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The intuition behind this project is to Recognize Human Activity using Waist-mounted smartphone with an embedded inertial sensor. The objective is to classify activities into one of the six activities performed. The Dataset is collected from

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Train Data

tBodyAcc-mean()-X tBodyAcc-mean()-Y tBodyAcc-mean()-Z tBodyAcc-std()-X tBodyAcc-std()-Y tBodyAcc-std()-Z tBodyAcc-mad()-X tBodyAcc-mad()-Y tBodyAcc-mad()-Z tBodyAcc-max()-X ... fBodyBodyGyroJerkMag-kurtosis() angle(tBodyAccMean,gravity) angle(tBodyAccJerkMean),gravityMean) angle(tBodyGyroMean,gravityMean) angle(tBodyGyroJerkMean,gravityMean) angle(X,gravityMean) angle(Y,gravityMean) angle(Z,gravityMean) subject Activity
0 0.288585 -0.020294 -0.132905 -0.995279 -0.983111 -0.913526 -0.995112 -0.983185 -0.923527 -0.934724 ... -0.710304 -0.112754 0.030400 -0.464761 -0.018446 -0.841247 0.179941 -0.058627 1 STANDING
1 0.278419 -0.016411 -0.123520 -0.998245 -0.975300 -0.960322 -0.998807 -0.974914 -0.957686 -0.943068 ... -0.861499 0.053477 -0.007435 -0.732626 0.703511 -0.844788 0.180289 -0.054317 1 STANDING
2 0.279653 -0.019467 -0.113462 -0.995380 -0.967187 -0.978944 -0.996520 -0.963668 -0.977469 -0.938692 ... -0.760104 -0.118559 0.177899 0.100699 0.808529 -0.848933 0.180637 -0.049118 1 STANDING
3 0.279174 -0.026201 -0.123283 -0.996091 -0.983403 -0.990675 -0.997099 -0.982750 -0.989302 -0.938692 ... -0.482845 -0.036788 -0.012892 0.640011 -0.485366 -0.848649 0.181935 -0.047663 1 STANDING
4 0.276629 -0.016570 -0.115362 -0.998139 -0.980817 -0.990482 -0.998321 -0.979672 -0.990441 -0.942469 ... -0.699205 0.123320 0.122542 0.693578 -0.615971 -0.847865 0.185151 -0.043892 1 STANDING

5 rows × 563 columns

Test Data

tBodyAcc-mean()-X tBodyAcc-mean()-Y tBodyAcc-mean()-Z tBodyAcc-std()-X tBodyAcc-std()-Y tBodyAcc-std()-Z tBodyAcc-mad()-X tBodyAcc-mad()-Y tBodyAcc-mad()-Z tBodyAcc-max()-X ... fBodyBodyGyroJerkMag-kurtosis() angle(tBodyAccMean,gravity) angle(tBodyAccJerkMean),gravityMean) angle(tBodyGyroMean,gravityMean) angle(tBodyGyroJerkMean,gravityMean) angle(X,gravityMean) angle(Y,gravityMean) angle(Z,gravityMean) subject Activity
0 0.257178 -0.023285 -0.014654 -0.938404 -0.920091 -0.667683 -0.952501 -0.925249 -0.674302 -0.894088 ... -0.705974 0.006462 0.162920 -0.825886 0.271151 -0.720009 0.276801 -0.057978 2 STANDING
1 0.286027 -0.013163 -0.119083 -0.975415 -0.967458 -0.944958 -0.986799 -0.968401 -0.945823 -0.894088 ... -0.594944 -0.083495 0.017500 -0.434375 0.920593 -0.698091 0.281343 -0.083898 2 STANDING
2 0.275485 -0.026050 -0.118152 -0.993819 -0.969926 -0.962748 -0.994403 -0.970735 -0.963483 -0.939260 ... -0.640736 -0.034956 0.202302 0.064103 0.145068 -0.702771 0.280083 -0.079346 2 STANDING
3 0.270298 -0.032614 -0.117520 -0.994743 -0.973268 -0.967091 -0.995274 -0.974471 -0.968897 -0.938610 ... -0.736124 -0.017067 0.154438 0.340134 0.296407 -0.698954 0.284114 -0.077108 2 STANDING
4 0.274833 -0.027848 -0.129527 -0.993852 -0.967445 -0.978295 -0.994111 -0.965953 -0.977346 -0.938610 ... -0.846595 -0.002223 -0.040046 0.736715 -0.118545 -0.692245 0.290722 -0.073857 2 STANDING

5 rows × 563 columns

Train Data Vizualization

Trainning Classes


How Training data are speread into data set


tBodyAcc-mean()-X tBodyAcc-mean()-Y tBodyAcc-mean()-Z tBodyAcc-std()-X tBodyAcc-std()-Y tBodyAcc-std()-Z tBodyAcc-mad()-X tBodyAcc-mad()-Y tBodyAcc-mad()-Z tBodyAcc-max()-X ... fBodyBodyGyroJerkMag-skewness() fBodyBodyGyroJerkMag-kurtosis() angle(tBodyAccMean,gravity) angle(tBodyAccJerkMean),gravityMean) angle(tBodyGyroMean,gravityMean) angle(tBodyGyroJerkMean,gravityMean) angle(X,gravityMean) angle(Y,gravityMean) angle(Z,gravityMean) subject
count 7352.000000 7352.000000 7352.000000 7352.000000 7352.000000 7352.000000 7352.000000 7352.000000 7352.000000 7352.000000 ... 7352.000000 7352.000000 7352.000000 7352.000000 7352.000000 7352.000000 7352.000000 7352.000000 7352.000000 7352.000000
mean 0.274488 -0.017695 -0.109141 -0.605438 -0.510938 -0.604754 -0.630512 -0.526907 -0.606150 -0.468604 ... -0.307009 -0.625294 0.008684 0.002186 0.008726 -0.005981 -0.489547 0.058593 -0.056515 17.413085
std 0.070261 0.040811 0.056635 0.448734 0.502645 0.418687 0.424073 0.485942 0.414122 0.544547 ... 0.321011 0.307584 0.336787 0.448306 0.608303 0.477975 0.511807 0.297480 0.279122 8.975143
min -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 -0.999873 -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 ... -0.995357 -0.999765 -0.976580 -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 1.000000
25% 0.262975 -0.024863 -0.120993 -0.992754 -0.978129 -0.980233 -0.993591 -0.978162 -0.980251 -0.936219 ... -0.542602 -0.845573 -0.121527 -0.289549 -0.482273 -0.376341 -0.812065 -0.017885 -0.143414 8.000000
50% 0.277193 -0.017219 -0.108676 -0.946196 -0.851897 -0.859365 -0.950709 -0.857328 -0.857143 -0.881637 ... -0.343685 -0.711692 0.009509 0.008943 0.008735 -0.000368 -0.709417 0.182071 0.003181 19.000000
75% 0.288461 -0.010783 -0.097794 -0.242813 -0.034231 -0.262415 -0.292680 -0.066701 -0.265671 -0.017129 ... -0.126979 -0.503878 0.150865 0.292861 0.506187 0.359368 -0.509079 0.248353 0.107659 26.000000
max 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.916238 1.000000 1.000000 0.967664 1.000000 1.000000 ... 0.989538 0.956845 1.000000 1.000000 0.998702 0.996078 1.000000 0.478157 1.000000 30.000000

8 rows × 562 columns

Best Parameter for DecisionTreeClassifier Using RandomSearchCV

RandomizedSearchCV(cv=None, error_score=nan,
                   iid='deprecated', n_iter=10, n_jobs=None,
                   param_distributions={'criterion': ['gini', 'entropy'],
                                        'max_depth': [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15],
                                        'min_samples_leaf': [2, 4, 6]},
                   pre_dispatch='2*n_jobs', random_state=42, refit=True,
                   return_train_score=False, scoring=None, verbose=0)

Decision Tree Confusion Matrix


Classification Report

                    precision    recall  f1-score   support

            LAYING       1.00      1.00      1.00       537
           SITTING       0.82      0.81      0.81       491
          STANDING       0.83      0.83      0.83       532
           WALKING       0.82      0.91      0.86       496
WALKING_DOWNSTAIRS       0.82      0.86      0.84       420
  WALKING_UPSTAIRS       0.86      0.73      0.79       471

          accuracy                           0.86      2947
         macro avg       0.86      0.86      0.86      2947
      weighted avg       0.86      0.86      0.86      2947

K - Nearest Neighbor

Hyperparameter Tuning using GridSearchCV

GridSearchCV(cv=10, error_score=nan,
             estimator=KNeighborsClassifier(algorithm='auto', leaf_size=30,
                                            metric_params=None, n_jobs=None,
                                            n_neighbors=5, p=2,
             iid='deprecated', n_jobs=None,
             param_grid={'leaf_size': [100, 200, 400],
                         'n_neighbors': [5, 10, 15, 20],
                         'weights': ['uniform', 'distance']},
             pre_dispatch='2*n_jobs', refit=True, return_train_score=False,
             scoring=None, verbose=0)

Parameters Cross validation Scores

{'mean_fit_time': array([0.9833288 , 1.01018047, 0.97393866, 1.03180003, 1.00484285,
        1.0009861 , 0.95736079, 0.95537102, 0.86311636, 0.83865423,
        0.84260538, 0.81234019, 0.81643698, 0.82432711, 0.83826373,
        0.81385148, 0.69424596, 0.72932589, 0.69188905, 0.71505296,
        0.68060167, 0.73592076, 0.73995571, 0.75275621]),
 'std_fit_time': array([0.06628775, 0.06133024, 0.02741047, 0.03346197, 0.02662681,
        0.0371974 , 0.04174371, 0.03046969, 0.02637069, 0.04391606,
        0.02216211, 0.02602417, 0.02653173, 0.03268621, 0.02836933,
        0.01965087, 0.02920461, 0.05515497, 0.03741543, 0.01354451,
        0.03011129, 0.04008596, 0.02800346, 0.04655738]),
 'mean_score_time': array([1.06189265, 1.07332931, 1.10777717, 1.13303299, 1.21390772,
        1.17987356, 1.23332827, 1.17406003, 1.04527724, 1.01447372,
        1.08605642, 1.03799293, 1.08341451, 1.07243233, 1.13417971,
        1.11480918, 1.02674885, 1.005845  , 1.08556042, 1.03169703,
        1.08297384, 1.11800549, 1.16635559, 1.17006154]),
 'std_score_time': array([0.23956356, 0.26363011, 0.2598528 , 0.25333403, 0.27462399,
        0.26992445, 0.28593096, 0.2628897 , 0.24671801, 0.2257647 ,
        0.27324628, 0.21937784, 0.26188519, 0.25724271, 0.25782156,
        0.26369499, 0.27830301, 0.2187268 , 0.27953336, 0.25301241,
        0.24835224, 0.26079719, 0.29660296, 0.27657547]),
 'param_leaf_size': masked_array(data=[100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 200, 200, 200,
                    200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 400, 400, 400, 400, 400, 400,
                    400, 400],
              mask=[False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False,
                    False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False,
                    False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False],
 'param_n_neighbors': masked_array(data=[5, 5, 10, 10, 15, 15, 20, 20, 5, 5, 10, 10, 15, 15, 20,
                    20, 5, 5, 10, 10, 15, 15, 20, 20],
              mask=[False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False,
                    False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False,
                    False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False],
 'param_weights': masked_array(data=['uniform', 'distance', 'uniform', 'distance',
                    'uniform', 'distance', 'uniform', 'distance',
                    'uniform', 'distance', 'uniform', 'distance',
                    'uniform', 'distance', 'uniform', 'distance',
                    'uniform', 'distance', 'uniform', 'distance',
                    'uniform', 'distance', 'uniform', 'distance'],
              mask=[False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False,
                    False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False,
                    False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False],
 'params': [{'leaf_size': 100, 'n_neighbors': 5, 'weights': 'uniform'},
  {'leaf_size': 100, 'n_neighbors': 5, 'weights': 'distance'},
  {'leaf_size': 100, 'n_neighbors': 10, 'weights': 'uniform'},
  {'leaf_size': 100, 'n_neighbors': 10, 'weights': 'distance'},
  {'leaf_size': 100, 'n_neighbors': 15, 'weights': 'uniform'},
  {'leaf_size': 100, 'n_neighbors': 15, 'weights': 'distance'},
  {'leaf_size': 100, 'n_neighbors': 20, 'weights': 'uniform'},
  {'leaf_size': 100, 'n_neighbors': 20, 'weights': 'distance'},
  {'leaf_size': 200, 'n_neighbors': 5, 'weights': 'uniform'},
  {'leaf_size': 200, 'n_neighbors': 5, 'weights': 'distance'},
  {'leaf_size': 200, 'n_neighbors': 10, 'weights': 'uniform'},
  {'leaf_size': 200, 'n_neighbors': 10, 'weights': 'distance'},
  {'leaf_size': 200, 'n_neighbors': 15, 'weights': 'uniform'},
  {'leaf_size': 200, 'n_neighbors': 15, 'weights': 'distance'},
  {'leaf_size': 200, 'n_neighbors': 20, 'weights': 'uniform'},
  {'leaf_size': 200, 'n_neighbors': 20, 'weights': 'distance'},
  {'leaf_size': 400, 'n_neighbors': 5, 'weights': 'uniform'},
  {'leaf_size': 400, 'n_neighbors': 5, 'weights': 'distance'},
  {'leaf_size': 400, 'n_neighbors': 10, 'weights': 'uniform'},
  {'leaf_size': 400, 'n_neighbors': 10, 'weights': 'distance'},
  {'leaf_size': 400, 'n_neighbors': 15, 'weights': 'uniform'},
  {'leaf_size': 400, 'n_neighbors': 15, 'weights': 'distance'},
  {'leaf_size': 400, 'n_neighbors': 20, 'weights': 'uniform'},
  {'leaf_size': 400, 'n_neighbors': 20, 'weights': 'distance'}],
 'split0_test_score': array([0.74320652, 0.74048913, 0.72826087, 0.73777174, 0.72554348,
        0.72282609, 0.72418478, 0.72418478, 0.74320652, 0.74048913,
        0.72826087, 0.73777174, 0.72554348, 0.72282609, 0.72418478,
        0.72418478, 0.74320652, 0.74048913, 0.72826087, 0.73777174,
        0.72554348, 0.72282609, 0.72418478, 0.72418478]),
 'split1_test_score': array([0.81793478, 0.81929348, 0.8111413 , 0.81929348, 0.80298913,
        0.80434783, 0.79891304, 0.80298913, 0.81793478, 0.81929348,
        0.8111413 , 0.81929348, 0.80298913, 0.80434783, 0.79891304,
        0.80298913, 0.81793478, 0.81929348, 0.8111413 , 0.81929348,
        0.80298913, 0.80434783, 0.79891304, 0.80298913]),
 'split2_test_score': array([0.80136054, 0.79319728, 0.78911565, 0.78231293, 0.78503401,
        0.78367347, 0.77823129, 0.77687075, 0.80136054, 0.79319728,
        0.78911565, 0.78231293, 0.78503401, 0.78367347, 0.77823129,
        0.77687075, 0.80136054, 0.79319728, 0.78911565, 0.78231293,
        0.78503401, 0.78367347, 0.77823129, 0.77687075]),
 'split3_test_score': array([0.72244898, 0.71972789, 0.71972789, 0.72380952, 0.7170068 ,
        0.7170068 , 0.72108844, 0.7170068 , 0.72244898, 0.71972789,
        0.71972789, 0.72380952, 0.7170068 , 0.7170068 , 0.72108844,
        0.7170068 , 0.72244898, 0.71972789, 0.71972789, 0.72380952,
        0.7170068 , 0.7170068 , 0.72108844, 0.7170068 ]),
 'split4_test_score': array([0.84081633, 0.84489796, 0.84081633, 0.84217687, 0.82721088,
        0.83129252, 0.83401361, 0.82993197, 0.84081633, 0.84489796,
        0.84081633, 0.84217687, 0.82721088, 0.83129252, 0.83401361,
        0.82993197, 0.84081633, 0.84489796, 0.84081633, 0.84217687,
        0.82721088, 0.83129252, 0.83401361, 0.82993197]),
 'split5_test_score': array([0.87346939, 0.87346939, 0.8707483 , 0.86938776, 0.86938776,
        0.86938776, 0.85578231, 0.86258503, 0.87346939, 0.87346939,
        0.8707483 , 0.86938776, 0.86938776, 0.86938776, 0.85578231,
        0.86258503, 0.87346939, 0.87346939, 0.8707483 , 0.86938776,
        0.86938776, 0.86938776, 0.85578231, 0.86258503]),
 'split6_test_score': array([0.88435374, 0.88707483, 0.88435374, 0.89659864, 0.89795918,
        0.89795918, 0.89387755, 0.8952381 , 0.88435374, 0.88707483,
        0.88435374, 0.89659864, 0.89795918, 0.89795918, 0.89387755,
        0.8952381 , 0.88435374, 0.88707483, 0.88435374, 0.89659864,
        0.89795918, 0.89795918, 0.89387755, 0.8952381 ]),
 'split7_test_score': array([0.81904762, 0.81496599, 0.82721088, 0.81632653, 0.82040816,
        0.81768707, 0.83537415, 0.82585034, 0.81904762, 0.81496599,
        0.82721088, 0.81632653, 0.82040816, 0.81768707, 0.83537415,
        0.82585034, 0.81904762, 0.81496599, 0.82721088, 0.81632653,
        0.82040816, 0.81768707, 0.83537415, 0.82585034]),
 'split8_test_score': array([0.88571429, 0.88707483, 0.90748299, 0.90340136, 0.90340136,
        0.9047619 , 0.89931973, 0.8952381 , 0.88571429, 0.88707483,
        0.90748299, 0.90340136, 0.90340136, 0.9047619 , 0.89931973,
        0.8952381 , 0.88571429, 0.88707483, 0.90748299, 0.90340136,
        0.90340136, 0.9047619 , 0.89931973, 0.8952381 ]),
 'split9_test_score': array([0.88163265, 0.87755102, 0.89659864, 0.90068027, 0.88843537,
        0.88979592, 0.89115646, 0.89659864, 0.88163265, 0.87755102,
        0.89659864, 0.90068027, 0.88843537, 0.88979592, 0.89115646,
        0.89659864, 0.88163265, 0.87755102, 0.89659864, 0.90068027,
        0.88843537, 0.88979592, 0.89115646, 0.89659864]),
 'mean_test_score': array([0.82699848, 0.82577418, 0.82754566, 0.82917591, 0.82373761,
        0.82387385, 0.82319414, 0.82264936, 0.82699848, 0.82577418,
        0.82754566, 0.82917591, 0.82373761, 0.82387385, 0.82319414,
        0.82264936, 0.82699848, 0.82577418, 0.82754566, 0.82917591,
        0.82373761, 0.82387385, 0.82319414, 0.82264936]),
 'std_test_score': array([0.05552198, 0.0570757 , 0.06297321, 0.06234568, 0.06411713,
        0.06493891, 0.0629104 , 0.06403336, 0.05552198, 0.0570757 ,
        0.06297321, 0.06234568, 0.06411713, 0.06493891, 0.0629104 ,
        0.06403336, 0.05552198, 0.0570757 , 0.06297321, 0.06234568,
        0.06411713, 0.06493891, 0.0629104 , 0.06403336]),
 'rank_test_score': array([ 7, 10,  4,  1, 16, 13, 19, 22,  7, 10,  4,  1, 16, 13, 19, 22,  7,
        10,  4,  1, 16, 13, 19, 22])}


The intuition behind this project is to Recognize Human Activity using Waist-mounted smartphone with an embedded inertial sensor. The objective is to classify activities into one of the six activities performed. The Dataset is collected from







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