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AdmiralUIKit Views TextBlock Paragraph

Evgeniy-93 edited this page Aug 18, 2022 · 1 revision


Paragraph - A group of text components exists in several variants.


 let pointParagraph = Paragraph()
 pointParagraph.title = titleSmallText
 pointParagraph.paragraphStyle = style
 pointParagraph.paragraphType = .point
 views.append(ParagraphCellView(paragraph: pointParagraph, titleText: titleText))
 let checkParagraph = Paragraph()
 checkParagraph.title = titleSmallText
 checkParagraph.paragraphStyle = style
 checkParagraph.paragraphType = .check
 views.append(ParagraphCellView(paragraph: checkParagraph))
 let leftParagraph = Paragraph()
 leftParagraph.title = titleLargeText
 leftParagraph.paragraphStyle = style
 views.append(ParagraphCellView(paragraph: leftParagraph, heightParagraph: LayoutGrid.doubleModule * 5))
 let rightParagraph = Paragraph()
 rightParagraph.title = titleLargeText
 rightParagraph.paragraphStyle = style
 rightParagraph.traillingImage =
 views.append(ParagraphCellView(paragraph: rightParagraph, heightParagraph: LayoutGrid.doubleModule * 5))
 let centrLargeParagraph = Paragraph()
 centrLargeParagraph.title = titleLargeText
 centrLargeParagraph.textAligment = .center
 centrLargeParagraph.paragraphStyle = style
 views.append(ParagraphCellView(paragraph: centrLargeParagraph, heightParagraph: LayoutGrid.doubleModule * 5))

You can create a ParagraphView by specifying the following parameters in the initializer:

- title: String? - The text that the label displays
- paragraphType: ParagaphImageType? - A type of paragraph Image. Can be: point, check, custom (your image)
- leadingImage: UImage? - Leading image.
- trailingImage: UImage? - Trailing image.
- paragraphStyle: ParagraphStyle - A style of Paragraph fount and text color. Can be primary or secondary.
- textAligment: TextAlignment - Alignment text

Live Example

To run live demo with Paragraph open Xcode and run project with Example target. Then in the main page open TextBlock/Paragraph:


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