-grid-examples'),
(err) => {
if (err) throw new Error(err);

22 changes: 8 additions & 14 deletions ci/publish/publishMaster.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,26 +5,20 @@ Add-Content "$env:USERPROFILE\.git-credentials" "https://$($env:access_token):x-
git config --global $env:APPVEYOR_REPO_COMMIT_AUTHOR
git config --global $env:APPVEYOR_REPO_COMMIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL
git checkout master

#docs task currently broken needs investigation
#gulp docs:regenerate
#git add -A
#git commit -m "Docs Regeneration"

npm version patch --message "Version Bump [ci skip]"
$currentVersion = node ./ci/publish/getCurrentVersion
git commit --amend -m "Version Bump to $($currentVersion) [ci skip]"
git fetch
git pull --rebase
git push
git push --tags
Write-Host "Publishing $($currentVersion) to npm"

npm publish
./node_modules/.bin/lerna publish --repo-version $currentVersion --yes --skip-git
git commit -m "Version Bump to $($currentVersion) [ci skip]"
git fetch
git pull --rebase
git push
git push --tags
Write-Host "regenerating public site and examples"
gulp docs
node ./ci/publish/publishExamples.js

Expand Down
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions ci/publish/replacePackageEntry.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const scriptArgs = process.argv.slice(2);
const packageName = scriptArgs[0];
const publish = scriptArgs[1];

const getPathToPackageEntry = () => path.join(__dirname, `../../packages/${packageName}/index.js`);
const getPublishEntryData = () => `module.exports = require('./dist/${packageName}');`;
const getDevEntryData = () => "module.exports = require('./src');";

const replacePackageEntry = () => {
const entryData = publish ? getPublishEntryData() : getDevEntryData();
console.log(` --- Overriding ${packageName} entry point ---`);
(err) => {
if (err) throw new Error(errr);
const env = publish ? 'publish' : 'dev';
console.log(` --- ${packageName} entry point was overriden to ${env}`);

4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions config/karma.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* In local config, only run tests using phantom js. No code coverage reports applied
var webpack = require('webpack');
var webpackConfig = require('./webpack.common.js');
var webpackConfig = require('./webpack.common.config.js');
var RewirePlugin = require("rewire-webpack");
var path = require('path');
var argv = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2));
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ module.exports = function (config) {
extensions: ['', '.webpack.js', '.web.js', '.js', '.jsx']
plugins: [
new RewirePlugin()
new RewirePlugin()
externals: {
'cheerio': 'window',
Expand Down

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