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* Testing Tic-Tac-Toe Game.*

This a rspec test suite of Tic-Tac-Toe using Ruby. The project is meant to reinforce TDD concepts using the rspec Ruby framework.

How to play our game

Our game is a command line game so you need to be in a terminal, or terminal like environment, to run it.

The game starts by taking in the names of 2 players and uses either 'X' or 'O' as their player marker on the board. The board is a 3 X 3 grid and each player takes turn placing markers on the board, starting with the first player. The game ends if any player has a straight set of 3 characters horizontal, vertical or diagonal or if the board is full.


Rules of the game

  • A player can't play more than once during a turn.
  • A player can't play in an already taken space.
  • Once a winning sequence is reached, the game is over regardless of how many turns have passed
  • Once the board is full, game is over.

Testing the game

In order to test the game, you will need to install rspec. Run gem install rspec in the terminal. Next, you will need to run the command rspec spec/name_of_file_to_test. You will be greeted with either a failure or success message depending on the test. Good luck with testing tictactoe.

Running the game

In order to run the game, you'll need to have ruby installed locally. Check HERE to learn how to install ruby.

You will then have to Clone or download this repo. You can use git clone on the terminal if you have git installed or just download it from github.

Next, navigate the directory cd RSpec-TicTacToe. The directory has the following structure:

  • An assets folder that holders the images used in the README file.
  • A spec folder that holds all the specifications for the project, it contains the player_spec, game_spec, board_spec and spec_helper files.
  • A bin folder that holds the main.rb file.
  • A lib folder that holds modules and classes : board.rb, game.rb ad player.rb
  • A and a file.

To run the game, first verify that you have ruby installed by running ruby -v or ruby --version you should see something like ruby 2.6.0p0 (2018-12-25 revision 66547) [x86_64-linux], based on your version and OS.

Next run ruby bin/main.rb or cd bin; ruby main.rb. This command tell ruby to run our main.rb file. You should be greated with the game interface.




Testing Tic_Tac_Toe with RSpec RUby






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