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Compilation of all Foundry related tech used to secure smart contracts

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Foundry is a smart contract development toolchain.

Foundry manages your dependencies, compiles your project, runs tests, deploys, and lets you interact with the chain from the command-line and via Solidity scripts.

Foundry GitHub -
Foundry Book -

Foundry is made up of three components :

Forge: Ethereum testing framework (like Truffle, Hardhat and DappTools).
Cast: CLI for interacting with EVM smart contracts, sending transactions and getting chain data.
Anvil: local Ethereum node, similar to Ganache or Hardhat Network.

Forge commands are the main focus of this cheatsheet.

Initializing a new project

Initialize a new project from an empty folder:

forge init

Or define a new folder in which to create your project:

forge init <my_sol_project>

This creates a new project with 4 folders:

src - An example smart contract and where your smart contracts will live.

script - An example deployment script

test - An example test

lib - This is similar to node_modules


Forge can remap dependencies to make them easier to import. Forge will automatically try to deduce some remappings for you:

$ forge remappings


If you're using VS Code, you can configure your remappings by installing vscode-solidity.

Learn more about how remappings work here


You can execute tests by running the forge test script.

forge test

Test Coverage

Use this command to analyse the test coverage of the codebase :

forge coverage

Any contract with a function that starts with test is considered to be a test.

function testAssertEquality() public {
  int some_int = 1;
  assertEq(1, some_int);

Usually, tests will be placed in src/test by convention and end with .t.sol.

Foundry uses Dappsys Test (DSTest) to provide basic logging and assertion functionality. It's included in the Forge Standard Library.

It includes assertions such as:


You can view all of the assertion functions available here.

Let's say you start with a basic Counter contract that looks like this (src/Counter.sol):

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

contract Counter {
    int private count;
    constructor(int _count) {
        count = _count;

    function incrementCounter() public {
        count += 1;
    function decrementCounter() public {
        count -= 1;

    function getCount() public view returns (int) {
        return count;

Our test might look like this (test/Counter.t.sol):

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

import "forge-std/Test.sol";
import 'src/Counter.sol';

contract ContractTest is Test {
    Counter counter;
    function setUp() public {
        counter = new Counter(10);

    function testGetCount() public {
        int value = counter.getCount();
        assertEq(value, 10);
        emit log_int(value);

    function testIncrement() public {
        int value = counter.getCount();
        assertEq(value, 12);
        emit log_int(value);

    function testDecrement() public {
        int value = counter.getCount();
        assertEq(value, 9);
        emit log_int(value);

Here, we are using assertEq to assert equality.

Changing the verbosity of test:

The default behavior for forge test is to only display a summary of passing and failing tests. You can control this behavior by increasing the verbosity (using the -v flag). Each level of verbosity adds more information:

Level 2 (-vv): Logs emitted during tests are also displayed. That includes assertion errors from tests, showing information such as expected vs actual.
Level 3 (-vvv): Stack traces for failing tests are also displayed. Level 4 (-vvvv): Stack traces for all tests are displayed, and setup traces for failing tests are displayed.
Level 5 (-vvvvv): Stack traces and setup traces are always displayed.

For our logs to show up, we need to run test with at least the -vv flag:

forge test -vvvv

To run specific tests:


forge test --mt <test_name>  

(--match-path <path_here>) : runs tests in source files (../test/) matching the specified path.

(--mt <test_name_here>) : runs the matching test given.

(--match-contract <contract_name_here>) : runs the tests in the contract given.

To Debug tests:

Used to open test debugger, to analyse the opcode, stack & memory.

forge test --debug <test_name>

Forge inspect

Used to list specialized informations about the smart contracts

forge inspect <contract_name> <field_to_inspect>

The following fields can be used : abi, methods, events, bytecode, deployedBytecode, assembly, assemblyOptimized, methodIdentifiers, gasEstimates, storageLayout, devdoc, ir, irOptimized, metadata, userdoc, ewasm, errors.


forge inspect Counter methods  // will list all the methods/functions used inside the Counter contract


Cheatcodes give you additional assertions, the ability to alter the state of the EVM, mock data, and more.

For example, you can mock a user with prank and startPrank:

address bob = address(0x1);

Set the nonce of the given account with setNonce.

vm.setNonce(address(100), 1234);

Set the block number with roll:

emit log_uint(block.number); // 100

Or set the block timestamp with warp:

emit log_uint(block.timestamp); // 1641070800

See a reference of all of the cheatcodes here

Mocking a user

As mentioned, you can mock / emulate a user using either .prank or .startPrank. Let's take a look at how this might work.

Let's say we have an ERC721 contract and we'd like to make sure that only the owner of a token could transfer or burn that token. Our tests might look something like this:

// only the owner can transfer
function testTransferToken() public {
    // mint the token to bob's address
    erc721 = new ERC721();, 0);

    // emulate bob

    // transfer to mary
    erc721.safeTransferFrom(bob, mary, 0);

    // check to make sure mary is the new owner
    address owner_of = erc721.ownerOf(0);
    assertEq(mary, owner_of);

// only the owner can burn
function testBurn() public {
    erc721 = new ERC721();, 0);


Fuzzing allows us to define function parameter types and the testing framework will populate these values at runtime.

If it does find an input that causes the test to fail, it will return it so you can create a regression test.

For instance, we can create a test function to receive a function argument, and use the value in our test without ever having to define what it is.

For this contract:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.13;

contract HelloWorld {
  string private greeting;
  uint public version = 0;
  constructor (string memory _greeting) {
    greeting = _greeting;

  function greet() public view returns(string memory) {
    return greeting;

We could create this test:

contract ContractTest is Test {
  function testFuzzing(string memory _greeting) public {
      HelloWorld hello = new HelloWorld(_greeting);

Gas Comparison

You can genearate a file .gas-snapshot containing gas report of your tested functions in different lang. like huff/yul or sol:

forge snapshot


You can easily print a pretty looking gas report of your tested functions:

forge test --gas-report


Compilation of all Foundry related tech used to secure smart contracts







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