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Matterpy - A simple python mattermost bot


This bot is purely based on python 3.5 asyncio. All functionality is provided by plugins.


The configuration is done via .ini file. There are several locations where matterpy looks for a configuration:

  • /etc/matterpy.ini
  • $HOME/config/matterpy/matterpy.ini
  • matterpy.ini (local to where you start matterpy)

All those files are parsed (if they exist). If a specific config is not found in one of them, then the next file is checked, and so on.


You can just deploy the code as a python wheel package into a virtualenv or whatever. Alternateively, there's a Docker image on Dockerhub that you can use. Just run it with the config file (see below) mounted into /code/matterpy.ini:

docker run -ti --rm -v $PWD/matterpy.ini:/code/matterpy.ini adfinissygroup/matterpy

Example config

Here's an example configuration, which configures matterpy to enable just the "echo" plugin.

username = matterpy
port     = 8080
hlost     = your-public-ip-address

[channel testing]
incoming = testing
outgoing = https://your.mattermost.server/hooks/hook-identifier

[plugin matterpy.contrib.echo]

filter = echo


Plugins are configured by a plugin section in the config file. The name of the plugin should refer to a loadable / importable python module, which needs to define a single public function named init(). This will be called upon startup.

The init() function will receive a manager object as well as it's configuration in a dict.

You can then call manager.register(some_callback_function) to get a call each time you get an incoming message.

The callback function will receive the full mattermost message as a dict, and a reply (async) function as parameters. A simple echo plugin could look like this:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

_conf = None

def init(manager, conf):
    global _conf
    _conf = conf

async def handle_msg(msg, reply):
    text = msg['text']
    text = text.replace("\n", "\n> ")
    await reply("Got your message:\n\n > %s\n" % text)

Echo Plugin

Replies with a quote of what has just been said. Pretty useless, except for testing and to show as an example. See above for the source :)

Redmine Plugin

Redmine integration - Show issue details when an issue is mentioned.

Trigger words are: "redmine#1234" or "rm#1234" (the hash sign is optional, spaces are allowd).

The configuration takes the following keys:

[plugin matterpy.contrib.redmine]
redmine_username = api_username
redmine_password = y0urp@ssw0rd
api_key = oeruilsdfioauseroiusfsf

url     = https://base.url.of.your.redmine

Jira Plugin (Experimental)

Upon mention of a Jira issue (such as FOO-123), queries Jira and displays details about the given ticket.

Requires the following config:

[plugin matterpy.contrib.jira]

base_url =

auth = basic

user = jira_username
pass = jira_password

Note that this plugin is still WIP. I still need to convert the title into a link and convert the description body from textile into markdown (or devise some other plan to handle it). Also, possibly tons of stabilisation etc.

Counter Plugin

This plugin is just a showcase for how to initialize a module asynchronously, and schedule periodic tasks (ie. does not react to user input, but some other trigger).

[plugin matterpy.contrib.counter]

start_at = 1
channel = testing

RSS Plugin

Automaticly posts RSS feeds on an set interval into a Mattermost chat of your choice.

For multiple RSS feeds add more of the shown blocks, the minimum is an RSS url and Mattermost channel name.

Interval is optional and is configured in seconds, it sets how often it should check for updates in the feed.

Format is optional and with it you can custmize how the sent message will look like, you can add any RSS element the feed has to it. If you dont know what kind of elements your feed has let it fail once, by defining for example {foo} and it will show you all elements.


[plugin matterpy.contrib.rss] = channel_name
feed.1.url =
feed.1.interval = 120
feed.1.format = {title}, {body}, {url} = testing =


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