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Package to teleoperate the AKROS2 robot.

  • Uses the joy node with the teleop_twist_joy package to publish the status of the controller's buttons/joysticks, and Twist messages based on user-defined configuration in the config directory. The configuration currently supports PS4, Stadia, 8BitDo SN30 Pro and Steam Deck controllers. Similarly, mappings and mode/twist config files for other controllers can also be made. Then, the joy_config launch argument needs to be updated accordingly.
  • Implements the joy_mode_handler node, which subscribes to the joystick status, and publishes Mode messages to indicate stop, auto, or teleop. Uses parameters estop_button and auto_button, which represent the mapping for the E-Stop and Auto/Teleop buttons for the joystick that is used. Joystick mappings and reference parameter values can be found in the config directory (_mode_config.yaml)
  • Implements the twist_mixer node that subscribes to the Mode messages from ds4_feedback, the Twist messages from ds4_twist and Twist messages from an external autonomous node. Based on the mode, it then publishes either the Twist message from the PS4 controller, or the autonomous node, or zero values if the emergency stop is pressed. The parameter timer_period can be updated in the launch file (Default: 0.01 seconds).
  • Both the joy_mode_handler and twist_mixer nodes are composed into a single drive_node (multi-threaded) executable that is then launched from the launch file. Both nodes can also be run individually.

This is the main launch file that launches either the twist_mixer and joy_mode_handler separately or the drive_node executable that runs both nodes using a multi-threaded executor. This launch file uses the following launch arguments:

  • joy: Enable/Disable Joy related packages in the Joy launch file: (Default: True)
  • joy_config: Configures joystick mapping: ps4 (PS4), stadia (Stadia), sn30pro (8BitDo SN30 Pro, steamdeck (Steam Deck: mapping is identical to PS3/Sixaxis controllers) (Default: steamdeck)
  • executor: If True, runs drive_node, else runs twist_mixer and joy_mode_handler separately.

This launch files launches joy and teleop_twist_joy nodes and uses the joy_config launch argument to configure the controller. This node can be launched individually or via by setting the joy launch argument.


ROS2 package to teleoperate the AKROS2 robot







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