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adeeshaek edited this page Feb 5, 2013 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the Kinect-Project wiki! This project is being conducted by Adeesha Ekanayake, Aaron Mansur and Toby March at Ithaca College, under Dr. Sharon Stansfield of the Ithaca College Department of Computer Science. Music and sound effects are contributed by Michael Samson, of the Ithaca College School of Music.

The purpose of the project is to create a system for individuals with motor difficulties to improve their motor skills through video games. To allow users to interact with the system without the use of game controllers, the project makes use of the Microsoft Kinect. Since the system is under development in the Unity3d game engine, the project makes use of the excellent Zigfu library to use the Kinect in Unity3d.

Currently, the system works with both standing and seated users.

The objective of the system is to test users by making them follow exercises assigned to them by their physical therapist. Since physical therapy exercises are rarely generic, the system allows therapists to record exercises and transmit them to users.

In the long-term, the project aims to improve the efficiency of home-exercise regimens.

To examine our progress, please follow this link:

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