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adevur/centos-8 Docker Image


This is an unofficial Docker image with CentOS 8.0 installed. This image should be very similar to the main two differences are that ubi8 is based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.0, while adevur/centos-8 is based on CentOS 8.0; and that ubi8 has access to a very limited package repository of RHEL 8.0, while adevur/centos-8 has access to the entire package repository of CentOS 8.0 (i.e. Base, Extras and AppStream).


  • latest: this is similar to Red Hat's ubi8.

    NOTE: tag latest will automatically download the correct architecture for your device (i.e. amd64, arm64v8 or ppc64le); however, you can also use these tags to download a specific architecture: latest-amd64, latest-arm64v8 and latest-ppc64le.

  • init: this is similar to Red Hat's ubi8-init.

    NOTE: tag init will automatically download the correct architecture for your device (i.e. amd64, arm64v8 or ppc64le); however, you can also use these tags to download a specific architecture: init-amd64, init-arm64v8 and init-ppc64le.

  • systemd: this is similar to CentOS centos/systemd.

    NOTE: tag systemd will automatically download the correct architecture for your device (i.e. amd64, arm64v8 or ppc64le); however, you can also use these tags to download a specific architecture: systemd-amd64, systemd-arm64v8 and systemd-ppc64le.


Tag latest

In order to use the latest tag, just type:

docker run -it --rm adevur/centos-8:latest /bin/bash

And you will get a bash terminal inside the container. You can check that you're running CentOS 8 by typing:

cat /etc/redhat-release
# EXPECTED OUTPUT: CentOS Linux release 8.0.1905 (Core)

Tag init

Have a look at Red Hat's documentation for image. adevur/centos-8:init should work the same as ubi8-init.

Tag systemd

Have a look at CentOS documentation for image. adevur/centos-8:systemd should work the same as centos/systemd.

You can use this tag to run systemd services in the background. For example:

# let's start the container in the background
docker run --privileged -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro -d --name my-container adevur/centos-8:systemd

# let's start a bash shell inside the running container
docker exec -it my-container /bin/bash

# now that we're inside the container, let's install ssh
yum clean all && yum -y install openssh-server && yum clean all

# now we can start the systemd service of ssh
systemctl start sshd.service

# let's check that ssh is running
systemctl status sshd.service


  • In order to build tag latest, you need:

    1. A rootfs tarball that contains the filesystem. I've generated the tarball already (you can find it at ./tag-latest/centos-8-adevur0-$ARCH.tar.xz; replace $ARCH with amd64, aarch64 or ppc64le), but you can also generate it by yourself.

    2. A kickstart script, in case you want to build the tarball yourself. I've already written a kickstart script (you can find it at ./tag-latest/centos-8-adevur0-$ARCH.ks; replace $ARCH with amd64, aarch64 or ppc64le). You can write one yourself too, if you want to customize something.

    3. A Dockerfile (you can find it at ./tag-latest/Dockerfile.$ARCH; replace $ARCH with amd64, arm64v8 or ppc64le).

  • In order to build adevur/centos-8:init and adevur/centos-8:systemd, you just need their Dockerfiles.

Create the Docker image itself

In case you already have the tarball, you can simply type:

# building latest tag (for amd64 arch)
docker build --tag local/centos-8:latest --file ./tag-latest/Dockerfile.amd64 ./tag-latest

# building latest tag (for arm64v8 arch)
docker build --tag local/centos-8:latest --file ./tag-latest/Dockerfile.arm64v8 ./tag-latest

# building latest tag (for ppc64le arch)
docker build --tag local/centos-8:latest --file ./tag-latest/Dockerfile.ppc64le ./tag-latest

# building init tag
# NOTE: you need to edit file './tag-init/Dockerfile' and change 'FROM' to 'FROM local/centos-8:latest'
docker build --tag local/centos-8:init ./tag-init

# building systemd tag
# NOTE: you need to edit file './tag-systemd/Dockerfile' and change 'FROM' to 'FROM local/centos-8:latest'
docker build --tag local/centos-8:systemd ./tag-systemd

Create a tarball using a kickstart script

In order to generate a centos-8.tar.xz tarball, we need a CentOS 7.x/8.x machine. In this tutorial, we're gonna use a container with adevur/centos-8:latest (that provides a CentOS 8 environment), so that we can generate the tarball on any Linux machine.

  • First, let's create a directory on our system, where we'll put all the files we need (including the newly-generated tarball):

    mkdir /tarball-builder
  • Let's put the kickstart script into /tarball-builder:

    # in this tutorial, we're gonna use the already-written kickstart script found on this GitHub,
    #   but you can also edit or rewrite this kickstart if you want to
    curl -sL > /tarball-builder/centos-8.ks
  • Let's set up our environment with CentOS 8 installed in it:

    # NOTE: you can also set up the container with CentOS 7 installed, and it should work the same, but it's not been tested
    docker run -v /tarball-builder:/tarball-builder --privileged --name tarball-builder --rm -it adevur/centos-8:latest /bin/bash
  • Now that we're inside the container, let's install the software needed to generate the tarball (i.e. packages lorax and anaconda-tui):

    yum clean all && yum install -y lorax anaconda-tui && yum clean all
  • We can now generate the tarball and save it to /tarball-builder:

    cd /tarball-builder
    livemedia-creator --no-virt --make-tar --ks centos-8.ks --image-name=centos-8.tar.xz --project "CentOS 8 Docker" --releasever "8"
    mv /var/tmp/centos-8.tar.xz /tarball-builder/centos-8.tar.xz
  • Now we can exit from the container: our tarball has been generated and is located at path /tarball-builder/centos-8.tar.xz on our computer. You can use this tarball to build tag latest of adevur/centos-8 Docker image.


Unofficial CentOS 8 Docker Image for amd64, arm64v8 and ppc64le








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